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How does an ultrasonic washing machine work and whether it is worth buying

Ultrasonic stylish machines resemble ironing for drying shoes. Devices are widely advertised, but there are no unambiguous reviews about their effectiveness. magazine decided to sort out the issue.

Ultrasonic stylish cars

How does it work

The gadget consists of two nodes:

  • supply wire with block and plug,
  • a plastic case enclosing an ultrasonic emitter. In some models, the emitter is two.

The frequency at which the machine operates is 22-30 kHz. The machine creates a lot of bubbles that collapse and hit the laundry with a lot of microscopic hydroblows (this is called cavitation). In theory, sound waves should knock dirt and germs out of the tissue.

Ultrasonic Gadgets

Can ultrasound remove anything at all?

Ultrasound is used in cosmetology, and is even better known in dentistry: they break down tartar and bacterial plaque, at the same time clean the deposits with directed air with water and soda.

So yes, cavitation is a good destructive force. However, the dirt is not plaque, cavities do not form in it. By the way, in dentistry, in order to increase the effectiveness of the ultrasound wave, they beat her not directly in the tooth, but through a special gel.

Is radiation dangerous?
Studies have not shown any harm to health, although tooth enamel ultrasonic cleaning thinns a little.

How to wash

After exploring the forums, the author of magazine compiled instructions for the highest quality washing:

  1. Prepare a metal basin with a lid.
  2. Pour hot water, not cooler than 50 degrees, into the container.
  3. Pour enough (as for regular washing) the amount of powder and mix with tongs.
  4. Load things so that they do not cramp together, but float freely in the solution.
  5. Lower the device and connect it to the network.
  6. To cover with a lid.
  7. Turn the laundry every 10 minutes.
  8. Stop the ultrasound device after 1-1.5 hours.
  9. Rinse and squeeze the laundry, hang it or send it to the dryer.

Washing with an ultrasonic machine

In fact, if you act the same way, but without ultrasound, the effect will be no worse. This is what causes doubt in the gadget.

Hot water is not suitable for silk, delicate synthetics, most prints of modern clothes, for dyed fabrics (it is recommended to wash them at 30-40 degrees), nylon, wool and lace.

How to check the work

Mistresses try different ways to make sure: erases the device or not. A couple of examples:

  • wash socks in the same way in hot water from one pair, but one with the appliance, the other without;
  • take photos before washing and after.

Although the owners argue, expert observations prove that ultrasound erases poorly.

Why such performance?

Actually, the problem is not ultrasound - the problem is the way it is used:

  1. The appliance pumps water and laundry at the same pace. Figuratively, it’s like the curtains that the wind sways. The fabric flutters, but the dust does not fly out - you need to abruptly stop it by hitting it with a knocker so that the dirt particles fly out.
  2. Lingerie absorbs a sound wave, like a silencer.
  3. Bubbles are maximally destructive strictly in distilled water (and where to get it for each wash?).

Ultraton MS-2000m

It seems more efficient to use ultrasound with a guided wave, supplemented by a stream of water and some special composition, by analogy with a dental gel. In this case, the matter should be stretched, for example, between the fingers, and the distance to the working head should be from a few millimeters to 1 centimeter.

How to check the ultrasonic machine for serviceability:

  • bring your hand close to the emitter to feel the air vibrations,
  • immerse in water and make sure that bubbles form.

 Ultrasonic washing machine

How to choose magazine does not recommend its readers spend money on ultrasound. The experiments show a low, almost zero efficiency of the device, the usual soaking with stirring acts similarly. If you still want to experiment, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The number of emitters. Two will create enough chaotic movement of water to enhance the action of the detergent.
  2. Size: a small emitter will create less oscillation and will swing too much in the water, which will further reduce the effectiveness of the method.
  3. Frequency: 30 kHz hit the water harder than 22.
  4. Warranty period: the longer it is, the longer the device will last.

TOP-3 ultrasonic washing machines

Another important parameter is the brand. Buyers of the Yandex.Market service consider the following brands as the best:

  • Ultraton. Product of the St. Petersburg company "Nevoton." Model MS-2000 costs about 1,500 rubles. It has 1 emitter, it is recommended for use in 0.5 l of water, the declared washing time is 30 minutes.


