What are the best pillows for sleeping? Choose filler, shape and size

The choice of bedding affects sleep quality and mood throughout the day. What are the best pillows for sleeping? Should they attract with their softness or is it convenient to go around the contours of the head? The effect of the pillow depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Big and airy is suitable for some, solid for someone with hard filler. How to make the right choice - read on.


Good pillow requirements

So that the pillow does not spoil the rest, but makes it better, it must carry some properties. They determine the quality of bedding:

  • the ideal pillow does not smell and does not absorb odors;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • at the same time - retains its original form;
  • has a large margin of safety;
  • easy to care for;
  • keeps heat;
  • hygroscopic;
  • lets air in, “breathes”;
  • does not create favorable conditions for the propagation of microorganisms;
  • Cozy and like the owner.

Form, color, beauty are secondary qualities. First of all, the product should be comfortable and safe for health. For this, when choosing, they are guided by size, rigidity and filler. Do not spare money for a good pillow, so you ensure yourself a good rest, and therefore productivity throughout the day. And so every day!


The size of bedding is an important point. After all, if the pillow is small, then the head will roll up during sleep and in the morning will be on the side of it. The product should be comfortable in height. How to determine that bedding is low? If you put your fist under your head during sleep, then you need a sample of a higher density.

Sometimes putting a hand under a pillow is not a necessity, but a habit, it is this position that is comfortable for a person during sleep. In that case, a high pillow will be a problem.

An indicator of the change in height and width is pain in the cervical spine, numbness of the shoulders, snoring, restless sleep and insomnia. The standard pillow sizes are 50 by 70 or 70 by 70. It is easy to choose pillowcases for such dimensions. According to personal preferences, you can choose a product wider, however, its width should not be more than the width of the mattress.

feather pillow

The standard accessory height is from 8 to 15 cm. For people of large physique, the height can reach 17-18 cm. How to choose a pillow according to the height parameter? Measure the height of the shoulder, this distance should match the height of the pillow.

Shape and rigidity

The classic shape is a square or rectangle. However, not all this form provides a comfortable position of the neck and head. For medical reasons, you can buy an orthopedic pillow. They are made in the form of a circle, roller, rectangle with a recess for the head.

A special crescent shape is recommended for neck problems. She clearly captures her during sleep. But you can only sleep on such a pillow on your back. A more convenient option is a convex pillow with a recess in the center. It allows you to turn your head while resting. To determine the convenience of any form, do not be shy and lie down on the product before you buy.

The necessary rigidity of bedding can be determined by the pose in which the person sleeps:

  1. If you sleep on your side, choose the hardest pillow.
  2. If it is preferable to sleep on your back, then a product of medium stiffness is suitable.
  3. Soft bedding should be bought if you sleep mainly on your stomach.It is important that your mattress is also soft.

Natural fillers

By origin, the fillers are natural and artificial. This is not to say that some species is better than another. Both in natural and synthetic ones have their pros and cons. Choose a filler based on personal feelings.

Natural fillers include:

  • Fluff and feathers of waterfowl - ducks and geese. They are used because of their incredible softness, splendor, hygroscopicity and elasticity. Advantages: heat transfer and breathability. Down fillers absorb moisture well. Minus: in such products dust mites like to start. A person has an allergy to the products of their vital activity. Down-feather pillows need to be dried often. The average service life with proper operation is 5-6 years. The higher the fluff content in relation to the pen - the softer the product. Goose down is more magnificent and larger than duck. Such pillows are more expensive, but their quality is higher. The best filler among natural ones is eiderdown. This is the most expensive material. The fact is that pillows with eiderdown are made by hand.

fluff and feathers

  • The hair of a camel. Such pillows are not only soft, breathable and warm, but also have a healing effect. The medicinal properties are given by the lanolin substance and the ability to retain heat for a long time. Camel hair products are recommended for people with spinal diseases. All-natural wool fillers are rare. They quickly lose their shape, so a synthetic winterizer or other, more expensive and durable synthetic material, holofiber or synthetic winterizer is mixed with wool. One of the minuses of woolen products is the ability to cause allergies.

camel wool pillow

  • Horsehair. Quite hard filler, holds its shape well, absorbs moisture. Pillows with it are strong, hard, so you should choose them for medical reasons, or if you prefer to sleep on your side. Excipient may cause individual intolerance.

horse tail pillow

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends allergy sufferers to pay attention to natural plant-based excipients. These materials are a worthy replacement for down and wool fillers.

