How to quickly get 9% vinegar from 70% acetic acid?

Getting 9% vinegar from 70% acetic acid is very simple. You need to dilute 2 tablespoons of the essence in a glass of water. Many housewives intentionally buy only concentrate, forever abandoning the use of table vinegar. After all, knowing the correct proportions, you can get acetic acid of any strength from one bottle - from 3 to 69%.

Water vinegar dilution

How to dilute acetic acid?

2 tablespoons per glass is an approximate proportion of the essence and water. Glasses come in different sizes. If high accuracy is required for the recipe, use the proportion: 1 ml of acetic acid and 6.8 ml of water.

Subtleties of the preparation of the solution:

  • Any water will do. Acid has disinfecting properties. Therefore, you can safely dilute vinegar with raw water. If there are any microbes in it, they will die in an acidic environment.
  • Use a kitchen scale for accurate measurements. To get the correct 9% solution, weigh the right amount of ml of essence, multiply the resulting figure by 6.8. Just as much you need to add water.
  • Measure vinegar and water with spoons. If there is no kitchen scale at home, good old spoons (tablespoons or teaspoons - depending on how much solution you need to get) will help. Just add 1 tablespoon of acid alternately in a glass, then 7 tablespoons of water.

To obtain 1 liter of 9% vinegar, you must mix 880 ml of water and 120 ml of 70% essence.

Acetic acid solution 6% and 9%

Can the solution be stored?

Acetic acid is a well-known preservative. Thanks to her, blanks stand all winter in banks and do not deteriorate. So why not store water with essence? If 9% vinegar is used frequently, you can dilute 70% acid for future use.

Observe storage rules:

  • Use a glass container, in extreme cases - a plastic one. Metal tanks for storing acidic solutions are not suitable.
  • Close the bottle tightly. The issue of tightness is very important. If the cap lets air in, the liquid will gradually erode.
  • Store the solution in the refrigerator, in the pantry, on the kitchen shelf. The main thing is that the temperature regime does not go beyond from -3 to +35 ° C.
  • If you are using a kitchen cabinet, it is important that it is removed from the stove.
  • Acetic solution must be protected from direct sunlight. Keeping it simple on the table is wrong.
  • The shelf life of the solution is approximately 24 months. It is necessary to count from the day of manufacture indicated on the bottle.

If you often make a 9% acetic acid solution, mark the required level of water and vinegar on the container with a marker. Now for dilution you do not have to weigh anything - you can navigate by the marks.

Preservation of cucumbers and peppers

Where to use?

Few people know that vinegar and vinegar are far from the same thing. The first is a natural product obtained as a result of wine fermentation. It has a mild taste and is used mainly in the preparation of various dishes: sauces, drinks, soups (gazpacho and others), desserts.

Under the guise of table vinegar, a solution of acetic acid is often sold, which, in turn, is made synthetically. Chemistry is better at disinfecting and preserving vegetables for the winter. In this case, the solution can also be used in cooking, for example, to extinguish soda.

By diluting the essence on your own, in essence you get the same product as table 9% vinegar. And even a little more. The fact is that recently, cases of falsification have become more frequent. Manufacturers dilute vinegar with water more than necessary. The result is a 4–6% solution instead of a 9% solution. Mistresses use it for conservation, and then the banks suddenly explode.It turns out that diluting acetic acid with water itself is even more reliable than buying finished products.

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  1. Alexander
    11/11/2024 at 15:52 Reply

    How many words out of nothing: a standard bottle of 180 g, 70% - how much of it can be prepared 9% vinegar? or how much water to mix a given volume of acid?
    for vinegar ?? That’s the whole question!

  2. Elena
    11.11.2019 at 19:15 Reply

    Dangerous advice, the most important thing was not said - that water should not be poured into acid. You are not afraid to interfere in the bottle, but if someone in a cup or glass tries, it can boil and splash in the face. So first a little water .......

    • Vladimir
      11/23/2024 at 11:58

      It is only for concentrated sulfuric acid.

  3. Love
    11/12/2024 at 08:03 Reply

    Sensation! It is urgent to write this in all newspapers and show on TV how advertisements are played every five minutes. Yes, on each bottle with 70% vinegar they write how to dilute to the desired consistency. "9% vinegar" is 1: 7, that's all arithmetic.

  4. Valentine
    11/22/2024 at 17:04 Reply

    can be calculated by the formula: the necessary * by the necessary and divide by what we have, i.e. 9 * 1000: 70 = 128 ml

  5. Vladimir
    11/23/2024 at 11:43 Reply

    Actually, they wrote 1 to 20 on ethics

  6. Vladimir
    11/23/2024 at 11:49 Reply

    In general, the taste and color of all the markers are different

  7. valery
    11/25/2024 at 12:58 Reply

    I always breed 1:20 and it is checked by time.


