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25 things that are definitely not worth throwing away

Every day, dozens of unnecessary items fly into the bin. Few people think that these can be things that should not be thrown away. Some of them are dangerous household items, while others may be useful in everyday life. The third category is superstitions. We present to your attention a list of 25 things.

The girl's hair is falling out

In terms of superstition

In antiquity, some items were strictly forbidden to be taken out of the house in order to prevent them from reaching outsiders. Many still believe in these superstitions.

So what should not be thrown away to avoid trouble?

  1. Hair, nails. They are believed to be a powerful source of energy for their owner. If they fall into the hands of evil people, troubles and troubles will pour on a person. And the old people believed: if the bird makes a nest with its hair, you will suffer a headache all year.
  2. Photo. They are also a direct channel to the energy of the depicted people. Damage is made through pictures, they are used in rituals and conspiracies.
  3. Bread and breadcrumbs. Bread is the king on the table. It symbolizes wealth, order and well-fed life. Throwing it away, you risk losing all this. And bread is not thrown out of respect for the ancestors who went through famine and war.
  4. Old wallet. If there was money in the wallet, it is not thrown away, but stored. He becomes a charm and is responsible for the financial wealth of the owner.
  5. Watches received as a gift. According to legend, throwing a watch promises a conflict and a quarrel with the donor.
  6. Wedding attire, veil. Dress and veil are considered a kind of guardians of happiness in married life. In no case should they be thrown out, as well as inherited.

If it is vital to get rid of these things, it is recommended to bury them in the ground away from people. It is also permitted to use the river for disposal. Breadcrumbs feed the birds. And the clock can be thrown out, having previously disassembled it into parts.

Battery Handover

In terms of security

Do not throw away objects that could be harmful to the environment. In the list of such things:

  1. Batteries They contain toxic metals and mercury. Only one battery can infect 10 to 15 square meters of soil. Therefore, it is extremely important that the batteries are taken to special receivers or thrown into the landfill for hazardous household waste.
  2. Fluorescent light bulbs. May contain chemicals. The blown bulbs should be attributed to large stores offering processing services for lamps purchased from them (IKEA and others).
  3. Spray cans with paint, varnish, odorous substances. Hazardous gases are present in the spray can. Properly throw this type of garbage in a landfill of toxic household waste, rather than in a bin.
  4. Electronic devices, computers and household appliances manufactured using toxic materials: cadmium, mercury, lead, beryllium and others. For disposal, you should look for an organization that processes electronic waste.
  5. Paints. Flammable, poisonous. It will be correct to remove the lid and let the paint dry completely, and then hand over the empty jar for scrap.
  6. Lighters relate to flammable household waste and must be disposed of in special centers. Dangerous, even if there is very little gas left.
  7. Mercury thermometers. Each such thermometer contains up to 1 gram of mercury, which is a lethal dose. The old thermometer must not be thrown into the bin. It must be taken to a hazardous waste disposal center.
  8. Plastic bags. They decompose up to 400 years and severely pollute the environment.Packages need to be thrown into a separate container, and if it is not, burn in a summer cottage.
  9. Plastic bottles packaging have the same properties as polyethylene. Dispose of in the same way.
  10. Fireworks and firecrackers. If for some reason they do not explode, it is still impossible to throw them immediately into the trash. You should first hold their night in the water. Only after that they will become safe.

All objects polluting nature cannot be put on one list. This is household chemicals, and medicines, and cosmetics. Many people think that nothing will happen from one tube. But if the entire 7 billion people of the planet reason in this way, then an environmental disaster will come very soon.

Seedling in an egg tray

In terms of benefits

Many things can get a second life. If it is impossible to use an object for its intended purpose, this does not mean that it needs to be thrown away.

The list of failed things that are sure to come in handy on the farm:

  1. Trays for eggs. It is very convenient to grow greens, onions, seedlings in them. And in plastic containers you can store beads and beads.
  2. Plastic bottles Suitable for creating mini-greenhouses. And you can cut the plastic into strips 5 mm wide, fasten it at the base, attach a stick - and you get a great garden broom!
  3. Nylon tights Useful for storing garlic and onions. In these bags, vegetables last much longer. And kapron does not rot, and therefore is ideal for gartering plants.
  4. Clothing. Things can always be altered, put on rags or make a garden scarecrow. Durable denim fabric makes a wonderful hammock. In an extreme case, it is worth taking unnecessary clothes to the church - there she will surely find a new owner.
  5. A man and a woman carry a large box

  6. Toothbrushes always come in handy on the farm. With small brushes, nets, filters, and the sole of the shoes are well rubbed.
  7. Newspapers. With their help, you can light a fire, they can be used as packaging. The newspaper is indispensable for summer residents as a mulch: at first it prevents weeds from germinating at the place of laying. And then, when it begins to rot, it serves as an organic fertilizer for plants.
  8. Pipes. Pipe sections can serve as a support for tomatoes and cucumbers. And if you fasten them together, you get a greenhouse. It will remain to cover her with a film.
  9. Glass bottles. They can serve as a vase, you just have to show imagination and do a little work with your hands (paint, decorate). From multi-colored bottles, an original decorative fence is obtained. They are convenient to store cereals and various bulk products.
  10. Tires Indispensable in the refinement of the house area and the playground. Old tires make beautiful flowerbeds. You can make them a fence ("wheels") or animal figures for children.

Sometimes the objects that we strive to get rid of quickly, carry a lot of opportunities for creativity or can be useful in everyday life. Another kind of garbage is dangerous for the environment, and the third can not be thrown away so as not to harm yourself in the energy plane. Before throwing this or that thing, you first need to think: is it worth it?

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  1. Ecology
    09/07/2024 at 18:30 Reply

    Only plastic bottles (PET) are not recommended to be burned since when burning, they emit so much stink that you can die. Best of all: rinse - crush - hand over (throw in a special container net for plastic).

  2. Dmitry
    09/11/2024 at 07:45 Reply

    It remains only to find this very place, if there are nothing similar nearby for a couple of kilometers


