A convenient way to quickly sprout beans for food and for school at home

Proponents of a healthy diet insist that you first need to sprout beans before eating them. What does this give, and is there a difference in germinating beans for school and for eating? Germinated beans are easier to digest, but the difference between edible and experimental seedlings, primarily in bean varieties.

What is healthy beans

The idea of ​​sprouted beans originated a long time ago, and on the general pursuit of a healthy diet has acquired unprecedented proportions. This is not surprising: many studies confirm that legumes are very useful for the human body, especially in the active phase of growth, when the content of nutrients increases many times.

Beans of different colors

Interesting fact
Beans didn’t reach our tables at once, for a long time they saw only an ornamental plant in it. But this did not stop her from taking a strong position in the cuisines of different peoples of the world, both in the form of a main dish or side dish, and as an ingredient for all kinds of sauces.

Bean seedlings contain:

  • B and C vitamins,
  • beta carotene
  • tocopherol
  • a large number of essential amino acids.

Bean seedlings

Various minerals:

  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • calcium and many others.

To everything else, beans include natural antioxidants that have beneficial effects on the skin and have a rejuvenating effect. It is also a rich source of vegetable protein, which is very important for both children and adults.

For germination and consumption in raw form, the varieties "Adzuki" and "Mash" are suitable. Categorically it is impossible (!) To eat white and red beans sprouted: it is easy to poison them.

How to grow for food

At home, you can quickly sprout beans for food in several stages:

  1. Carefully select and rinse the beans under cold running water.
  2. Take a deep plate and a sieve that will stand on this plate. Such a design will help maintain the taste of the sprouts: excess moisture negatively affects it.
  3. Lay out the bottom of the sieve with a thick layer of gauze and cover the beans.
  4. Fill the gauze layer with such a quantity of water so that the water above it rises by 5 mm.
  5. After 12 hours, rinse the beans and dispose of excess water.
  6. Place dishes with contents in a warm, dark place and spray every 3 hours.

Bean sprouting at home

In a day, the first small sprouts will appear, which will grow noticeably quickly. A length of 1-1.5 cm is sufficient for eating: the taste of such beans is soft, as pleasant as possible, nutty.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends washing the sprouts well at least once a day. Thanks to this, the beans will retain more taste and benefits. It is also worth doing before eating them.

The use of seedlings and how to enter the menu

Sprouted beans have a high nutritional value, they are eaten as an independent dish, used to prepare salads or as a component of more complex treats. In their raw form, the beans go well with fresh herbs, berries and fruits. Bean sprouts are also the main ingredient in many recipes of Asian cuisine, whether Chinese, Indian or Korean. They are even used for baking.

Sprouted beans in a jar

Sprouted beans and oat sprouts are considered to be the most useful combination. They complement each other perfectly and provide the body with a large supply of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

For all its undeniable benefits, it is necessary to introduce bean seedlings into the diet gradually, since there is a possibility of intolerance.

At the first use, you need to be careful and not get carried away by a large number of seedlings. First they are tasted, for example, in the form of sauce, then as an ingredient in a salad. After each test, you need to observe the reaction of the body.

When an allergic reaction occurs, germinated beans should be discarded. If no unpleasant reactions have followed, then gradually increase the portion of the sprouts, but do not abuse it, 100-150 grams per day is enough (this is about 2 tbsp).

School project

Legumes are grown very easily and quickly, so often they are recommended to students for experiment. The purpose of this research work is to find out what conditions are necessary for the growth and good development of bean or pea seeds.

Sprouted beans

Beans are germinated in just 4 stages:

  1. In any clean container: saucer, bowl, plate, plastic container, capron lid - lay with a layer of “soil”. As a soil, cotton wool, bandage, gauze, cotton pads or even a synthetic winterizer are suitable.
  2. Extensively moisten the “soil” with water, creating a moist environment that the beans need.
  3. Create greenhouse conditions. Cover the container with the contents with a piece of cling film or cellophane so that the film does not touch the beans and is stretched over it. Secure with regular stationery rubber or thread. Make a few small holes in the film for air circulation.
  4. Put the improvised "greenhouse" in a dark, warm place and monitor the amount of water in the "soil".

After a week, the sprouts can be planted in the ground and grow beans at home on the windowsill while continuing to monitor its development.

In any school project, students are given more detailed instructions and it is worth sticking to them in their project.

Sprouting beans at home is very simple and interesting. As a school project, this will help to develop accuracy and attentiveness without unnecessary efforts, and as an additive to the diet will help improve the condition of the skin and hair, eyes and gastrointestinal tract. Bean sprouts are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also contain all substances in a form that is easily absorbed by the body.

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