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Why floors with salt are washed at home: applied magic in a panel high-rise building

Cleanly washed floors are not just the best way to get rid of dust and germs, but also the way to create a cozy and healthy atmosphere in the apartment. Equally important is the energy at home, which also needs periodic cleaning. For this, from ancient times, there is a tradition of washing floors with salt. This simple tool will not only help restore order and get rid of dirt, but also improve the aura of the room, especially if it's time to bring peace, good luck and prosperity to the house.

House with a heart

What is salt cleaning done for?

Mopping with the addition of ordinary table salt in order to clean the accumulated negative energy from an apartment or house is necessary when:

  • children often suffer from colds;
  • tormented by insomnia or often disturbing dreams;
  • indoor plants do not grow or die well;
  • often fail electrical appliances;
  • someone recently died in an apartment;
  • constantly lacking money;
  • things suddenly and completely disappear.

It’s also time to clean the room when the relationship between the husband and wife in the family has deteriorated, children have stopped obeying, and pets are leaving or dying.

Equipment for washing windows

Ritual preparation

Like any cleaning, cleaning the house with water and salt must begin with the analysis of unnecessary trash. There is a belief that around the things that no one has been using for a long time, a bunch of negative energy is going. It prevents one from entering into a life of luck and prosperity. Therefore, it is worth throwing out clothes, disassembling shelves and mezzanines.

Continue cleaning according to the following plan:

  1. Wash the curtains and be sure to wash the windows - this will help to take a fresh look at life prospects and, possibly, see what previously went unnoticed.
  2. Wipe off dust thoroughly.
  3. Wash the stove - it is it that personifies the wealth in the house, so it should always remain clean and in good condition.

Cleaning should be done with a positive attitude, imagining how diseases, poverty and troubles go away with garbage and dirt.

Adding salt to a bucket of water

Cleaning Rules

Usually, the ritual is performed on a waning moon, this helps to enhance the magical effect. You need to act like this:

  1. Open the windows wide - this is done so that the negative energy is exchanged for pure, positive.
  2. Pour water at room temperature into a bucket and dissolve salt there, about 1 tablespoon per 10 liters.
  3. Moisten a napkin and wipe everything that can be wet-cleaned: cabinet doors, household appliances, window sills, bookshelves.
  4. The resulting solution is washed the floor. This must be done starting from the threshold and further throughout the room.
  5. To remove negative energy from carpets and sofas, they are sprinkled with a small amount of salt. After 30 minutes, you will need to vacuum everything.

The water remaining after the ceremony is best poured into the ground, but if there is no such possibility, then into the sewer.

If the flooring for some reason does not allow wet cleaning, then you can place small containers with salt in the corners of the room, and after a few days collect and discard.

Coarse salt

Tips for more effective rite performance

It is always worth starting any event to get rid of negative energy in a good mood. There are other recommendations:

  • It is best to perform a ritual when no one is at home. This will eliminate unnecessary skepticism and add confidence in a favorable outcome.
  • Salt should be taken from a pack specially purchased for this purpose and not to use it in cooking in the future.
  • After washing the floors, you need to take a shower, and take off your clothes and wash.
  • It is necessary to conduct the ceremony a couple of times during the year. This contributes to a stronger purification of energy in the house.

By adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a bucket of water, you can enhance the effect. Lemon, orange or tea tree oil is good.

Coin Falling Into Water

A rite to attract wealth

In order for mopping with salt water not only to clear the space of negative energy, but also to attract additional money, you must remember three conditions:

  • It is better to carry out the procedure on Clean Thursday - this day the energy of renewal is very strong.
  • The salt used for the ritual is best calcined in a pan.
  • Before you begin, you need to throw metal coins into the water, and then say the words several times: "How will this water wash away the dirt everywhere, so let the need leave my house."

Next, wash the dining table, wipe the doors and window sills, and then the floor.

