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Why do we need an electric mattress, an electric blanket, an electric sheet?

The trend for electric blankets, mattresses and sheets came to us from European countries, where the average temperature in apartments does not rise above 20 degrees Celsius. Residents of our country who have a powerful heating system, such technologies may seem superfluous. But those who constantly freeze really like to wrap themselves in a warm blanket. Here is an overview of the device for bedding with heating and the rules for their use.

electric sheet

What is an electric sheet, an electric blanket, types of "heating pads"

Laundry is similar to normal except for the thickness and heating elements inside the fabric. There are three types of electrical textiles:

  1. With water tubes and a separate fuser.
  2. With a heating system.
  3. Heating elements are made on the basis of carbon fiber. This is a fireproof material that allows you not to be afraid of fires.

Models vary in size: there are single, one and a half and double options, as well as children's accessories.

All heating elements are protected by fiberglass and silicone shell, have the necessary flexibility.

Benefits where technology is used

The electro-mattress will save in wet spring and autumn weather, when heating has not yet been given or has already been turned off. Inventions are useful for those who prefer to spend the summer in the country.

Some people are sensitive to humidity levels. Heaters noticeably dry the air, which affects the condition of the skin, well-being, in addition, such systems are not always safe. Electro textiles are a convenient alternative.

Electro mattress

How are warming accessories healthy? Sleeping in a warm bed is much more comfortable. It is known that a person falls asleep faster in warmth than in cold. This property will appeal to people who have difficulty with insomnia. Electric laundry is particularly useful for those suffering from radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and rheumatism.

Your pet will like to hide and doze off in a warm rug.

The technology has been successfully applied in medical cosmetology. Substances penetrate better into the deeper layers of the skin under the influence of heat. Electric sheets are used to wrap against cellulite, to increase skin tone, to nourish and improve overall well-being.

Electric sheets

How else can I use electric underwear:

  1. The sheet is useful for small children to play comfortably on the floor.
  2. For heating seedlings when it is cold outside and indoors. The heating litter is quite capable of replacing the greenhouse, if the site does not allow it to be equipped.
  3. For drying shoes.
  4. For a car, if you have to travel a long time: it is enough to power the thermal textiles from the cigarette lighter.
  5. There is a special gadget for the car engine - a blanket. It accelerates engine warming up at sub-zero temperatures and extends its shelf life.

The disadvantages of devices are in non-standard operating rules for linen, especially for low-cost models. Thin thermal sheets also have a problem: wiring will be felt in a dream. Manufacturers recommend particularly sensitive people to cover them with a regular sheet. This measure will also reduce the number of washings.

electric underwear

Which electrothras is better to buy: the basics of choice, manufacturers

When buying, consider the following characteristics of "warmers":

  1. Type of switch. There must be moisture protection. The best choice is a timer system. If you accidentally fall asleep, you will not get overheating and burns. The temperature adjustment function is also important.
  2. For maximum comfort, choose zoned blankets, where each section is controlled by a separate button.
  3. Cover material is preferred natural, hypoallergenic. Even if it's synthetic, good aeration of the fabric is important.
  4. A plush blanket will also serve without heating: use it as a plaid on rather warm days and as a heating pad on cold days.
  5. Additional functions: drying, automatic change of mode to a weaker, faster heating, backlight, the ability to remove the cable for washing the product in the car.

If you purchased electric underwear without a timer, then use special sockets with a minute counter.

The best manufacturers of electric underwear:

  1. "Incor" (Inkor) - relatively inexpensive blankets and sheets in different colors.
  2. German company Beurer. Her products are as safe as possible, as they are equipped with a system for monitoring overheating and malfunctions, in which case the power turns off automatically. There are a large number of models.
  3. Products from Pekatherm also included in the rating of the highest quality. Cotton sheets for allergy sufferers and connoisseurs of natural materials. The company offers functional models in different price categories.

electric underwear

Terms of Use

The instruction for electric underwear is understandable and simple, but not all users pay attention to it. Hence the complaints of fires. Always read the device description, best before buying:

  1. The first and most important rule: first warm up the electric sheet, and then use it! You can’t sleep on the included laundry. It is acceptable to watch TV with a working blanket, but it is very dangerous to leave it plugged in for the whole night. In a dream, it’s easy to hook the feet of the wire going to the network and cause a short circuit. Also, sleep with excess heat is fraught with health problems.
  2. The second and no less important condition for use: you can not fold a working blanket in half or more. This is what leads to the fires that users complain about. Always roll out accessories completely.
  3. The closure is also provoked by pins for attaching sheets and blankets to mattresses. Do not do this.
  4. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket is better not completely. Overheating of the head threatens health complications up to an increase in pressure, heart attack and stroke. Modern models of mattresses and blankets have heating zones: in the area of ​​the legs, lower back and torso.
  5. Do not spill water on working electric blankets, or drink drinks while lying in bed. So you risk getting an electric shock.
  6. Another cause of an unexpected fire is mechanical damage. If you find chafing, tanning on the fabric, then immediately give the product for repair. Before use, warm the subject for about 5 minutes and walk across the entire surface with your palm. If somewhere the heating is noticeably stronger, this is an alarming sign - defects are possible. Always remember that the temperature must be the same over the entire surface, except for zoned products.

electric blankets

Is it possible to wash electric textiles in a typewriter or with my own hands? Yes, just unplug the power cord first and make sure that the fabric is not damaged anywhere. If the model does not involve removing the cord, then wash it gently in the basin so that water does not get on it. Read the instructions, most often the manufacturer recommends a quick delicate wash and spin.

Advice from
If you want to carry out a home wrap procedure, then limit yourself to 40 minutes. This is enough to open the pores, and beneficial substances are absorbed into the skin.

Warm blankets have contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • urological problems;
  • diabetes;
  • sensitivity disorders (polyneuropathy);
  • doctor consultation is required for varicose veins, the use of pacemakers.

With the proper use of such heating pads, there should not be any fires and health problems. But just in case, it’s nice to have a fire extinguisher in the apartment. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of falling asleep in a warm bed and not freezing, just approach the matter wisely.

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