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Coziness in the house with your own hands: what is the secret?

Cosiness plays a huge role in the life of every person. It gives us comfort, inner peace, a good rest, as well as the opportunity to relax and tune in to a harmonious wave. How to create comfort in the house? Little secrets about this in this article.

What determines comfort: we look in the global

In fact, there are many aspects of comfort. At the core is moderation and purity. The rest is largely a matter of taste. Someone closer cold gray-white colors, someone warm brown and beige shades, and others do not represent comfort without bright juicy accents.

Flat design


This is the first condition, without which it is impossible to achieve comfort. Moreover, accuracy must be not in form, but in fact. If all the housewives struggle with the floor and dust on the shelves, then such implicit places as chandeliers, doors, jambs and switches are often left unattended. They need to be washed at least once a month. It is very important that all mirrors and smooth glasses sparkle, no matter how many there are in the house.

Pay attention to the bottom and sides of large household appliances, kitchen sets, doors and walls - this area is most quickly covered with spots and ugly traces, destroying comfort. Do not leave dust accumulating in hard-to-reach corners (on cabinets, under furniture, behind shields on the legs of the headset, in crevices, corners and behind pipes, if they are not hidden).

Cleanliness in the apartment

No extra stuff

This means no clutter! All things left “just in case” and “in reserve” have nothing to do with comfort. 80% of the disorder comes from them, because, firstly, they take up half of the usable area, and secondly, they inevitably get confused with the really necessary things, and you have to restore order.

Find the strength in yourself to get rid of a pile of things, even good, but useless in your household. And the same thing with children's toys. If they do not fit in one standard basket for toys, they are superfluous.

Toys in the nursery

The child is not able to replay and love them all - leave the most dear to the heart, distribute the rest or sell. Among other things, an excess of toys makes it difficult to buy new ones - they simply have nowhere to store.


The motto “Every thing has its own place!” Should be inviolable, so take the habit of immediately cleaning everything in its place after use. Particularly confusing: things scattered on chairs, piles of paper on the table, unwashed or drying dishes on the table, unattended curtains, a pile of shoes in the hallway, a pile of jars in the kitchen, in the bathroom or dining room, untidy indoor plants with dry leaves. This is basically the first thing that catches your eye, so you should pay attention to this in the first place.

Cozy apartment

Freshness of colors

It is necessary at least 1 time in three years to do cosmetic repairs. Nobody says that the changes should be global: the tiles and tiles on the floor can wait, but stick new wallpapers, enamel the painted surfaces, change the scratched laminate is still necessary. Be sure to eliminate all deficiencies, as they are the ones that deprive you of comfort.

Harmony of colors and shades

Everything is simple here - no more than 2 accents, no more than 5 shades in each room. Browse through catalogs or arm yourself with a color wheel to pick out tones that blend well with each other.

The color scheme in the interior

New things

Just acquired things carry a special energy and are able to instantly revive the interior.It is not necessary to regularly update all the furniture, you can win on the little things - new curtains or several beautiful plates, effectively placed in plain sight.

Small details

Comfort, as you know, is known in detail. It is necessary to create a special atmosphere that can affect the senses and make you feel comfortable.

Lighting. It should be soft, warm, but bright enough. Make sure that there is no dust on the chandeliers, since it is it that conceals up to 70% of the light.

To make the lights shine, wash them in cold water with vinegar and let them dry without wiping. The effect is amazing!

In the evening, in the bedroom, instead of a common source, it is better to include a small elegant sconce. In a common room, this can be a series of small lamps that create soft light, but do not leave dark corners.

Living room

Bed dress. Fluffy rugs and soft pillows bring special comfort and unique warmth of home comfort. They must be clean, beautiful and in harmony with the rest of the interior. It is advisable to choose warm shades, but will not spoil the interior and bedspreads in bright stripes or cages.

Window decor. Curtains and lambrequins are able to breathe the soul into even the most discreet room. Properly selected curtains solve several problems at once: they refresh the atmosphere, mask flaws (for example, old window frames) and serve as the finishing touch, giving a sense of style.

Draperies and lambrequins

Too spacious, "empty", cold room is easy to make cozy with heavy curtains of sand and terracotta shades, and a small and cramped room will "expand" the light organza. As an interior or zonal partition, filament curtains perfectly matched to the tone of the walls or furniture will perfectly serve.

Smell. The first thing a person notices, not yet looking around the hallway - is the smell. General cleaning and various flavorings, industrial or made by hand, are struggling with unpleasant amber:

  • incense
  • candles
  • essential oils,
  • sachets filled with coffee, dried herbs, orange zest or others,
  • fumigation
  • aerosols;
  • flowering houseplants or fresh flowers in vases.

For the bedroom, relaxing notes are suitable, as well as tunes on the theme of love: sandalwood, rose, lavender, patchouli, strawberries, chocolate.

Aroma candles

For the office - increasing efficiency: citrus fruits, spruce, pine, mint, aloe vera.

For children - mostly fruit, but it is important not to overdo it, since aromatic substances can cause allergies.

