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How to glue plastic with superglue and soda at home

We reveal the secret after which your life will not be the same: if you glue plastic objects with superglue with soda, the result will be much stronger and more durable.

How it works

The main active ingredient in the composition of any type of superglue is cyanoacrylate. When it combines with soda, a chemical reaction begins - the familiar hiss. Thanks to sodium bicarbonate, heat generation is enhanced, the gluing process is faster, and the result is much stronger than in the case of ordinary glue.

A pack of soda and superglue

On a note
Two-component adhesives work in the same way, in which the contents of two tubes are mixed - the glue itself and the alkaline reagent.

The double composition will be able to firmly glue various plastic parts, as well as restore small breakdowns. This simple reception was noted by housewives, car enthusiasts, computer scientists and many others.

plastic part

How to glue plastic parts

Plastic repair will require a little preparation. If everything is done correctly, then the objects will fasten tightly:

  1. To process surfaces with a small abrasive, for example, sandpaper. This will remove dirt and make the material rough, which means that its ability to absorb glue will increase.
  2. Wipe the parts to be bonded with any alcohol-containing liquid. If fat is not removed, the connection will be fragile.
  3. Apply superglue to a dry surface. Cover both parts with the substance and connect.
  4. Pour soda into the joint.
  5. For better bonding of plastic, it is recommended to organize a press so that the parts are motionless for 15-20 minutes and are firmly pressed against each other.
  6. Remove particles of glue that spilled out of the seam, for example, using sandpaper.

Bonding plastic

A mixture of glue and soda is used both for fastening parts and for filling voids. The mass looks very much like plastic. First, soda is poured into the recess, superglue is poured on top. The patch will be ready in seconds. It remains only to polish it.

The recommended layer of soda for filling joints is 3 mm.

During and after working with superglue at home, one should not forget about the ventilation of the room: during the reaction, gases are released. magazine recalls that superglue is a toxic substance, so you should not use it to repair children's plastic toys and utensils.

superglue in tubes

How else is the mixture applied?

There is another unusual way to use soda powder and glue - cleaning dishes. In the usual ways, can’t you remove the long-term soot from the pan?

Try an effective method with soda and silicate glue:

  1. Pour a large container with water, bring it to a boil.
  2. Rub a bar of soap. Shuffle.
  3. Reduce heat to a minimum.
  4. Pour in office glue and sprinkle soda. Proportions - 100 ml per 1 glass.
  5. Put dirty dishes in the solution. The method is suitable only for metal products, plastic can not be washed in this way.
  6. Hold for about an hour, then turn off the stove and leave objects for another couple of hours.
  7. The carbon layer after this procedure is easily removed with a sponge.
  8. Rinse the dishes in clean water.

anti-carbon remedy

Before getting rid of items with breakdowns, remember a trick with soda and superglue. In most cases, the problem is solved the first time.

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