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Vampire things: items that take positive energy in the house

Esotericists are sure that every item, from a small amulet to a wardrobe, has its own energy field and emits certain vibrations. There are things that can not be kept in the house - they take away the positive energy. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list. Perhaps these items are stored with you and interfere with the well-being of the family.

Woman throws things from the balcony

List of things that can not be stored at home

The house has a strong impact on the person. Here he spends most of his time and willingly interacts with surrounding objects. If the situation is good, then “native walls are treated”, and a dream brings freshness and good spirits, family life goes well, children grow up calm and smart. And vice versa. If negatively charged things are stored in the house, literally everything goes awry.

There are 6 signs by which you can understand that the energy at home is negative:

  • indoor plants wither, often get sick or do not take root at all;
  • pets behave uneasily and strangely;
  • after sleep, weakness and weakness are felt;
  • there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • children are naughty and often sick;
  • abnormal activity is observed - doors slam, things move, new bulbs burn out.

If you notice such manifestations, then it is definitely worth checking the house for the presence of things that take away positive energy. The owners may forget about the presence of many of them. Therefore, if it is decided to put your life in order, you need to disassemble the old rubble and sort it out thoroughly.

Stuffed animals in the house

Things that represent or related to death

Such items are destructive. They destroy the positive energy in the house. For family members, they promise separation, mental illness, injury.

Cannot be stored in the living room:

  • stuffed animals and parts of animals: skins, horns, skulls, bones;
  • painted skeletons and coffins;
  • things of dead people.

Everything that belonged to a person who is no longer in this world is desirable to throw away or sell. Clothing, equipment, photographs should not belong to the place where the deceased lived.

Worn Out Things

Worn Out Things

Collecting trash is no less dangerous than storing items that have the energy of death. Blockages of old things contribute to quarrels in the family, the emergence of dark thoughts and diseases. And yet everything that is broken is programmed for poverty and repels luck.

Especially dangerous for home energy:

  • idle watches, wall or wrist watches - it does not matter;
  • old calendar, as well as a calendar with a page not turned;
  • holey slippers;
  • dishes with cracks and chips;
  • obsolete broom;
  • broken mirror.

Things used in rituals

Things used in rituals

Magic is quite dangerous for uninitiated people. Its attributes carry a huge charge, which can significantly harm the residents of the house. Evil spirits can be attached to magic items. And in general, it is not known what message they carry.

Cannot be stored at home:

  • lockets;
  • jewelry with unknown characters;
  • glass balls;
  • masks;
  • strange convolutions.

Often when cleaning the house, underlays are found - curled hair clumps, bones, rusty needles, earth in a pouch, and others. They can be the main source of negative energy. It is important to be able to get rid of them correctly.

Antique clock

Antiques, Antiques, Jewels

Things that are 30-40 years old have powerful energy - and not always positive.They absorb the emotions of the former owners. And if their life was full of injuries and disappointments, they radiate negativity. Of particular danger are mirrors and natural stones that once belonged to people with magical abilities.

Pigeon figurine

Figurines, images of animals, fish and birds

Not all art objects can be kept at home. Some of them can negatively affect the well-being of the family. For example:

  • an elephant with a trunk down causes depression and stress;
  • a sitting lion or a dog with an open mouth attracts evil spirits;
  • magpie, raven, dove, eagle, stork bring misfortune;
  • images of fish weaken and make a person vulnerable to evil eye and damage;
  • shells attract thieves and people with unclean thoughts into the house.

Ivy in a pot

Some plants

In Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to use indoor plants with needles and climbing plants to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.

Among the forbidden flowers were:

  • cacti
  • roses;
  • rosehip;
  • tradescantia;
  • ivy;
  • creeping ficus;
  • coniferous plants.

They are considered living blockers of any energies, including positive ones. It is especially harmful to place such plants near windows and doors. It is also impossible for the house to have withered plants, dry feather grass and reeds. They bring various diseases and endless problems.

Climbing plants should be placed on the outside of the house. So they serve as protection and do not harm residents. In extreme cases, when grown indoors, the crown is formed into a ball.

Girl and things in boxes

You can’t leave it

It is definitely worth disposing of various rubbish, broken and unnecessarily stored things.

The rest of the items can be dealt with in different ways:

  • Memorials of the dead should be put in a box and hidden away. It can be taken out on special days of remembrance.
  • Plants can be carried outside.
  • For antiques it will be useful to allocate a separate room.
  • It is desirable to burn and bury magical objects and pads in the ground.

To cleanse the house of negative energy, you can invite a priest or walk through the rooms with a lit church candle. Where it will pop, the most negative. In addition, it is useful to thoroughly clean all living rooms, glue the wallpaper and make at least minor repairs. Together with cleanliness and freshness, light energy will come into the house.

If the little thing is negatively charged, but dear to the heart, you should listen to your feelings. Does it cause anxiety, despondency, fear? Or are positive emotions at the sight of her? If the second, then you can leave her in the house without fear of any bad consequences. Among the rules there are always exceptions.

Each person, plant, animal, object has its own energy. They fill the house with fluids, which can be not only positive, but also negative. Before you bring any thing to your home, it is important to think about what message it carries. “Bad” objects are usually felt right away - they blow cold, anxiety and causeless fear flare up. By the way, not only things from the list can be dangerous, but also any things presented with malicious intent. Do not take and keep gifts from ill-wishers and strangers!

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  1. valentine
    09/10/2024 at 20:29 Reply

    If you throw everything away, there would be no Pushkin Museum and many other celebrities today. There are photos of the dead of their family. Why our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren should not know their pedigree and can not see how the ancestors looked. What bullshit you write.


