How unusual to paint eggs for Easter - 12 ways

The bright holiday of Easter is a wonderful occasion to engage in joint family creativity. Today we will tell you how to paint eggs beautifully at home, offer new ideas and original recipes that will allow you to get beautiful and spectacular Easter characters. Unusual eggs will be a great gift for loved ones.

Boiled chicken eggs

Rules of work: how to prepare for the process?

  • The main secret of beautiful coloring is the integrity of the eggshell. That is why cold eggs should not be dipped in hot water. Previously, they must "get used" to room temperature. Eggs can be left on the table for about half an hour or an hour or heated in warm water.
  • Cook eggs in salted water before painting. To do this, during cooking, add 1 tablespoon of salt to the water.
  • To evenly distribute the paint on the surface of the egg, it is important to degrease it in advance with vinegar, alcohol or just wash it thoroughly with soap and water.
  • It is better to boil the eggs in a large pot so that they do not beat each other during the boil.
  • After staining, rub the eggs with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil. This will also allow for additional color fixing.
  • Fresh eggs need to be cooked 3-4 minutes longer than those that have already been laid in the refrigerator.

Jelly eggs

Original recipes

When the classic onion peel and food coloring are already pretty fed up, the following ideas may well diversify the process of preparing for Easter.

Method 1. Marble eggs - paint with green onion and onion

One of the most interesting recipes, which surprises with its simplicity, accessibility and at the same time an amazing result, is the creation of "marble" eggs at home.

  1. Cut onion husks from onions and red onions with scissors into small pieces. The more cleanings, the brighter and deeper the shade on the eggs will turn out, so it is better to prepare coloring raw materials in advance.
  2. Chopped onion peel

  3. Dampen a raw egg with water and roll in a husk as tightly as possible.
  4. Eggs in Onion Peel Slices

  5. Gauze cut (15 by 15 cm) put on the table. Lay the egg in the center and sprinkle it with onion peel. Wrap in gauze and fix with threads or stationery gum, creating a kind of bag.
  6. Onion peel and gauze egg

  7. Carefully fold the bags into the pan - preferably not a new one, since the dishes will necessarily be painted, and washing it in the end will be problematic.
  8. Pour water into the pan so that the eggs are completely immersed in the liquid. Add a bubble of brilliant green (one bottle is enough to stain 10 eggs). Turn on the fire.
  9. Onion husk eggs in a pot of green onion

  10. After boiling the solution, cook the eggs on low heat for another 8-10 minutes.
  11. Drain, cool and print eggs. Paints resembling marble stones of surprisingly even shape are ready!
  12. Egg stained with green and onion husks

Method 2. Real speckles - a lesson for the patient

Original staining at home - creating specks with your own hands. This is an interesting, fascinating and bewitching process, since it uses a burning candle and melted wax.
Speckled Eggs

  1. Cook hard-boiled eggs in the traditional way.
  2. Light a wax candle.Wait for the wax to melt. Drip molten wax onto the egg in the form of dots in a chaotic manner.
  3. After the wax has hardened, dip the egg in food coloring (prepare the coloring solution in accordance with the recommendations on the package).
  4. Remove the egg from the solution and drip onto the shell again with wax in the form of dots in random order.
  5. Dip the egg in a different color of paint. Attention: it is important to correctly combine colors. For example, remember that red and yellow give an orange color when mixed, yellow and blue add up to green, and red and blue add to purple.
  6. Carefully scrape off the wax spots (they can be slightly warmed up above the candle to facilitate this process). The result is a charming colorful egg with colorful polka dots.

Method 3. With the world on a string - we paint with the help of a floss

When each egg is the personification of the rainbow, we are talking about painting eggs for Easter with floss thread.
Flossed Eggs

  • Wrap a mouline thread of different colors on a raw egg - in any shape, as the fantasy suggests. The main thing is that the flowers should be bright and harmoniously combined with each other. Try to fill the entire surface of the egg.
  • Boil hard-boiled eggs for 10-15 minutes.
  • Get out the eggs. Cool. Remove the threads. Voila! In front of you is a multi-colored egg, dotted with marvelous lines.

Method 4. Our format is voluminous Easter masterpieces

The painstaking and complex process of creating eggs for Easter involves the use of all kinds of decorative elements. However, it is here that you can give free rein to imagination and create with your own hands true works of art.
Easter eggs in colored sprinkles

  1. On the finished dye (an egg dyed in one color with a natural or food coloring) drip molten wax in the form of a specific pattern. To do this, use a lit candle. The flame should not touch the shell, so as not to inherit soot from the fire.
  2. Roll the egg with warm wax in the decor material. You can use Easter sprinkles or colored semolina. Additional elements can be glued onto the egg manually, again using melted wax as glue.
  3. After drying, lubricate the surface of the egg with vegetable oil. It will fix the decor elements and give the egg a festive sparkle.