Washing floors with salted water has many advantages. Using this solution not only has a magical effect, but also makes the flooring more shiny and less prone to dust. It also helps to remove greasy stains, which is especially true for kitchens.

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  1. Elena
    03/24/2024 at 15:06 Reply

    Respect to the author !!!!
    we will customize the springs and put another meaning in the traditional cleaning! Ingeniously
    standing ovation

  2. Eric Mansurovich
    03/24/2024 at 20:20 Reply

    Let's try and check!

  3. Natalya Nikolaevna
    03/24/2024 at 21:38 Reply

    Some obscurantism!

    • Baby
      03/25/2024 at 13:57

      By the way, this obscurantism has been proved by science in physics and quantum physics! Try to read not only notes on the Internet, but also for adults!

    • Vova
      03/31/2024 at 00:34

      Just cancer! )))
      manual for fasteners 😷

  4. Robert
    03/25/2024 at 06:22 Reply

    Floors are usually washed to the threshold, and not from the threshold - it seems that the author himself never washed the floors.

    • TAMARA
      03/29/2024 at 18:30

      Nobody forcibly forces you to believe or not to believe ... But my mother and neighbors in TOM, the XXth CENTURY, believed a lot, maybe THEREFORE were kinder and richer with "pennies" !!! I understand "FROM THE THRESHOLD" of the front door and clockwise, remove all the rooms and return again "TO THE THRESHOLD." GOOD LUCK.

    • Reader
      03/29/2024 at 20:21

      "Afftar", as you put it, the floors apparently washed. And it does not matter to the threshold or from the threshold, the main thing is that you need to clean the floors. and that’s it. And salt really cleanses.

    • Olga
      04/06/2024 at 18:45

      floors are washed from the threshold only if you perform the ceremony, and so that the money does not leave the house.

    • lyudmila
      04/08/2024 at 10:19

      the floor after the dead is washed by the threshold

    • Lyudmila
      04/19/2024 at 05:08

      Namely, from the threshold, so as not to wash your pets out of the house, if you do not want them to leave, but after uninvited guests they wash after them so that they don’t come ... ... to the doorstep ... ..

    • Vladimir
      04/20/2024 at 05:17

      By the doorstep, they’ll wash so that there are no guests, from the doorway to the guests.

  5. Raspberries
    03/25/2024 at 14:59 Reply

    The author is smart. Encourages people to clean. It’s better to wash to the doorstep from the house, and even better to the doorway entrance😘😁

  6. Elena
    03/26/2024 at 10:51 Reply

    The floors are washed to the doorstep when a dead person is taken out of the house. Author rights flooring needs to be washed off the threshold. There is no obscurantism here. it is all proved by science. Thanks to the author for the article!

    • Yuliya
      04/06/2024 at 19:28

      Elena is right. Floors need to be washed from the threshold.

  7. Josephine
    03/26/2024 at 12:03 Reply

    I also applaud while standing ...
    But suddenly, with such a fussy wash and rubbing, I will interrupt the flow of favorable energies in my house ... Well nafih ....I’ll go eat a cookie better ...

    • Vova
      03/31/2024 at 00:39

      I also drank after reading this creation 😆

    • Raisa
      04/07/2024 at 18:06

      How I love my people! You read and wash the floor and eat and generally want to live!

    • eh
      04/11/2024 at 18:05

      yes, yes, yes, and I'm better than a cookie

  8. Elena
    03/26/2024 at 12:38 Reply

    I read that from the threshold they wash the floor on Maundy Thursday to attract money. Throw money (a trifle in the amount of 12 kopecks., ?? maybe just 12 coins) into the water. Speak to her: “Water you are water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. All sanctify you at Baptism. I ask you, water of forgiveness. Mother - pure water, sorry, Mother, water, help. As there are many of you in a lake, in a river, in a stream, in the ocean, in every glass of people, I would have had a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!". and wash the table first, then the windows, doors, and then the floor. But the floor should be washed backwards, i.e. from the threshold - into the room.