  • "Retona." It has been produced by the Tomsk Scientific and Production Association Reton since 1998. Operating frequency - 50 kHz, power consumption - 9-30 watts. The main minus is the cost of more than 2000 rubles.

Reton Washing Machine

  • "Dune". Also, the Tomsk device is being developed, manufactured and sold by the “Medical and Environmental Center“ Dunes ”. It costs from 1300 rubles, power - up to 60 kHz, the permissible washing volume - up to 20 liters. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer frankly warns that the device only enhances the action of the detergent and complements the usual washing machine.

Gadget dune

Ultrasonic bathtubs are gaining more and more popularity - something like a metal basin with an ultrasonic wave emitter attached to the bottom. The principle of operation is the same, cavitation, but it is enhanced by the resonance of the pelvis and the supply network. Frequency - 40 kHz. Another difference from UZSM is that the device operates on a strictly specified volume of water. And the third - plaque is cleaned in such bathtubs (first of all, rust) from various solid objects (mainly metal ones: from bearings to jewelry). The procedure is quite successful if the resonance is well calculated.

UZSM do it yourself

Any aerator is quite useful for creating cavitation - taking a finished device is much more reliable and safer than assembling it with your own hands. However, if the experience with electrical equipment allows, it will be possible to assemble the USSM with your own hands at home.

A few general recommendations:

  1. It is extremely difficult to configure the device without an oscilloscope, since ultrasound is in an inaudible range.
  2. Conventional batteries, phone or car batteries are suitable for power.
  3. To connect the device to an electrical outlet, you will need to solder the rectifier and step-down transformer, since the output should be no more than 15 watts, and 220 in the outlet.
  4. The emitter gives too weak waves, and to amplify them, an ultrasonic oscillator is required.
  5. It is convenient to mount the radio parts onto the plate using silicone or epoxy glue.
  6. The piezoelectric element and the membrane can be taken from ordinary Chinese toys or an alarm clock.
  7. Do not forget to provide a regulator to tune the device to the desired frequency.

Laundry Gadget

How to assemble quickly:

  1. Use the power supply for an old mobile phone.
  2. Disassemble the power supply to the circuit board.
  3. Determine where the capacitor is. If it is soldered after the rectifiers, it must be removed.
  4. Now close the “+” rectifier with the transformer input.
  5. Put the piezoelectric element closing: solder the wires for it to the output contacts of the transformer.
  6. Glue the emitter to the plastic case, allow to dry.
  7. Solder the wires to the element.
  8. Route the wires leading to the power supply into the hole in the housing.
  9. Close the housing by sealing or covering the joints with silicone or epoxy glue.

For greater protection against moisture, it is recommended to completely seal the piezoelectric element with a sealant, and for this, fill it in several layers.

An ultrasonic washing machine is, in many ways, just a publicity stunt.Much more effective are ultrasonic waves acting on solid objects and impurities with a sufficiently strong resonance, as in ultrasonic baths. The underwear in the water oscillates with the waves and dampens the ultrasound like a silencer. In addition, only colorless cotton can be washed in hot water, and most modern wardrobe and bedding require delicate washing at 40 degrees. So you should give preference to a good automatic washing machine, which has both gentle modes and boiling - the device quickly pays for itself in free time, as it rinses and squeezes it out by itself.

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  1. Artyom
    06/18/2024 at 22:03 Reply

    Interested in cleaning rust.

  2. Artyom
    06/18/2024 at 22:47 Reply

    Interested in cleaning rust

    • Vladimir
      06/19/2024 at 13:28

      I had to somehow set up an ultrasonic bath for washing iron parts from oil. It is tuned in such a resonance that it tears al. 0.1mm foil, and this is just a little stick, not an ultrasound machine, because nobody tunes it into resonance.

    • Sergey
      06/20/2024 at 14:47

      I had an ultrasonic washing machine in production. Workers in it sometimes even washed their overalls. Well washed. But she weighed more than half a ton, was installed in a soundproof room, turned on from another room. She blew about two kilowatts of ultrasound into the bath. Good machine.