The kitchen should be excluded, since there the best aromas are the smells of fresh food.

What to add to the interior

Fireplace - real or electric - a symbol of comfort and home! What could be nicer than sitting on a rainy evening with a cup of fragrant tea by the warm fireplace? Favorite books placed on a shelf and a rocking chair with a fluffy blanket will complement the idyllic atmosphere of comfort and home warmth.

Electric fireplace in the interior

Living plants can instantly revive even the most modest room, create a special mood and decorate any interior. Treat the choice of indoor plants responsibly, think through everything to the smallest detail: the color and design of flower pots, the height of the plants, their design.

The abundance of flowers is not always appropriate, it is much better if it is just a few well-groomed plants, effectively placed in the room. It is better to avoid creeping, climbing plants: they often look messy and visually burden the interior.

Fresh, fragrant, bright fruits are not only incredibly useful, but also able to effectively decorate the interior of the kitchen or living room. Place them in a beautiful vase and place on a coffee table or kitchen table.

fresh fruits on a plate

Ordinary radio also carries a piece of comfort and a unique “spirit”. Daily fees for work and other routine affairs will brighten up the unobtrusive sound of your favorite songs and turn boring activities into an interesting, lively ritual.

Fresh homemade pastries will decorate any interior.Delicate, airy cakes in a crystal vase and a coffee service are an excellent combination for a living room in the company of relatives and friends. Pies, muffins, homemade buns - a storehouse of home comfort in the kitchen! Fragrances for the whole house, an appetizing look and a beautiful presentation will create an excellent mood among households.

Bright, colorful pots will help revive even the cramped and gloomy kitchen. For rooms in a modern hi-tech or loft style, monophonic headsets, for example, metal ones with transparent covers, are more appropriate. Achieve unity of style decisions: this is the surest way to bring coziness.

Bright, colorful pots

Refuse a scattering of color stickers on the refrigerator or dressing table! It is so tasteless and ugly that automatically destroys harmony. And worst of all - corners and edges, which eventually begin to peel off and become covered with a black layer.

Fridge magnets are a slippery topic. The ideal option is stylization and composition. Or it’s expensive monophonic magnets that really can decorate a modern interior. Either high-quality, but colorful elements that fit the “folk” style (Russian hut - quilts and bedspreads, vivid painting of festive wooden utensils, fancy expositions, like a breadbasket-monastery). In the latter case, the room should be spacious and bright, otherwise the abundance of details and colors will turn it into a cluttered warehouse.

A lot of wires from household and office equipment literally spoil the space. They are cleaned at tables, cabinets, cabinets. Long broaches close in plinths with channels or in boxes. It is important to move furniture at least once a month, raise a ball of wires and wash dust and moss from the “secret”.

cleaning the house

Successful DIY crafts

Comfort is inconceivable without the things done by yourself. This is a powerful detail of the interior, and therefore needs a competent approach and the right dosage. It is important to show the best that you are capable of, while not cluttering up the room.

For example, if the hostess is fond of embroidery, it is appropriate to decorate several pillows, avoiding excessive variegation. Endless textiles are not always appropriate, as "eyes run wide", and what is created is the basis of style.

From monochrome and dichromic cross-stitch, stylish and effective paintings on the walls are obtained, but 3 A4 panels are quite enough on one wall.

Paintings on the wall

You can successfully use some alterations from old, already unnecessary things. Especially original such gizmos look at the cottage, as they bring their own unique flavor.

Master Class

From old, worn shoes, painted with multi-colored acrylic paint and stuffed with earth, excellent pots for flowering plants are obtained - petunias, asters, nasturtiums, purslane.

Unnecessary forks and spoons, curved and nailed to the board, will play the role of a good coat hanger.

An old leather suitcase, upholstered or covered with a new fabric with a pattern, will serve as a comfortable bed for your beloved cat.

Cat in a suitcase

From an old wooden crib, it’s easy to build a romantic bench for two, placing it in the bedroom, and decorate this paradise with candles and fresh fruit. Another option is bright pillows and a plaid, which will turn the cradle into a sofa, where a daughter or son will be able to accommodate their friends when they come to visit.

An old uncomfortable wooden table will turn into a low ottoman-banquet, if you shorten the legs and upholstery the cover with soft textile. The same table is transformed into a coffee table, if, having shortened the legs, cover it with varnish.

Simple ways to upgrade your countertop:

  • self-adhesive film;
  • imitation mosaics (usually PVC sheets, which are mounted on a primer and any suitable glue);
  • acrylic paints and stencil;
  • decoupage (if you are fond of);
  • tempered glass (glued on top of a painted countertop) or a mirror.

From scraps of old rags, ribbons, pieces of velvet, you can come up with original options in the style of patchwork. Rugs, pillows, capes, bedspreads will be a great idea for interior decoration and gifts for friends.

Comfort in the house is indispensable, without it there is no harmony. This is a source of excellent mood and well-being every day.

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  1. Ksenia
    04/18/2024 at 15:46 Reply

    Very informative, you can learn new