    • Hope
      03/29/2024 at 14:41

      And what to do with the little things? (12 kopecks)

    • Tatyana
      04/10/2024 at 19:09

      What to do with a trifle?

    • Vitaliy
      04/13/2024 at 08:45

      😂😂😂😂 a conspiracy and in the name of the holy spirit is tin 😂😂😂 everything in a bunch 😂😂😂 going for a cookie 😂😂😂

    • Favorite
      04/18/2024 at 21:52

      Elena ! Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge from the bottom of your heart!

    • White
      04/19/2024 at 01:57

      Well, with this it would be necessary to tie !!! Talk about nonsense about God and about what you don’t know. Better read the Bible and carefully read it !!!!

    • Asya
      04/20/2024 at 16:35

      Some kind of nonsense ... Superstition 101%

  9. Tatyana
    03/26/2024 at 15:12 Reply

    Cool and instructive article. Bravo to the author!

  10. Tatyana
    03/27/2024 at 02:45 Reply

    I wish everyone prosperity in the house, comfort and warmth, and of course believe in what you are doing, but you must do it with good intentions,

  11. Kapitan
    03/27/2024 at 22:01 Reply

    Indeed, if you start from the threshold, then wash the entire apartment with dirty water, usually I personally wash it myself and start from the bedroom-hall-kitchen-san-node-corridor, this is the most reasonable way, and not to drag dirt from the corridor into the apartment, especially if after Chernobyl, radioactive dust.

    • Galina
      03/28/2024 at 15:18

      Are you washing the whole apartment with one water?

  12. Kapitan
    03/27/2024 at 22:10 Reply

    Indeed, if you start from the threshold, then wash the entire apartment with dirty water, usually I personally wash it myself and start from the bedroom-hall-kitchen-san-node-corridor, this is the most reasonable way, and not all the dirt to be dragged into the apartment from the corridor, especially if after Chernobyl, radioactive dust.

    • Poem gender
      04/14/2024 at 00:40

      Wash the floor near the threshold, and then change the water and continue cleaning. What's the problem?

    • Oksana
      04/14/2024 at 19:29

      there are no obstacles to radioactive dust, even as mine

  13. Eugene
    03/28/2024 at 14:13 Reply

    Salt solution destroys a lot of the pathogenic microflora that we bring with shoes

  14. Natalya
    03/29/2024 at 11:58 Reply

    Thanks to the author! I was all weary of how to clean the house! From negative energy. Rummaged all Internet! I'm doing everything with salt! I wash my face masks, soy masks at the threshold, pouring in from bad guests ... .. But I did not try to wash the floor!

    03/29/2024 at 16:06 Reply


  16. Vova
    03/31/2024 at 00:50 Reply

    It’s just some kind of stiff nonsense .. wash everything with a thin layer of alcohol .. it will be more fun

  17. Catherine
    03/31/2024 at 10:33 Reply

    Thanks for the article I was looking for something like this for a long time. And how can you remove the damage yourself?

    • Secular ...
      04/03/2024 at 22:09

      And sugar is nicer

    • ELENA
      04/10/2024 at 19:28


  18. natalya
    03/31/2024 at 18:02 Reply

    it’s necessary to try to wash from the threshold, as it’s strange

    • lina
      04/15/2024 at 20:51

      To the doorstep, from home ... I wash every room from the doorway even if it’s not available. My mother always poured salt with words before going to the back of my head, but we forget and the kid is naughty ...

  19. Tatyana
    04/03/2024 at 08:51 Reply

    Useful tips, I believe. Thank you.

