What nuts should be soaked before consumption and why?

To find out why soak nuts before eating, you need to turn to the experience of nutritionists and raw foodists. People who prefer a proper diet, note the presence of protein, vitamins, minerals and a large amount of healthy fats in nuts. The product is also rich in fiber and phytic acid. Nuts quickly relieve hunger. But the reverse side of their use is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a complex process of assimilation.

Almonds in a bowl of water

Why soak nuts

The soaking procedure helps to avoid discomfort and help the body absorb the beneficial protein faster. It awakens dormant nuclei, starts the process of germination. As a result, after the structure, taste qualities change, the nut is enriched with enzymes that are responsible for the development of the sprout, and harmful phytic acid is excreted.

The presence of phytic acid is noted in almost all types of nuts. During ripening, it provides the fruits with natural protection against premature eating in the natural environment by animals or birds. By the time of maturity, a small percentage of phytin remains in the nucleus. But with the constant use of raw nuts, acid can accumulate, having a harmful effect.

Explaining why put kernels in water before meals, nutritionists also note the dangers of eating roasted nuts every day. If soaked almonds acquire the softness of marzipan with the aroma of exquisite amaretto and enrich the body with useful enzymes, then fried almonds produce the opposite effect.

The oils contained in the composition during heat treatment interact with phytic acid and tannin (concentrated in the shell), resulting in oxidation. An increase in oil during frying can cause stomach discomfort.

The benefits of eating soaked nuts are observed if the daily rate does not exceed 300 g.

Nuts in jars of water

How to soak nuts?

To awaken the kernels and activate the contained enzymes, the nuts are placed in a salted solution and kept there for 4 to 12 hours.

In order to properly prepare the solution, you will need:

  • purified (filtered, boiled) water - 2 parts;
  • unroasted nuts - 1 part;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon per glass of nuts;
  • glass jar or bowl.

It is better to use large sea or pink Himalayan salt - it is rich in minerals and is considered more useful than ordinary table salt.

Soak dried fruits as follows:

  1. prepare a glass container (plastic is not suitable for prolonged soaking of products in salt);
  2. rinse selected nuts in water, remove low-quality specimens (deformed, moldy, shriveled);
  3. pour into a bowl and pour warm water so that it completely covers the nuts;
  4. pour the right amount of salt, mix;
  5. cover with a film.

There is an easier way. Wash nuts and pour into warm drinking water. Salt is not used. Cover and leave for several hours or overnight. After the water is drained. The fruits are dried on a towel or in the oven.

Soaked Nuts

What nuts should be soaked before consumption?

It is best to use an environmentally friendly, non-processed chemical product. If possible, the fruits are harvested on their own. You can choose any type - for example, walnuts common in our country. They are cleaned, washed and soaked in portions.A glass is enough for one time - a larger amount of product may deteriorate. The awakened kernels are stored for no more than three days in the refrigerator.

If you are using a purchased product, pay attention to appearance. Choose to your taste, but consider a few points:

  • kernels must be intact;
  • peeled walnut is better protected from fungi and other harmful factors;
  • if you are buying in a supermarket, look at the bottom of the bag or box - if there is walnut dust there, and the surface is distinguished by the presence of small holes, it means that the worm bites with a treat. It is better to immediately refuse such a purchase.

Soaked Hazelnuts

How much to soak nuts

If you do not know how long it is to immerse the purchased nuts in water or use a nut mixture, then pour them before bedtime. By morning they will be ready.

Different species require a different amount of time to change the structure, but at least 4 hours:

  • 12 hours swell almonds and pistachios;
  • 8 hours is enough for hazelnuts and walnuts;
  • from 8 to 10 hours pine nuts and pecans wake up;
  • 6 hours cashew required;
  • The Brazil nut is the fastest to absorb moisture; 4 hours is enough for it.

Walnuts in a pan

Do I need to dry?

Soaked nuts can be consumed immediately. After draining the water, the cores are laid out on a towel to remove excess moisture. For those who like to crunch, a method of dehydration at a minimum temperature in an oven or electric dryer is suitable. But it is worth remembering that it is advisable to bake nuts on a baking sheet for at least 4 hours at a temperature of no higher than 60–70 degrees. Quick drying at high temperature will have a frying effect.

Kernels soaked in water are healthier than dried and fried kernels. They increase the number of active ingredients that are more easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the taste improves, the nut becomes softer. It’s worth at least once trying to soak the nuts yourself in order to feel the difference.

material author changes from
How was nuts soaked before and on what occasion?
  1. Nikolay
    04/07/2024 at 17:59 Reply

    Where did you get this nonsense?

  2. Mikhail Frolov
    04/28/2024 at 12:14 Reply

    thanks for the article, I do it myself for softness, to get a type of cocktail, water emulsion, I always soak pumpkin peeled seeds, walnuts, and sprouted wheat for 24 hours in the refrigerator, then add a teaspoon of honey and grind everything in a cocktail, assimilation such a cocktail is 10 times better than just chewing nuts and grains and seeds.

  3. Elena
    10.26.2019 at 16:17 Reply

    Previously, I only thoroughly washed and dried walnuts - immediately the entire volume purchased. Then I read that they need to be soaked. I did this a couple of times: soaked at night, then dried in the oven over minimal heat. As a result, nuts from normal and tasty right during the drying process turned into rotten ones - black inside and smell of mold. Something I do not want to spoil the product anymore. Or did I do something wrong?