Method 5. Do-it-yourself sweet pictures - paint with sugar

An interesting way to paint Easter eggs is to use sugar. Eggs framed by voluminous sugar "lace" look very tender and elegant. This noble and beautiful pattern will harmoniously look on a krashenka of any color.
Easter eggs with sugar icing pattern

  1. Pour slowly into the icing sugar in the water to make a white mass of a thick consistency.
  2. Type the sweet mass in the confectionery syringe.
  3. Apply a pattern to any dyed and dried egg.
  4. Dry the egg. "Lace" eggs will surely please your loved ones!

Method 6. Real drapes - dag scratches

On Easter eggs, you can not only apply a pattern on top, but also scratch out an interesting ornament with a stationery knife or a thick needle. Pre-paint the egg in any usual way using natural dyes or industrial pigments.
Easter eggs - drapes

The process of applying the drawing is quite laborious, but the result is an elegant ornament.

  1. Color the egg in any convenient way - you can use both natural and food colors.
  2. Next, apply an arbitrary drawing on the egg with a simple pencil.
  3. It is necessary to circle the pencil lines with a clerical knife, carefully scratching the outline. Thus, a unique embossed Easter egg is obtained.

Method 7. Original swirls - paint with nail polish

Another variation on the theme of "marble eggs" - a way to paint eggs for Easter with nail polish. It is important in this case to work with gloves to avoid staining the fingers. If random stains appear, you can always use nail polish remover.
Egg Nail Polish

  1. Take a wide container of medium depth into which you can load the egg.
  2. Prepare several types of nail polish that will match in color.
  3. Pour water into the selected container and drip the nail polish.
  4. Carefully draw lacquer patterns on the water surface with a toothpick or needle.
  5. Dip the cooked and prepared eggs into the liquid so that the picture covers the egg from all sides.
  6. Place eggs on a tray to dry completely. Fancy krashenki ready!

Method 8. Creative eggs - decorate from the inside

An original way of coloring eggs at home allows you to create patterns directly on egg white. Agree, it’s unusual - it’s hardly where else you will meet! Just in case, we recall that eating this egg is not worth it, however, it may well diversify the festive table.
Cracked egg white

  1. Hard-boiled eggs until cooked in the usual way.
  2. Remember the shell of the boiled egg before the formation of chaotic cracks.
  3. In the prepared coloring solution (for this it is necessary to prepare the dye according to the recommendations on the packaging), lower the egg for several minutes.
  4. Take out the egg, dry and peel. Unusual krashenka is ready!

Method 9. "Terry" dyes - paint semolina

The “terry” effect is given to eggs by the simplest semolina prepared not in the simplest way. So with your own hands you can create a voluminous souvenir that will surprise with its tenderness.
Egg baked in colored semolina

  1. Cook hard-boiled eggs in salted water.
  2. Pour 100 grams of semolina into any container and add a few drops of liquid dye, depending on the desired color intensity. It is important in this case to use liquid food coloring, since in this case the concentration of the coloring matter will be just optimal. Dry dye diluted in water can cause semolina to swell, and glued lumps for decoration of eggs are no longer suitable. Next, you need to thoroughly mix the resulting substance.
  3. Prepare other semolina colors in the same way.
  4. Beat with a mixer, whisk or fork the protein of one egg. Protein will be the glue for semolina.
  5. Brush an egg with protein.
  6. Roll the egg in colored semolina and leave to dry completely - preferably all night.

Method 10. Easter dessert

To the delight of children with their own hands, you can prepare original and sweet eggs-desserts that will decorate the holiday table and add variety to the Easter menu.
Gelatin Egg with Berries

  1. Take drinks of different colors - for example, juices of orange, cherry, apple.
  2. Dilute gelatin in warm water and dissolve in warm juice.
  3. In a clean raw egg, make a small puncture and gently shake out the contents.
  4. Rinse the shell thoroughly inside with running water. Put on a baking sheet and warm the shell in the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
  5. Using a syringe, pour the gelatin juice into the puncture in the shell.
  6. Put the workpieces in the refrigerator until they solidify for about a day.
  7. Gently peel the shell and delight the child with bright jelly eggs, which the baby will surely enjoy with pleasure, especially if he himself participated in the preparation.