  20. Natalya
    04/04/2024 at 14:26 Reply

    Yes you are right. It is necessary to sanctify the apartment, but to pray. And before these, clean the apartment

  21. Tatyana
    04/05/2024 at 07:38 Reply

    A good article is that cleanliness has not been hated by anyone yet, but as for the threshold, water can be changed and there will be no water with salt

  22. Yuri
    04/05/2024 at 11:55 Reply

    The most serious question is the respected Hope

  23. Cleaning
    04/05/2024 at 11:11 Reply

    We have Muslims after the removal of the dead washed from the doorway. Since childhood I know. It’s interesting how it’s right, but it’s logical to the threshold, so that the dirt does not drive everywhere in other rooms

  24. Zoya
    04/05/2024 at 12:56 Reply

    ceremonies have been going on for a long time and they started when people lived in dugouts where the floors were made of clay then they were ground with a wormwood. And the wormwood kills microbes. Then the wood floors appeared and they began to be washed and scrubbed with a scythe “this is a knife” once a week and started suddenly someone comes from the threshold and the threshold is already clean. And of course they wash with more than one water. Think about when it began to build the bathroom units of the bathroom separate rooms? But whitewashing in the house always started from the threshold and clockwise. Each settlement has its own customs. Wash and clean. This will not hurt anyone. All good luck and prosperous.

  25. Alex
    04/05/2024 at 21:20 Reply

    Wash each room, starting from the threshold, changing and talking)))

  26. Anya
    04/06/2024 at 04:19 Reply

    And yet, what to do with coins after mopping? !!!! Throw away? Put in a wallet?

    • Adequate
      04/14/2024 at 14:16

      Put aside in a piggy bank for intelligence development courses.

  27. Nyutka
    04/06/2024 at 18:00 Reply

    I advise everyone to be careful with the magic of salt: after such a cleaning of my house, the person I lived with, it is scary to say, 20 years could not stand the cleanliness and three days after cleaning left the house with things. Looks like an unclean vein.

    • Galya
      04/13/2024 at 08:10

      Great! You're in luck !!

  28. Elena
    04/10/2024 at 18:28 Reply

    and how to clean the floor in the kitchen linoleum when fat sprinkles

    • From Canada
      04/14/2024 at 06:12

      Bleach diluted in water. For floors: 120 ml per 4 liters of water. If there are strong spots, rub these places with a solution and leave for five minutes. After that, rinse and dry the floor. (From user instructions, Canadian Clorox Liquid Bleach). I so wash my floors from linoleum).

  29. Maria
    04/11/2024 at 07:37 Reply

    From the threshold to wash the floors ????? The author writes about some other beliefs ... yes, any granny would have hit you with a rag, seeing that washing started from the threshold !!! hmm ...

    • lana
      04/17/2024 at 17:06

      so you would respectfully read it carefully, it’s said, this is a rite and is done no more than twice a year

  30. Inga
    04/11/2024 at 08:22 Reply

    After this phrase “For this purpose, from ancient times, there has been a tradition of washing floors with salt”, you can no longer read. Why exactly with salt? Why not immediately with golden sand? Or with silver. In the back there will be powerful protection from evil spirits!

  31. Mila
    04/11/2024 at 14:25 Reply

    First you need to clean the floors cleanly, and then to carry out the ceremony with salt. Then you can and from the threshold. But with coins what to do then?

  32. Olga
    04/12/2024 at 08:15 Reply

    I do not use magic, but I have the habit of soaking them in salt solution for at least an hour before washing the curtains. I get a glass of salt on the water received. Then wash in the washing machine, and immediately iron. After that, the curtains sparkle!

  33. Basia
    04/13/2024 at 07:05 Reply

    You read it all so it feels like you live in such dirt, pieces of dirt lie right on the doorstep. On the threshold of ordinary dust that you carry around the house and all.

    • Barbara
      04/14/2024 at 14:57

      Well do not tell. When we with the children come from the sandbox, then from the threshold no matter how you sweep, but the sand is still not completely swept out. And in the spring, when the snow melts and the dirt on the street, it’s also at the threshold of the dirt, where will it go from shoes if they walked along this dirt in the street. Better to wash at the doorstep.

  34. valentine
    04/13/2024 at 09:33 Reply

    and what to do with the little things?

