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How to get a glass out of another glass: easy ways

Here's the nuisance: you need to pour drinks for guests, and the glasses tightly stuck together! Why did this happen and how to quickly remove a glass from a glass if it is stuck? Do not rush to pull and pull the glasses, and first learn these simple tricks.

Blue glasses

Why did they stick together

It is convenient to store glasses from one service in a stack in each other. But such a saving in space often leads to troubles up to cracks and breakdowns. Glasses, especially glass, can adhere so firmly after washing that they cannot be disconnected by hand.

Why it happens? When we fold wet glasses with a pyramid, a zone of low pressure is formed between them in the process of drying. This problem also forms with dry glasses: the upper one slowly goes down, the air is squeezed out - the effect of a vacuum sucker is created.

White glasses

To prevent glasses from sticking together, store them separately. An acceptable option is when the outer glass is noticeably wider than the inner, but in any case, the dishes should be sent for storage clean and completely dry.

How to get it: tricks

If, nevertheless, the objects stick together, act slowly and very carefully, since in the process of extracting glasses from each other, the pressure between them decreases even more. You can not peel on the bottom of the outer glass, pull the neck of the inner.

How to get a glass out of another glass: easy ways

Let us turn to the laws of physics. Under the action of heat, the material expands; under the influence of cold, it contracts. These properties are easy to use to save glasses. What to do:

  1. Prepare a small pot.
  2. Pour water into it and warm it up a little.
  3. Also prepare ice water (you can take cubes from the freezer).
  4. Fill the inner cup with cold water.
  5. Place the mugs in warm water.
  6. The outer glass will begin to expand slightly. Try to get the second one by carefully twisting it. Do not pull - from sudden movements it will burst.

How to get a glass out of another glass: easy ways

Advice from
Do not use sudden temperature changes for thin glass - it will crack.

Water can be used differently. Put the sticky glasses in the pan completely. After a couple of minutes, water will penetrate the gap between the walls. This will facilitate the extraction of one glass from another. Or hold the coalesced mugs under running water.


To improve gliding, try pouring a little vegetable oil, liquid soap, or dishwashing gel between the walls of the mugs. Substances will reduce friction. Take out the wine glass carefully, twisting it, and not pulling it.

Henceforth, do not stack the expensive service in a pile, so as not to spend time on disconnecting the glasses or, even worse, to get fragments as a result. Give preference to mental rather than physical strength, do not pull glasses, but act according to logic.

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