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Is it possible to use expired soap: how to understand that it is worth throwing it away

Answering the main question right away, you can use expired soap. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. A solid lump is stored for years after the expiration of its “official” shelf life and does not lose its main properties. But there is some specificity.

Bar soap

What is expiration date?

Lump soap calmly lies both 10, and 20 years, without changing appearance. But does packaging usually mean a shorter period? How is it determined?

By marking “suitable for ...”, the manufacturer only gives a guarantee that during this period all components will exactly meet the declared parameters. And what will happen to them afterwards is no longer his area of ​​responsibility. So, the soap “fizzles out” over time, losing its aroma.

soap in the package

Bar soap after the expiration date

First of all, the site reminds: the more natural the soap, the worse it is stored. This does not mean that at the end of the expiration date it completely loses its properties. After all, its main function is the removal of contaminants, its whetstone retains to the last, while it is able to wash. But the pleasant smell will be exhausted for sure, not immediately, of course, but it will happen. For the natural - faster, for the natural - much later. Its shelf life is, in principle, very arbitrary.


How many additional properties (primarily aroma) the soap will preserve depends on the conditions in which it is stored. Dry and covered in polyethylene, it will lie longer.

And, contrary to popular belief, soap in most cases does not begin to crack or turn into stone. This kind is a consequence of improper storage.

Liquid soap

But with liquid soap and detergents, the situation is sadder: since they are a complex compound liquid, it is easy to guess from their appearance that the period has long passed. They become turbid, lose their color, exfoliate into separate substances or precipitate. The use of such funds is strongly discouraged.

Liquid soap

Baby soap

As for children's expired soap, for its intended purpose it is better not to use it after the expiration date. In this sense, it is better to play it safe, after all, we are talking about very sensitive skin, it is almost impossible to predict its reaction.

Baby soap

So don’t be upset if you didn’t manage to use the soap on time and, moreover, don’t throw it out right after. On the farm, it will undoubtedly come in handy, both in its usual purpose and in the form of mixtures for cleaning and other household chores.

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