  35. Poem gender
    04/14/2024 at 00:35 Reply

    Wash the floor near the threshold, and then change the water and continue cleaning. What's the problem?

  36. Aragorn
    04/14/2024 at 02:20 Reply

    Read good books. Start with textbooks on history, biology and physics. Life is not as mysterious as you think.

  37. Svetlana
    04/14/2024 at 08:02 Reply

    But what about a trifle?

  38. Golden Who
    04/14/2024 at 11:21 Reply

    Yes…. Truly cool! The rite has been held since ancient times. When appliances fail !!!!

  39. Nicodemus
    04/14/2024 at 12:06 Reply

    so that luck falls in love and settles with you, it is necessary, precisely, to carefully wash the sidewalk with salt from the stop where you are going to work to the door to your bedroom. react to boorish remarks of ignoramuses with a retaliatory blow with a rag on the face.

    • Catherine
      04/16/2024 at 04:53


    • lana
      04/17/2024 at 17:08

      so sit, forward and with a rag still do not forget to salt the water, leave the example.

  40. Tata
    04/14/2024 at 14:59 Reply

    Guys, less negative, more positive. They gave information - they read and praise. AND EVERYTHING. Kinder to be. And want do, want Do not do.
    And please write correctly and put commas correctly, but again it is your choice to be literate or illiterate

  41. Tata
    04/14/2024 at 14:14 Reply

    Be kinder, enough anger.
    And write your comments correctly (commas in Russian are also written)

  42. Adequate
    04/14/2024 at 14:25 Reply

    It was 2019. The authors write delusional articles about mopping, and at least “enlightened” ones give advice in the comments))) immediately wash with “holy water”, that’s a little thing)))

  43. Krayt
    04/14/2024 at 18:05 Reply

    Keep your soul and conscience clean, as a result, dirty energy will not be found in the apartment. And about the money, find the appropriate job and earn. And as for salt, I will say this. This is magic, but it works or not, the second question, and the first is what. Sooner or later, answer for any magical deeds with your health or the health of your neighbors, believe me that is so.

  44. Yulek
    04/15/2024 at 11:52 Reply

    I'm in the hallway always wash from the doorway

  45. Inna
    04/15/2024 at 12:32 Reply

    From my doorstep, yes, but I change the water. I do not believe in any conspiracies, but it is written above, so the coins should be made of silver.

  46. Tamara
    04/15/2024 at 15:29 Reply

    Magic is white and black, if the rituals are done not to the detriment of someone, it is white magic and our ancestors have used it for hundreds of years for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones. When you do this with pure thoughts, you still believe that you will help your friends and relatives people, it works, tested on themselves. And the coins that were used during the ceremony, dry, tie in a handkerchief and remove until the next use, do not put them into circulation.

  47. hehe
    04/15/2024 at 17:09 Reply

    here is a bunch of superstitious

  48. Arina
    04/16/2024 at 02:40 Reply

    My dears! Nobody forces you to do something: to wash or not to wash the floor with salt, remain people, or write nasty things, it's up to you!

  49. Tania
    04/16/2024 at 06:09 Reply

    "... In Russia on Maundy Thursday, we attached special importance to cleaning the house (you can’t clean it for six days), and believed that during it you can find hopelessly seemingly lost things.

    They also paid attention to “Thursday salt”, “Thursday candles”, washing with silver and counting money. Since evening service, believers have brought home lighted candles - a sign of ardent love for the Savior: earlier they lit lamps and fire in the stove, they went around the house with them. A bad omen was considered if the candle went out along the way.

    Water on Pure Thursday has special properties - "washes away sins." Any silver object is put into the water at night, and in the morning on Good Friday, they are washed with it.