Natural Herbal Fillers

  • Bamboo. If you need a hypoallergenic, breathable, hygroscopic, antibacterial, easy to use and care pillow, then most likely you need a bamboo filler. Such products breathe, are easy to wash and have a long service life. The advantage is low cost.

Bamboo pillow

  • Silk. Pillows made of silk are very expensive, but they are hypoallergenic, odorless, wrinkled. Silk is a soft filler, so silicone is added to it to increase stiffness.

Silk pillow

  • Buckwheat husks, hop cones, herbs, rice shells, etc. The goals of such excipients are scalp massage and aromatherapy. In such products air circulates well, they easily take the form of a body. Service life is 2-3 years. Caring for the products is quite time-consuming: they need to be ventilated, disinfected, dried. Such bedding, as they say, is "for everybody": they are tough and rustling. And you may not like the smell.

Buckwheat Pillow

  • Foamed rubber - latex. Popular material for orthopedic supplies. It is soft, easily takes the shape of the head and neck, quickly restores its original shape. The material has good orthopedic properties, it does not cause allergies, has a bactericidal effect. It has a long service life of about 20 years. All-natural latex is rare and expensive. The standard proportion of latex content is 75%.

Latex pillow

Artificial Fillers

Budget alternative to natural fillers. In addition to low cost, the benefits include hypoallergenicity, ease of care, good breathability.

  • Synthetic winterizer. Soft and comfortable material. Easy to clean: machine washable. Sinteponovye pillows do not keep smells. Such a product will last about 10 years.Minus: quickly roll down and lose their shape.

synthetic winterizer

  • Hollofiber. A worthy replacement for down pillows for people prone to allergies. The material is made of polyester. It is tougher than the synthetic winterizer, and it is allowed to wash it in a gentle mode - no higher than 40 degrees. Hollofiber does not smell, keeps heat well. To give an orthopedic effect, a little sheep wool is mixed with holofiber.


  • Silicone Silicone cushions hold their shape well, soft, springy and voluminous. They pass air well. They are made different in height and density. The disadvantage of such products is their ability to be electrified.

 silicone pillows

  • Comforel Small balls made of polyester fiber coated with silicone. Such pillows have antifungal and antibacterial properties; mites do not start in them.

 comfort pillows

How to make a choice

In the store, be persistent, ask a consultant about the manufacturer, about the properties of the filler. Feel free to try on a pillow to see if it suits you or not.

First of all, rely on personal preferences. It's okay if everyone has different pillows in your family.

  1. Feel the pillow. It should not have lumps, tubercles and dents. The filler should be evenly distributed.
  2. Press and take your hand away. A good product will quickly restore shape.
  3. Pat the pillow. Dust should not fly out of it.
  4. Smell the bedding. If the filler is artificial, it should not give away chemicals. Natural fillers tend to smell slightly. If you like aroma - you can buy. And if there is at least a little hostility, it is better not to spend money on the purchase: the product will quickly bother you, the dream will be restless and nervous.
  5. Pay attention to the case. It must be firmly sewn so that you can wash the pillow in the car or whip it, fluffing the fibers. If the seams barely hold or threads stick out of the cover, the product will break after the first wash. The material should be pleasant to the touch. It’s good when zipper is provided on the case. This will provide access to the filler. You can clean, dry and adjust its quantity.

Trust your intuition and don't be afraid to experiment. Perhaps a pillow with a non-standard shape with a rare filling is your option!

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