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How and how to remove stains from blueberries and other berries from clothes: ways and means

The most important and simplest rule that will help to remove blueberries and other berries that are very dirty from clothes is to remove it immediately. Then even just hot water will do. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, and boiling water is not advisable if a colored or delicate thing has suffered. How to be?

stains from berries on the shirt

In any store, a whole series of stain removers, cleaning gels and excellent powders. If they were not at home and there was no time to run to the store, then there are several options that are no less effective and safe for materials.

Lemon Juice and Acetic Acid

Many housewives know that a blueberry stain is afraid of acid. And a simple mixture like vinegar with lemon (1: 1) is very effective. On white clothes, it can be used with almost no limits. But if a colored thing is dirty and there is no information about the staining resistance, then it is worthwhile to do a test on an inconspicuous area or use only a lemon. Although resource specialists and in this case, it is recommended to check if this will ruin the fabric.

Lemon Juice and Acetic Acid

The blueberry stain is either simply blotted with a sponge with vinegar or lemon juice, or soaked in a solution for 10-15 minutes. Another option is to add acetic acid during washing (at the rate of 1 tbsp.spoon per liter of warm water). The main thing is to rinse the laundry thoroughly afterwards so that there is no smell left.

Sour milk, low fat kefir

Sour milk works on a similar principle. This method is especially relevant for colored and delicate fabrics, but it is necessary to monitor the fat content so as not to put similar stains on clothes.

The method of use is simple: soak the clothes stained with berries for half an hour or an hour in kefir or sour milk, and then wash thoroughly in water.

Ammonia and salt

Another quite popular remedy for blueberry stains that we got from our grandmothers is ammonia mixed with salt. There are practically no restrictions on its use, respectively, it is suitable even for colored and delicate fibers. It is only necessary to mix the ingredients, moisten the area with a spot abundantly and leave for 20-40 minutes.

stain on the shirt

Boiling water treatment

Boiling water is especially effective on fresh fruit and berry spots and on stained fabrics. recommends that you do not use this method on thin colored fabrics and delicate fabrics: it is easy to damage the color and / or texture. In addition, this method requires caution.

Application: spread in one layer (you can put a clean unpainted rag) in a wide bowl or clean sink. Directly pour a stream of freshly boiled water directly onto the stain and pour until the trace disappears. Allow to cool slightly (rags, if laid, it is better to remove immediately) and hang to dry.

Most popular stain removers

Vanish. Numerous products under this brand enjoy incredible and well-deserved popularity. These products are specifically designed to remove complex stains, both from colored and delicate clothes, and from white. But often this stain remover is put at a disadvantage by its rather high cost.

 vanish stain remover

Children's stain removers. The range of products for removing stains from children's clothing is diverse. Moms prefer brands like Domax, "Our mother" and "Umka." The latter, although it is one of the favorites, but contains sulfates and dries the skin by hand washing.

The resource strongly recommends that you carefully study the composition before buying to make sure that the stain remover is hypoallergenic and will not cause irritation on the baby's skin.

Budget Stain Remover Bon. This stain remover is especially popular due to its competent and harmonious combination of price and quality. Its only drawback is that the manufacturer does not recommend using it together with washing powder or washing gel.

Bon stain remover


All housewives are well acquainted with chlorine bleach. And there is no doubt about its effectiveness against any stains. The disadvantage of such a bleach is significant - it is exclusively for white fabrics. It is completely unacceptable to remove blueberry stains from delicate things due to the aggressiveness of this remedy.


Not an ordinary way to remove stains from berries from delicate and fragile tissues - refined gasoline. It is worth noting that it is suitable even for silk or wool. But you need to use it carefully and precisely, applying a cotton pad directly to the pollution. And then rinse the item very thoroughly before washing.

When working with gasoline, do not forget that it is a combustible substance and must be kept away from fire and heating elements. And after use, you need to ventilate the room well.

Well, and, of course, there are many powders already with the addition of a stain remover. Although manufacturers claim that they will not have to soak or additionally process clothes, it is still worthwhile to hold a small amount of such powder before washing, moisten it with water and hold it on a cloth.

Stains from blueberries and other berries are still considered difficult to remove, but in practice, removing them even from the most delicate clothes has long been no problem. The amount of household chemicals and simple home remedies allows you to do this quickly and easily.

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