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Can apples be thrown into a compost pit?

Gardeners who independently prepare organic fertilizer, using plant and food residues for this, often worry about the question: is it possible to throw apples in a compost pit? Fresh fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins and useful macrocells, a large number of which are preserved in the scavenger. Experts say that rotten apples make an excellent fertilizer for flowers and vegetables, so they can and should be thrown into compost. The main thing is to comply with the rules for the collection and processing of this organic raw material.

Compost Heap Apples

Should apples be thrown into compost?

It is known that when laying the compost heap, plants affected by fungal diseases cannot be used, since fungal spores along with fertilizer can easily spread throughout the garden. But the scavenger is not necessarily infected with such serious diseases. Most often these are fruits that have fallen from a tree due to some external reasons: due to strong winds, hail, or during a drought.

Especially a lot of paddles in the fall, when the tree, preparing for the winter, discards the leaves and the crop left on the branches. Such apples can be affected by moth larvae or other pests, however, all the elements that are useful for the soil used remain in them. And harmful bacteria and insects as a result of decay will certainly die.

Apples can be placed in the composter, but its contents are best used only after two years. During this time, all unnecessary “burn out”, and fertilizer will bring plants only benefits. In addition, care must be taken that, in addition to the scavenger, manure, soil, and the remains of herbaceous plants are laid in layers in the compost pit.

Moniliosis apple tree

What kind of apples should not be thrown into compost?

No matter how great the temptation to collect all the carrion and send it into a compost heap, in some cases it is absolutely impossible to do this, otherwise you can not only spoil all the fertilizer, but also significantly damage the plantings.

  • If the fruits were treated from pests with pesticides or other chemicals, then within 3 months after processing, it is not recommended to use them as a component of fertilizer.
  • You can not throw into the composter the fruits affected by moniliosis and other fungal diseases.
  • Apples contain a lot of acid and can significantly change the pH of the soil in the area where the compost will be applied. To neutralize the fruit is treated with soda at the rate of 100 g per 10 kg of scallop.

Only rotten fruits are involved in composting. Fresh fruits do not contribute to the processing of organic elements.

Liquid compost

Liquid compost

Fallen apples do not need to be thrown away: in addition to traditional compost, they also make an excellent liquid fertilizer suitable for all cultivated plants.

The recipe for liquid top dressing:

  1. The rotten fruits, together with other plant debris, are put in a barrel, filled 2/3 with water and covered with a lid.
  2. The barrel is exposed in the sun to speed up the fermentation process.
  3. After 10-12 days, the apple fertilizer is ready. From a concentrated composition make a solution at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer per 10 liters of water - they are watered with plants under the root.

To kill the unpleasant putrefactive odor emanating from the barrel, you can add 2-3 drops of valerian.

Fallen apples are a valuable product that should not be ignored. Properly prepared organic top dressing from carrion will become an invaluable aid in growing crops.

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  1. LOVE
    11/01/2024 at 17:45 Reply

    Thank you for your advice.


