Time management for a modern housewife
Homework, unlike office, is impossible to finish. This routine can kill a woman in any woman. The daily mess of homework in 24x7 mode is sometimes not only exhausting, but also leaves no time for basic self-care, for your favorite activities, for attention to homework. So depression is not far. To help housewives, the basic principles of time management. In other words, rational time management, which allows you to do much more, getting tired an order of magnitude less (this is especially true for women on maternity leave, because their worries are added many times!). Oddly enough, there is nothing complicated here, it is enough to follow simple tips.
The main thing is the correct "dosage"
The first thing you need to learn, striving for a "high society of ideal housewives" and comprehending the basics of time management for women, it is important to do everything gradually. So, the apartment should not shine with perfect cleanliness by tomorrow, because the woman firmly decided to change her approach to planning her time from tomorrow. "Rake up blockages" must be gradually, over a period of time every day. Then there will be no sensation of Cinderella, who has been scattering everything right and left for days on end.
So where to start?
- Make a plan of large-scale affairs that are important to fulfill on the way to the ideal (to understand the pantry, dressing room, kitchen, etc.). Then take no more than 40 minutes daily for these chores. The rest is easy to leave for tomorrow. Yes! Necessary to postpone for tomorrow part of what can be done today so that the monotonous fuss does not exhaust completely! The remaining volume needs to be returned daily for 40 minutes, until it is all completed. And only then - to enter the path of maintaining cleanliness.
- The same thing applies to traditional things, put off for the weekend: washing, cleaning the entire apartment. If you divide these chores into parts (and cleaning - into zones), while doing as needed daily for 30-40 minutes, then at the weekend a lot of time will be freed for relaxation, communication with family and friends.
- For the same purpose (not to get bogged down in the routine), daily tedious but necessary things should be tried to disperse among others, and not dump them all one after another in the evening. For example, ironing, cooking dinner, washing dishes should not be gathered in one big rump. They can be performed between other things.
- If you imagine yourself as a buyer of your apartment, you will immediately see what you need to “bring to mind” (replace the handles on the cabinets, hang the shelf in a more convenient place, plaster the showered corner in the hallway). The list of these tasks should also be carried out gradually, but systematically, until it is fully completed.
Do not be afraid to put the washing machine on deferred mode, so that the wash ends at the time of the morning rise. It remains only to clean things in their places (by the way, you can do this in any free minute). This eliminates the need to kill the whole day running around a grand wash.
The right daily mood
The following time management rules will help the housewife stay in “working condition” all day. To do this, it is important to perform a series of actions that in this context will seem strange to many.
- In the morning, put yourself in order, do your hair and make-up (even if you plan to spend all day at home!).
- Wear comfortable shoes with laces. Simple slippers are easy to fold. And this is the temptation to “lie down for 5 minutes” from time to time.If the forces and time are correctly distributed, these “lodging” can be dispensed with. In addition, they dampen great, taking much more than 5 minutes!
- Allocate for yourself in the house a place where to do a quick cleaning is not difficult. At the same time, the corner sparkling with cleanliness will cause a sense of pride in itself, will give strength to act further. For example, let it be a sink in the kitchen or a corner in the hallway.
Arrange household appliances and furniture in the kitchen in such a way as to minimize time for running around between them, because it takes up energy! Once to carry out a “control measurement” of the number of steps between the stove, sink and cutting table, and then grind your head with the correct location of all important objects - much less damage to a woman’s health than daily unjustified running around between them!
Prevention of “trash”
Another important point in the search for an answer to the question of how to do everything is to prevent clutter. It arises imperceptibly, sometimes keeping track of this is difficult. But it is possible, if followed correctly. How? Here are some simple time management rules for housewives.
- At the first stage, it is necessary to immediately get rid of everything that nobody uses (broken souvenirs, expired medicines and groceries, stretched out or small things, as well as everything that is not needed, but it is a pity to throw it away). Order among the trash is impossible! It is necessary to scoop up all these "unnecessary things", and then immediately ruthlessly throw them into the trash can in the yard so that there is no temptation to leave something.
- Do not have the habit of buying something new to replace the old, but not yet discarded or not used. For example, when buying new slippers, it is important to discard the old ones first. The same applies to cosmetics, bedding, groceries, linen ...
- Try to constantly maintain order in places of "special danger" of accumulation of garbage (a shelf in the hallway, a bedside table, a children's desk). After all, you do not have time to look back, as a mountain of candy wrappers, packages, other garbage has already been piled on them.
- Make it a habit to clean up immediately. Wash the dishes after cooking, wipe the stove, kitchen apron, wash the bath after yourself - it takes much less effort than at the end of the week to tear off oily deposits, dried spray or drips for hours.
Do not buy figurines, vases or other decor of complex shape - they are difficult to keep clean all the time: dust is constantly clogged in all hard-to-reach bends or indentations.
No fanaticism
Learning the basics of time management is necessary not only to look like an ideal housewife. The rational use of time will help the hostess to remain a woman, beloved, desired, who has the strength to communicate with children, husband, friends, on trips to beauty salons, cinemas, parks or cafes with them. It is in this - the secret of women's satisfaction with life: not to feel like a prisoner of the "everyday concentration camp." Therefore, it is important to focus your attention on several points of time management for women whose motto is to love yourself beloved. How to achieve this?
- Learn to devote at least 40 minutes daily for relaxation and personal care. During this time, you can take a bath, make a face mask, read your favorite book.
- Learn to delegate to the household part of the "authority". Very often, a housewife who does not have enough time for anything dumps a lot of work on herself, which homeworkers could very well do without her, but use her mother’s kindness, care or pity. For example, children themselves can make their beds, collect school bags, wash their shoes or dishes after themselves. By the age of 9-10, they may well learn how to iron their school things. The husband can be instructed to take out the trash, walk the dog, sometimes pick up children from school, kindergarten, section instead of mom, periodically take them for walks.Shopping can also be divided: let a woman buy something that does not have a lot of weight, and entrust a man to buy, for example, potatoes, onions, sugar - what they usually buy in large volumes. And a couple of times a week, he could make dinner. If children are involved in the process, it will be very useful from an educational point of view. A woman will give time to relax.
- Do not try to be in time all at once. Nobody succeeded in breaking up. And the simultaneous execution of several important things can ruin them all, while exhausting all the forces.
- Do not do what you can do without today. For example, it is not necessary to cook dinner every day - it is quite normal to do this once every two days with a margin.
- No need to try to grasp the immensity, trying to remake absolutely everything. This is an impossible task. A housewife needs time management in order to learn how to do more, while getting tired less, and not in order to make a programmed, non-tired robot out of a woman.
So, applying simple rules of time management, a housewife can not only keep the house in order, but also learn how to find time to relax, chat with family, favorite activities. And yet - much less tired by the end of the day. After all, tomorrow she will need strength again. Housewives have no days off, they need to learn how to cut. Proper disposal of your time will help with the solution of this problem.