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Why is it said that one cannot throw eggshells?

Many are convinced that throwing shells from eggs is sacrilege. First of all, this applies to Easter eggs consecrated in the church. Believers carefully collect the remains of the festive dishes into a bag, and then dispose of it in a special way. As for ordinary eggs, the issue of shelling is not so acute. Here, the ban is rather dictated by the benefits of the product. There are at least 10 uses for eggshells.

Easter egg shell

What to do with Easter eggshells?

Quite often you can hear the opinion that throwing the shell of consecrated eggs is sacrilege. However, the clergy refute this. Droplets of holy water fall not only on food, but also on wrappers, bags, baskets, clothes of parishioners. Following this logic, these things also become sanctified and cannot be disposed of. In fact, this opinion is nothing more than prejudice.

Egg and Easter cake are blessed foods. Consecration of food is an act of blessing on its use after the end of Lent. The shell, as well as various packages and wrappers, can be thrown into the bin without any fear, because these are inedible things. But if you have buried it in the ground for many years, no one forbids you to continue to do so. Egg shells, along with crumbs from Easter cakes, are poured into the river, near the grave of the deceased or burned.

Eggshell chicken figurine

10 reasons why you can not throw the shell

We throw away hundreds of things, completely without thinking that you can use them for other purposes - for example, in everyday life, for creativity or for the good of our health. Older people never threw eggshells, washed them carefully, cleaned them from film, dried them and crushed them into powder. Then it served as animal feed and fertilizer for plants, it was added to food to strengthen bones and teeth for adults and children, they cleaned dishes and much more.

10 uses of eggshells:

  1. To enrich the body with calcium, crushed shells are added to dishes. A healthy supplement strengthens bones and teeth. This is one of the best natural sources of calcium. It is especially useful for women who are planning a pregnancy.
  2. To strengthen bone in children. For better absorption, the shell powder is dissolved in lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and insisted for 3 days in the refrigerator. Then the children are given a remedy for half a teaspoon with food.
  3. To cleanse the body of radioactive substances, the shells crushed into powder take 3 weeks of 1/4 teaspoon daily.
  4. Grinding eggshell in a mortar

  5. To whiten clothes and linen, 5 tablespoons of chopped shells are tightly tied in a linen bag and put into the drum of the machine during washing.
  6. To strengthen hair and nails. To restore strength and beauty to hair and nail plates, eggshells are taken 1 to 3 times a week for 1/3 teaspoon. It is recommended to combine the product with 2 capsules of fish oil.
  7. Shells are used to remove scale and clean dishes. It is poured into a kettle, which is then half filled with water and left overnight.
  8. To clean a burnt pan, a sponge is dipped in a crushed shell and a good rub on the surface (the method is not suitable for Teflon coatings).
  9. To improve the taste of coffee. Egg shell neutralizes acid and makes the taste of the drink much brighter. It is added to the Turk or poured into the filter of the coffee machine.
  10. For fertilizing seedlings in the garden. In ancient times, shells were harvested all year, and then in the spring they were brought into the soil. Approximately 100 shells are needed per 1 square meter. Fertilizer reduces the acidity of the soil, which is especially good for planting tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers.
  11. To fertilize indoor flowers, a tablespoon of shell powder is poured into 500 ml of water and insisted for a day. Then this water is used for irrigation. Trace elements contained in the shell become an excellent top dressing for indoor plants.

You can dispose of the eggshell as you please, and it does not matter whether it is Easter or not. You are free to throw it away or use it on the farm, and get better with it. Powder from shells can act as a scrub. And some use shells in needlework. There are plenty of ideas for its application!

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