What to look for when choosing a kettle for a gas stove

To be able to quickly warm water at any time, you will need a kettle for a gas stove. It can be used in cases when the power is turned off. In a well-chosen model, the properties of water do not change; drinks can be consumed without risk of harm to health. There are several features that you need to pay attention to when choosing dishes.

Cast iron kettle

Aluminum and Cast Iron Kettles

There are certain requirements for a quality teapot. The water in it boils quickly, without interacting with the material. It should not give in to corrosion and emit harmful substances during heating. It is advisable to look after him was simple. These kitchen utensils are made from different materials - you need to know which one is best to choose.

The most common can be considered metal teapots. They can be:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • enameled;
  • from stainless steel.

Aluminum cookware is less and less common. And this is not surprising. Such products are often distinguished by beauty and elegance, but when heated, aluminum is capable of releasing substances harmful to the human body. Far from always, manufacturers adhere to all chemical safety rules. So salts and heavy metals hazardous to health fall into the water boiled in such a kettle. If you still really want just such a thing, then you need to make sure that she has a quality certificate. It is important that in the manufacture of the body of the kettle, especially the inside, adhere to the correct production technology.

Cast iron cookware does not have this drawback. Tea, for which water was boiled in it, can be drunk without fear. But such products have serious disadvantages.

  • Low thermal conductivity. To heat the water, you will have to spend a lot of time.
  • Weight. Cast iron is a heavy material, it is not very convenient to use such a kettle, especially if it is rather big.
  • Fragility. Although this is a metal kettle, it may well crack from a failed blow.

For these reasons, it is more comfortable to use products from other materials for heating water. But cast iron also has its advantages. It does not deform, it is almost impossible to scratch, the color does not fade over time. Low thermal conductivity is both a disadvantage and an advantage: the kettle boils for a long time, but then the water in it remains hot for a long time.

Stainless steel kettle

Enameled and stainless steel kettles

An enameled kettle is much more popular. First of all, due to the fact that it can have different patterns that perfectly complement the interior of any kitchen. In addition, such models are hygienic and safe.

But they have their drawbacks. Enamel is not very durable and eventually begins to crumble. Tolerates temperature extremes. It is impossible to use utensils with a cleaved coating, as toxic elements begin to stand out during heating. On such a product, traces of gas quickly become noticeable, and scale remains inside.

To increase the life of the enameled vessel, you should adhere to some rules:

  • pour water not immediately after boiling the kettle, but when it cools down a little;
  • Do not put the hot product on a cold surface: the temperature difference is harmful to enamel;
  • a large kettle should not be placed on a small burner.In this case, only a small part of the bottom is heated, as a result, the enamel begins to crumble;
  • abrasive products are not suitable for cleaning enameled dishes.

The most practical kettle for the stove is stainless steel. It is durable, so it will last for many years. Stainless steel does not interact with water, does not emit hazardous substances, water does not acquire a metallic taste.

Caring for such a product is quite simple, you just need to remember about its features.

  • It is better to refuse cleaning powders that wash polishing. Mild cleaning products are recommended.
  • Hard metal sponges can scratch the surface; they are not recommended for use.
  • A simple washcloth can handle simple dirt. If the stain cannot be removed, then you can take citric acid.

Stainless kettles look appropriate in almost any kitchen due to its discreet design.

Glass teapot on the stove

Glass and Ceramics

Not only metal products deserve attention. Glass and ceramic teapots are becoming increasingly popular. Modern models have proven themselves well, in addition, they look very stylish. Such dishes will become not just a container for heating water, but a real decoration of the interior.


It is recommended to choose teapots with a handle made of heat-resistant plastic. It does not heat up and can last a long time.

Heat-resistant glass is an innovative technology for kitchen utensils. Some housewives fear that it will not withstand the temperature difference and will crack. In fact, it is very durable, if, of course, the products are of high quality. True, dropping such teapots is not recommended: they are unlikely to withstand such a load. They look very good, while they are environmentally friendly, do not affect the taste of water, they do not form scale.

Enameled teapot with a pattern

Scope and design features

A ceramic teapot is as safe as a glass teapot. It can have an original color and shape, which is its advantage. But compared to models made of steel or glass, it is quite heavy, it tolerates temperature differences worse, rather fragile. It is worth paying attention that not any ceramics are suitable for boiling water, but heat-resistant, processed in a special way.

To make the kettle for the gas stove convenient to use, you need to pay attention not only to the material, but also to other features. For example, volume matters. For a large family, appropriate utensils are needed. For a single person, a small teapot, designed for 1.5-2 liters of water, is enough. But if he often has guests, then he should buy a second kettle, more, just for such cases.

For safe use of the product, it is necessary that the location of the spout, lids and handles be carefully thought out. If the design is unsuccessful, there is a risk of serious burns. For example, if the handle is placed above the steam outlet in the lid or is too close to the spout, it will become very hot. You can’t grab onto it without a tack, which’s not very convenient. It is important that the lid is tightly closed and does not slip when tilting the kettle. Ideal solution - covers that do not open, even if the product is turned upside down. purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends choosing metal teapots that have inserts made of special material that does not conduct heat on their handles and lids. Then it will be possible to raise the just boiled kettle without fear of getting burned.

It is convenient to pour water from a very low spout, but all the sediment and impurities will fall into the cups. But if it is placed too high, then pouring all the water will be quite difficult. A product with a large volume is then difficult to hold.

A good kettle has a comfortable handle covered with insulating material. Particularly successful design, in which it is located on the side. Then you can pour water at any angle. The lid of an ideal kettle tightly closes the filler opening, does not come off when tilted.The nose is not too wide and is closer to the top, and the bottom is wide enough, so that the water boils faster. There are models with a double and even triple bottom, it better distributes heat. When buying, it is worth raising the utensils in order to feel how comfortable the kettle is, whether the handle slips out.

Whistle kettle on the stove

Additional features

The stores offer kettles, which provide additional features. For example, some products are equipped with a thermometer. It allows you to find out the exact temperature of the water. This opportunity is useful for gourmets who prefer elite varieties of tea. Some species are recommended to be filled with water with a certain temperature.

Whistle products are especially popular. After all, forgetting about the kettle standing on the stove is very simple, taking up everyday chores. A sharp sound will remind you of a planned tea party. When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to how easily the whistle opens, whether it can be done without a tack. There are teapots in which the whistle is not removed. They are unlikely to be suitable for families where everyone gets up and lies down at different times. The whistle of the kettle is able to wake the sleeping at the wrong time.

When choosing a teapot design, the question may arise which is better - matte or glossy. In the second version, fingerprints are less noticeable, so you can do less cleaning.

For a stove kettle to last for a long time, it must be chosen correctly. The most practical model is stainless steel. Glass ones also worked well, only they need to be handled carefully, otherwise there is a risk of breaking. It is important to pay attention to all the details of the product, they must be of high quality and well positioned so that you can not get burned during use. If you wish, you can pick up kitchen utensils that will successfully fit into the interior and emphasize the good taste and style of the hostess.

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