Method 11. Classic decoupage - pictures from the exhibition

Among the interesting ways to paint Easter eggs at home, decoupage stands out. Beautiful napkins can be used not only for decorating souvenir dishes or furniture. Decoupage technique is the best suited for the original decoration of Easter eggs.
Decoupage Easter Eggs

  1. Pick up a beautiful paper napkin and cut out your favorite pattern or ornament. Remove the top layer.
  2. Whisk the protein of one egg with a whisk or fork. It will be an impromptu glue.
  3. Lubricate the egg with protein in the place where the picture will be glued.
  4. The drawing must be applied to the egg and using a brush to apply a layer of protein on top from the center to the edges, smoothing the surface of the picture.
  5. Dry the egg. A beautiful Easter souvenir decorated with interesting pictures will please your loved ones!

Method 12. No Shaving Foam

This unusual option for coloring eggs with your own hands is associated with the unconventional use of traditional things.
Shaved Foam Eggs

  1. Squeeze a small amount of shaving foam onto a flat surface.
  2. Dripping industrial dyes into the foam in a chaotic manner.
  3. Draw any patterns on the foam with a stick, a toothpick or a regular fork.
  4. Dip the egg into the foam and roll it on all sides so that the pattern densely fills the entire surface of the shell.
  5. Put on a paper towel and let the egg dry for about an hour.

Any process of coloring eggs will be even more fun if the whole family is included in it. It is especially interesting to act as assistants to children! They will be happy to participate in the procedure for creating Easter souvenirs, to decorate them to your taste. At the same time, they will be able to get acquainted with wonderful Orthodox traditions and gain useful experience - to do and give good!

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leave a comment
  1. Anna
    04/18/2024 at 11:50 Reply

    Girls, if you paint Easter eggs, then they should be "thematic" colors and patterns, and not any claim to art

    • trianda
      04/25/2024 at 14:25

      WHO LIKES THAT and paints

  2. Lyuda
    04/19/2024 at 19:30 Reply

    All kinds are good. !!! I especially liked it with the help of varnish.

  3. Anna
    04/21/2024 at 19:37 Reply

    Yes, really ... With varnish is great ... Who eats them later is interesting. Yes, and with greenback it is doubtful edible, although pretty

    • marina
      04/23/2024 at 18:38

      I painted with green, nothing bad, beautiful

  4. Valentine
    04/21/2024 at 23:22 Reply

    Only onion husks. Everything else is superfluous - to paint and discard.

  5. Natalya
    04/22/2024 at 14:56 Reply

    I make a decoupage of their napkins. Beauty. No one will ever be the same. And then I only paint in husks. Is such an egg really interesting?

    • Olga
      04/22/2024 at 15:47

      Decorations with napkins are not beaten, guests will definitely be delighted. See how cool it turns out here

  6. Irina
    04/23/2024 at 02:14 Reply

    I liked all the options, tips. I will do decoupage for children just right. We have children go Christians. But we have 5 floor, too lazy to go up. Yes, and not every give. Every year, she distributes 2 lattices of eggs to her aunt, it’s even a shame that we don’t have so many. Thank you so much.

  7. Svetlana
    04/23/2024 at 10:07 Reply

    And I liked the ideas at number 5, 6 and 10. Eggs according to these recipes can be made with a guarantee of environmental friendliness.

  8. Larisa
    04/23/2024 at 12:33 Reply

    Did the eggs paint for the guests?

  9. Lyuda
    04/23/2024 at 15:09 Reply

    Industrial dyes ??? Are you out of your mind? Microcracks may still appear on the shell. Nail polish is thrash! I am for food coloring and decoupage. Adhesive for decoupage is not just ordinary, I cook paste only from food!

    • Oksana
      04/29/2024 at 15:08

      You can have more protein!

  10. yulduz
    04/24/2024 at 09:04 Reply

    Have you ever wondered why you need to paint eggs for Easter?

    • Anatoly
      05/06/2024 at 23:58

      The ladies are not aware of the essence of the ritual ... They only need to shine!

  11. Olga
    04/25/2024 at 11:59 Reply

    How to wash the pan from brilliant green then?

    • Antonina
      04/27/2024 at 17:18

      Last year, I dyed marble eggs with 2-color onion husks and brilliant green. True, it wasn’t a whole bubble of green, I was afraid .... The eggs turned out to be cool, beautiful, and most importantly, edible !!! there was no smell of greenery or taste! It was rather difficult with the pan))) I cooked them in a stainless steel, then even it was washed for a long time ... but with time it was washed!))) And I also cook eggs in onion husk after tying carved leaves from a dandelion, different blades of grass into pieces of old nylon pantyhose. It’s necessary to tinker, but it also turns out beautiful and original!


