Why do even children like sprouted mung bean and how to cook it?

The fact that healthy food is never tasty is a myth. Most legumes not only help keep the body in good shape, but also taste very good. Mash has the strongest healing properties, but in order to fully reveal the benefits of this culture, it must be properly germinated.

Sprouted mung bean

What is mash and why germinate it?

Germination of edible cereals and beans is a way to maximize their beneficial properties. The use of sprouted mash allows you to satisfy the need of the human body for most vitamins. By the way, the sprouted beans of this culture are considered one of the most delicious.

Mash is a variety of beans that is grown in India, China and Thailand, but it is gaining popularity far beyond the borders of these countries (some Russian summer residents have already managed to grow it in their garden). Also, the culture has an alternative name - mung beans, or golden beans. This bean contains a huge amount of vegetable proteins, which are required by adherents of vegetarianism.

Mash helps fight protein deficiency and is often included in the diet of athletes. Easily digestible protein is supplemented by slow carbohydrates, which contribute to the productive activity of the brain, as well as the amount of fat necessary for the body.

Germinated mung bean contains vitamins of group B, vitamin C, E, PP, provitamin A and folic acid. The composition of the culture also includes about 20 trace elements, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Germination of golden beans is often advised by older people and children, as it is very easy to digest.

Mash with seedlings

After 50 years, mung bean is especially useful due to the fact that it has beneficial effects on many body systems:

  • reduces the level of carcinogens in the blood;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • reduces the likelihood of progression of atherosclerosis;
  • protects against heart failure and stroke;
  • prevents the appearance of cancer.

Doctors recommend sprouted mung bean to patients with gastritis.

Germination Masha

How to sprout mash?

Most cereals and legumes are first soaked - and only then begin to germinate. In order for mung bean to sprout correctly and be useful for the body, you must adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Prepare the beans by rinsing them under running water.
  2. Soak the mash so that the water level is a few centimeters higher (the beans will begin to absorb liquid). Beans are soaked for 8-12 hours.
  3. Drain and rinse the beans again. Sometimes at this stage white sprouts may already appear - this happens if the culture sprouts in favorable conditions.
  4. The washed beans are evenly distributed over the surface of a wide tray or dish. It is necessary to ensure the flow of air so that the germination of the crop begins. It is very important to maintain humidity, because if the mung be dry, its growth will be slowed down or completely stopped.
  5. Beans should be placed in a dark place where it will be warm enough. When the first small seedlings appear, their growth can be stopped by putting the beans in the refrigerator.

The warmer the room where the legumes sprout, the faster the first sprouts appear. Germinating mash at home is quite simple. The optimal length of seedlings, at which it is better to stop the process, is from 2 mm to a centimeter.

Sprouted Salad

How to eat sprouted mung bean?

After the appearance of white tails, the beans are ready for use.

There are 3 main ways to consume germinated mash:

  • In pure form. So you can get the maximum pose from the legumes. It is recommended to eat mung bean on an empty stomach before eating, in order to improve the digestibility of beneficial substances. The culture resembles green peas, and even small children find it tasty.
  • In the salad. Any vegetable salad supplemented with sprouted mash will be much more useful. In addition, such a dish will become more satisfying and tastier. A green salad is good.
  • Vegetable stew. If the sprouted beans do not like the taste, they can always be eaten along with other vegetables in stews. To preserve the benefit of Masha, he is advised to add it at the very least.

We must not forget that if you store the sprouted beans for a long time, then their benefit will begin to decrease, therefore, it is recommended to consume them during the first day.

Germinated mung bean is a very useful bean crop. If you eat only 3 tablespoons of this bean, you can provide the body with the daily norm of many nutrients.

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