  3. Nellie
    06/18/2024 at 22:12 Reply

    This is all a hoax. I was convinced by personal experience. This machine does not wash anything. typical publicity stunt.

  4. George
    06/18/2024 at 22:54 Reply

    If the author confuses volts with watts, why comment?

  5. Oleg
    06/18/2024 at 22:12 Reply

    I erased such student years - believe it better than by hand.

    • Ira
      06/18/2024 at 22:06

      Oleg, why don’t you use it now?

  6. Sveta
    06/18/2024 at 22:42 Reply

    It’s easier to go to a fortuneteller, it seems to me she’s better off.

  7. Olga
    06/19/2024 at 07:04 Reply

    I bought Retona in the 90s, I look again, an advertisement appeared, a completely useless thing, does not wash anything at all.

  8. Tamara
    06/20/2024 at 02:06 Reply

    I used such a machine in the country. I lowered the laundry into the basin on the terrace and left it all night, it uses little electricity. Lingerie, of course, you need to rub your hands a little before rinsing. But, most importantly, the moles escaped from the site. Probably they don’t like the “nerd”.

  9. Hazyaykaa houses?
    06/20/2024 at 07:20 Reply

    Ultrasonic retona costs from 2000 rubles and does not wash anything. The simple Slavda for 4000 is a full-fledged semi-automatic machine with spin and dryer and three modes of stripping. Isn't the choice obvious?

  10. lyudmila
    06/20/2024 at 13:14 Reply

    Somewhere in the 80s, this thing was already / I don’t remember the manufacturer / -clean crap, only it can for cockroaches!

  11. Sergey Bronislavovich
    06/21/2024 at 17:38 Reply

    The authors have written so much crap that you wonders: why ??? But isn’t it that ultrasonic cleaners and precious metals, and the bottoms of ships? In general, ultrasound treatment plants have been used in industry since time immemorial, and South Korea produces washing machines that are sharpened to wash things in a bubble way, which is achieved with the help of ultrasound. I have an Ultraton-type ultrasonic washer, made in China and with a power of 25 watts, it has been working faithfully for 12 years, it is washed in cold and warm water, with powder or soap, and the sense of it is 100 times greater than the nonsense that written in an article by EXPERTS.

  12. Irina
    06/22/2024 at 19:58 Reply

    Do not try to buy! This weapon has been proven by our scientists, but they have no way to resist business. Ultrasound affects the human genetic apparatus.

  13. Tatyana
    06/25/2024 at 17:12 Reply

    I have been using Ultraton for 10 years. I take her with me on trips. I erase everything: tulle, jackets, sweaters, shirts, t-shirts, etc. I cleaned jewelry, but it is necessary to carefully clean products with stones - the surface of stones can become dull. You can clean the filters of air purifiers using citric acid and surfactants. When it is time to wash faster, you can use 2 machines at once. But I have 15 watts. If they produce stronger ones now, then this will drastically improve the result. I wash small things for about 1 hour, and if something big, then more. Then it is only necessary to mash and rinse a little. It is very convenient to wash men's socks, if there are a lot of them. In general, the right thing !!!!!

  14. a guest
    08/20/2024 at 13:49 Reply

    Mom is lying around when she bought it. just throw it away. here to run every 10 minutes to toss a rag. threw it into the machine and all things

  15. Alexander
    08/23/2024 at 20:11 Reply

    I bought over 20 years ago for washing overalls, which can not be lifted in a machine. When locked with an ultratone, the oils coagulated and then crumbled. But set for a long time, usually at night. Now I don’t work, but there was an application of ultrasound - I wash the print head of the printer when the ink dries.

  16. natalya
    08/31/2024 at 12:12 Reply

    this is the second advent of the machine on the market is a completely useless thing

  17. Tatyana Mikhailovna
    09/02/2024 at 07:08 Reply

    I use my Ultraton to wipe my son’s sneakers (a tool for torture, all the Nazis would have run away from the smell during the war), my grandson too, so a bit of a washing field on the sneakers. The smell kills completely, I’m erasing a large plaid, maybe just from the lock ...