    To increase wealth, money was counted: it was done either early in the morning, or at noon, or at sunset. But in secret from strangers and even from home. And they also washed the windows and doors with water, in which coins were put with the words: “Money, drive - do not transfer, grow, multiply, do not get to the enemy!” After that, the coins were taken out of the water, put into the far washed corner for a week, and the water was poured under the tree.
    Salt prepared on Pure Thursday was recognized as healing - it was added to the food and drink of the sick throughout the year. They prepare “Thursday salt” like this: for lack of stoves, they fry in a pan, reading “Our Father”, until the salt stops cracking ...
    Cooking cakes, dyeing eggs should be done after harvesting: according to omen, if you do this earlier, then baking will not work. Of course, now many of the ancient rites are perceived more as folklore ... ” If traditions are passed on in the family, traditions are preserved, people observe these ancient customs, rites. No harm from them, but good. Those for whom it is an obsolete anochronism can simplypass by . After all, not everyone goes to church either
    , to each his own . But here is to prove to others that his position is the only true, at least unethical.

    • Veronica
      04/16/2024 at 11:25

      Thank you very much. Everything is clear and accessible. I wish you success)))

  50. Masha Teddy Bear
    04/16/2024 at 14:46 Reply

    Salt attracts negativity. This has long been known. Why laugh at sugar, alcohol, and so on? Don’t know, don’t laugh.

  51. Alexander
    04/16/2024 at 16:06 Reply

    just to wash the floor - the key to health and spread polemics in a day you won’t read - it’s easier for citizens to be, vacuum, sweep, mop the floors and then there’s nothing to discuss - that's all! happily stay !!!!!

  52. 777
    04/16/2024 at 16:32 Reply

    Do not offend the brownie and you will be good in the house

  53. zheka
    04/16/2024 at 21:54 Reply

    I do not recommend using salt for mopping. All floors are different. You can damage the floorboard.

  54. Natalya
    04/17/2024 at 05:04 Reply

    Thanks for the article. Very on time. I believe.

  55. Tatyana
    04/17/2024 at 06:05 Reply

    Everything is so interesting. Thank you very much for the comments, for the advice. All health and happiness !!!

  56. Pavel
    04/17/2024 at 17:06 Reply

    Magic is a powerful science, for many it is incomprehensible, for those who are carried away - beware, you can stay headless if you send from a white to a black soul, you will not notice, you will be lost for all times, your balance will only correct your understanding, it’s better not to climb if you show greed. The Prayer of Christ is strong, but stronger than the call of the ancestors, we honor the Slavic Gods, hence the secret of movements ...

  57. Renat
    04/18/2024 at 14:32 Reply

    Now it’s clear who votes for Putich

  58. Ashot
    04/19/2024 at 10:30 Reply

    It’s dangerous to wash with salt.

  59. Marina
    04/19/2024 at 22:15 Reply

    How much nasty things have been read !!! What are all smart! But in the houses it’s apparently dirty as well as in the heads! Thanks to the author for the article. Salt has a memory.

  60. Lancy
    04/20/2024 at 10:17 Reply

    On the eve of Easter, all good, health, pure thoughts and peace in your home !!!

  61. Elmira
    04/21/2024 at 21:33 Reply

    The best purification of energy at home - regular cleaning and cleanliness of your thoughts. Be healthy and happy!

  62. Eugene
    04/22/2024 at 12:31 Reply

    Good day! Wash floors, do wet cleaning, if salt helps clean up negatives and stains - what's wrong? Let's be kind to each other - a person shared a positive! Thanks!

  63. Lana
    04/22/2024 at 16:15 Reply

    It is quite acceptable, it will suddenly work. I’ll probably first clean the floor as usual, starting from the back room and ending with the kitchen and bathroom, each time changing the water. And therefore, clean floors from the threshold, etc.

  64. Irina
    04/23/2024 at 09:03 Reply

    At least, the recommendation about Pure Thursday sounds strange .. Pure it is not because they start cleaning the house, but because on this day we partake of the church, cleanse the soul before the Last Supper .. Recommend to carry dirt in the house and put it in such an important place for believers the day is very strange and ignorant ..


