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We repair the mosquito net and the handle of the plastic window with our own hands

It’s quite easy to break a mosquito net, and then you have to buy a new one or call a master to fix it. Fortunately, it’s easy to learn how to repair mosquito nets on plastic windows yourself. This does not require rare or complex tools, and you can learn all the operations quickly. This useful skill will save a lot of money and solve all problems with mosquito nets in the shortest possible time.

Cat by the window with mosquito net

Why the mosquito net breaks

Mosquito net is one of the most fragile window accessories. Its frame is made of a thin aluminum profile, and the handles are made of plastic. And the canvas itself also cannot be called excessively strong. Design reliability lasts for several years of operation with the correct performance of all operations. But the risk of breakage remains significant throughout the entire time of use.

There are several reasons why a mosquito net may fail. Knowing the main causes of breakdowns will help to avoid operational errors and extend the life of this useful accessory. In addition, when the cause of the breakdown is clear, it is much easier to plan repairs.

Here are the factors that cause the grid to fail most often:

  • Errors when installing the grid on the window. If the fasteners are installed inaccurately (for example, mistakes were made during the marking) or incorrectly selected, installing the grid in place will be difficult. And then an unsuccessful application of force will lead to breakage.
  • Trying to remove the grid or install it on the frame without understanding how this is done.
  • Actions of domestic animals, accidentally flown birds.
  • Destruction of plastic under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Under such conditions, plastic ages and becomes brittle.
  • The vagaries of nature. A gusty gusty wind, frequent rains or hail may well cause damage to the canvas or frame.

Mosquito net is not a reliable barrier for young children. Do not leave your child unattended in a room with a window covered only with a net. When pressed with a child’s hand, it will jump out of the mounts and a tragedy will happen!

To extend the life of the grid, it is worthwhile to carefully study the rules for installing it on the window and removing it from the fasteners (as well as teach all homework about this). At times, the structure needs to be inspected for cracks, corrosion, holes. If you eliminate all the detected faults in a timely manner, the grid will last for many years without requiring major repairs.

Broken handle on a mosquito net

First step: damage audit

Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to conduct a thorough audit of all components of the structure and identify all damage. This will allow you to understand whether DIY repair is cost-effective or cheaper to purchase a new grid.

Let us examine in more detail the most common damage.

  • Broken corners

To connect the aluminum profiles that form the frame, corners stamped from plastic are used. Their strength is less than that of the main profile. Due to temperature changes and installation errors, the corners may burst. Such a breakdown also most often occurs when the grid falls from the window. To restore the frame, you need to replace the damaged corner.

  • Web break

Damage to the net can be birds, pets, adverse weather conditions. Insects will enter the room through the holes, so this defect requires immediate repair.The easiest option is to stick the patch with molecular glue. But a more reliable and aesthetic repair option will be a complete replacement of the mesh web.
Broken handle on a mosquito net

  • Handle breakage

Most often, handles fail on grids that have remained on the window for a long time. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the plastic is "aged", and with the slightest effort the handles break off. A new kit is inexpensive, and you can install it instead of broken pens in minutes. The main difficulty is to remove the grid with broken handles from the window.

  • Holders breakage

The staples on which the mesh is attached are also made of plastic. So, they age due to ultraviolet and temperature changes and can break off with carelessly applied effort. Repair in this case consists in replacing the broken bracket with a new one. The main thing is to choose the right replacement in size. Then the repair becomes elementary: unscrew the two screws to remove the broken bracket, and then return them to their place, securing a new holder.

Mosquito net corner

We select tools, purchase materials

After examining the damage that is present on the grid, make up the repair project. It can be kept in mind, but it is better to write down all the operations, sizes, and also the parts and tools required for repair on a separate sheet. Such a project will allow you to better understand what and in what sequence you need to do.

You can buy all the necessary materials in specialized stores. Typically, the sale of components is carried out by companies that specialize in the manufacture of plastic windows and nets for them.

In the same company, you can order the departure of the master at home to repair the grid. But in fact, there is nothing complicated in the repair, and any person with a minimum skill in working with the tool will cope with it.

The repair kit will vary slightly depending on the damage. Here is an example of a list of components needed to repair a grid with dimensions of 0.7 m by 1.5 m:

  • Mesh cloth. It is selected with a margin of 10 cm for each measurement (i.e., 0.8 m by 1.6 m). Stock will allow you to fix the canvas on the frame.
  • 5 m of rubber cord for sealing (its diameter is 5 mm, color is gray).
  • Two pens made of plastic.
  • Four corners of plastic (two right and two left).

Toolkit for work is also very common:

  • screwdrivers (Phillips and straight);
  • mallet;
  • scissors.

The only tool that is not in any home is a plastic roller for rolling the sealing cord into the grooves. But the roller is easy to replace with any blunt object that fits in size (it can be a wooden ruler or the handle of a construction knife).

Do-it-yourself mesh repair

To consider the repair procedure, we take for example the most difficult situation: when you try to remove the grid from the window, the handle breaks. The mesh that fell out of my hands fell onto the asphalt. Because of this, the canvas broke and one corner of the frame cracked. Repair of almost all components will be required, which will allow us to describe the operating procedure most fully.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Pick up the sealing cord with the tip of the screwdriver and pull it out of the frame.
  2. Remove the torn mesh as well as the cross strut. The crossbar is not fixed on the frame with latches, it is very easy to lose it. Therefore, it is better to immediately set it aside until the final assembly stage of the mesh.
  3. Gently tapping with a mallet, disassemble the frame and remove the damaged corner.
  4. Install a new corner and assemble the frame. When assembling using a square, the position of all profiles is controlled, otherwise the frame may skew.
  5. Insert the cross member and connectors, lay the net on the frame, and on top of it - a sealing cord.
  6. Roll the cord into place. If it was not possible to pull the net straight from the first time, pull out the cord and repeat the operation.
  7. Screw on new handles.

It remains to carefully trim the excess mesh and the sealing cord.

We repair handles on a window

If the handle on the plastic window has become unusable (for example, the lever has broken off), it is changed.Also, during the replacement process, it is easy to install a handle with a lock or bounding comb. If a new pen is at hand, replacing is easy.

All manipulations are carried out in the open position:

  1. First, the decorative trim is moved from place, allowing access to the two screws that hold the handle in place. It is easy to unscrew them with a Phillips screwdriver. To install a new handle using the supplied screws, but you can screw in the old ones.
  2. The pin of the new handle is inserted into the hole. If the comb will be placed, it is put on the pin before installation.
  3. Then the handle is fixed with wines and the decorative overlay is put in place.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in replacing. The main thing is that the new fittings are precisely sized.

Some useful tips

Before starting work, carefully read the instructions for the window frame. If it is not preserved, suitable schemes are easy to find on the Internet. Also, all stages of installation will help to present training videos produced by window manufacturers and professional installers.

Armed with this knowledge, a set of tools and accessories, it is easy to repair the grid yourself. We hope that our article has helped you understand how this work is done. Good luck

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leave a comment
  1. Cockerel
    05/28/2024 at 15:58 Reply

    Nafik you mosquito net? Perdanul and all mosquitoes fell!

  2. Cockerel answer
    05/30/2024 at 17:57 Reply

    You’re most importantly not farting fluid, otherwise it’s not only mosquitoes


