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How to disassemble the toilet flush tank with a button

Modern mechanisms of water overflow for the toilet bowl are designed so that they are quite easy to remove and, in addition, they do not need to be repaired or replaced. Most often, to eliminate the leak, it is enough to adjust the length of the stem with the gland at the end so that the plug fits more tightly into the hole. To get the mechanism, you need to disassemble the flush toilet bowl. If this is an outdoor model with a button, you need to remove the cover. It’s a bit more difficult to work with the installation: only the buttons on the wall are removed, and the mechanism will have to be pulled out through the narrow opening that has opened.


How to disassemble a tank with a button

The exact method depends on the brand and model.

Threaded integral fastening (for example, tanks of firm AlkaPLAST):

  1. Slightly drowning the button, hold the framing ring-sleeve with your fingers.
  2. Unscrew (counterclockwise).
  3. Remove the cover.
  4. The drain mechanism is mounted on the spikes: you need to turn the pipe with the rod counterclockwise so that the pins come out of the grooves, and remove the entire mechanism.

The same brand mounts Santek, Roca, Sanita, Cersanit, Jika.


A similar device is when you first need to unscrew the sleeve ring, and then the button that is screwed into the movable bar (this makes the mechanism more universal and allows the button to stand exactly in the center of any tank lid).

Button mechanism with stoppers (for example Ifo):

  1. By tilting the button sideways, pry it off with your fingers or a plastic knife and remove.
  2. Under the button there is a fixing screw, it needs to be unscrewed and set aside.
  3. Use pliers, pliers or hands to release the stoppers that hold the button frame on the sides.
  4. Pull out the frame and loosen the faience cover freely.

tank with a button

Key release (on the example of the tank Gustavsberg):

  1. Lightly drown the key away from you.
  2. At the near end of the key a small groove will appear - catch on it with a screwdriver or plastic knife and pull up until it clicks.
  3. Under the key is a screw that actually holds the structure together. It is completely unscrewed by hand, but because of the narrow framing frame it is more convenient to act with narrow pliers.
  4. Remove the plastic frame, which is also the cover.

Before disassembling any barrel, be sure to shut off the water, otherwise the constantly accumulating water will interfere with the work.


The most difficult thing is to remove the mechanism from the built-in tank. The main problem is the limited space. Access to the stem, tubes and inlet hoses is through a narrow hole under the frame.

The button strip itself can be folding (after dismantling the front cover, the strip opens like a book, and the buttons do not need to be removed from the fasteners) and single (removing the platband, you have to remove the buttons). In some models, the button strip is screwed to the mounting frame, in others (cheaper) it is fixed directly to the wall.

Geberit Duofix Installation

If the installation has a double flush, each of the buttons is connected to its own push rod (unlike most external tanks), and each of them must be disconnected.

Step-by-step instruction (for example Geberit Delta):

  1. Raise and remove the platband with buttons.
  2. Remove the screws on the sides and the pushers in the center.
  3. Remove the frame.
  4. Press locks and remove flapper.
  5. Dismantle the block with two rocker arms (transmitting movement from the pushers to the rods with plugs).
  6. Pull out the filling valve (it is not necessary to remove it from the hoses - just bring it out).
  7. Remove the drain valve retainer (to do this, loosen the "mustache").
  8. Remove the drain valves. At Geberit Delta their device is designed to work in a narrow space. First you need to crank and remove the upper end of the left valve. Then bend the right valve (press sideways until it clicks).In this form, the structure is quite easily lifted and then passes into the hole in the wall.

Geberit toilet

Overflow repair by example Grohe:

  1. Having pressed latches, to dismantle the front panel with buttons.
  2. Loosen the nut and disconnect the water supply hose.
  3. Pull up, turning so that the spikes come out of the grooves, and pull through the window.

The drain valve is just as easy to remove: it must be pulled up until it clicks, and then removed through an opening in the wall.

Most common malfunctions

The most common complaint after several years of operation of the toilet tank is that water constantly drains into the toilet. This means excessive consumption of cold water, rust on earthenware and increased wear of the drain and overflow mechanisms.

The most common problem is caused by:

  • the accumulation of salts and water stone, due to which the gasket is less tight - just clean using special or improvised means;
  • accumulation of dirt and rust from the pipes, which lead to depressurization, and in addition, the holes in the toilet and its outlet pipe become clogged, as a result, the plumbing works worse, water needs more and more water to wash off waste - if the water is very dirty, it is very important to regularly clean the tank and soften with special salt, means, such as "Calgon". A heavily rusted tank will have to be soaked and left overnight and repeat the procedure several times. In this case, the product must be tolerant, safe for plastic and rubber;
  • deformation, rupture or coarsening of the cork - the craftsmen advise to soak it in soda solution, but most often the gasket has to be replaced. If the cork has become a little tougher, it is enough to adjust the siva stock so that they fall lower, press the cork harder, and it sits more tightly.

For information
Half an hour or an hour after the drain, the back of the toilet should be dry. If it is wet, the cork is let in, and you need to either adjust it, clean it, or repair the mechanism.

The installation is infrequent, but there is such a problem as the wrong position of the buttons. If the button has left its place and at least pinched by the platband, it will constantly put pressure on the push rod and water will leak a little.

Mounting a Geberit Delta Key

Finally, in addition to salts and dirt, mucus can build up. Ideally, this should not be, because the water is constantly updated in the tank, and these are not suitable conditions for bacteria. Nevertheless, and this happens. Fortunately, such a plaque is removed very simply: warm water with a sponge or brush. After cleaning, it does not hurt to disinfect the container and mechanism, for example, having abandoned 1 tbsp. l citric acid. recommends using salt to soften water or wash the tank once a month (with medium hardness), pour a warm solution inside with plumbing detergent, Persole, soda ash, Calgon, Finish, etc. P.

Do not forget to clean the tank from time to time and check the wall of the toilet bowl - it should be dry. This will help for a long time not to disassemble the drain tank and not worry about the serviceability of mechanisms and hoses. If dirt has accumulated, remove the plastic parts and wash, then assemble the tank back. Most likely, the problem will be solved.

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