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Is it necessary to soak rice for pilaf and for making porridge

Even a novice housewife knows that rice should be washed before cooking various dishes. An advanced level is the soaking of different types of rice to improve the consistency of porridge or pilaf, increase the nutritional value of cereals and its taste. How to soak rice for pilaf and porridge, what features does steamed, red and brown cereal have? This knowledge will help housewives to significantly improve their culinary achievements.

long rice

Why soak rice in water

First, rice grains contain a lot of starch. This substance is a natural paste: have you noticed how grains stick together in porridge if you do not rinse them before cooking? This is the task facing the housewives who want to cook a crumbly side dish or pilaf: maximally free the grains from starch. And just rinsing under running water is not always enough.

Secondly, cereals are known to be high in inhibitors. These components inhibit germination. Once in the human digestive tract, they bind the most important mineral substances and block the secretion of gastric juice enzymes. All this significantly affects the quality of digestion.

rice in a slow cooker

Rice is one of the leading cereals in the content of such an inhibitor - phytic acid. The absolute record holder is a brown or brown variety. Brown rice grains are not peeled, they must be soaked before cooking.

How to dunk rice: all the rules

To make a viscous porridge, you can soak the rice for a short time. This will retain the small amount of starch needed for the stickiness of the porridge.

But for pilaf, starch is not needed at all. Soak any selected rice variety before cooking this complex dish. The easiest to prepare is steamed long-grain: it is cleaned from almost everything and almost does not stick together even with standard washing in five waters. Do I need to soak it? Still, yes, just try pouring a handful of grains with water. The liquid will become unclear and unpleasant in taste.

soaked rice

Is it possible to soak the rice at night

Soaking rice in advance is the best solution for busy housewives. Pour the seeds overnight, and by morning you will have cereal that is completely ready for cooking.

What water to soak rice in

One of the most important points for the preparation of friable garnish and especially pilaf is the correct choice of water temperature for soaking. It is easiest to pour rice with cold water, but it will take more time to completely remove starch and neutralize antinutrients.

The best option is hot water, about 60 degrees. In what water it is not necessary to soak the cereal, so it is in boiling. From it, the grains swell very quickly and unevenly.

boiled friable rice

The peculiarity of rice, which was aged in cold water: with the final washing, it becomes brittle. Do not rub grains so that they do not crack. This can lead to excess viscosity, which we are trying so hard to get rid of.

Advice from after warm water has cooled, change it to a new serving. So pilaf will turn out even more crumbly, grains are saturated with oil and spices.

Some housewives recommend soaking rice in salt water. The cereal absorbs as much salt as necessary.

How much to soak rice for pilaf

What time is rice soaked? Try to remember this at least a couple of hours. The optimal time is 7-8 hours.But there are several varieties of cereals, and they have fundamental differences.

crumbly rice

Should steamed rice be soaked

The steamed look is the easiest for culinary experiments. How long will these peeled grains be enough to become as friable as possible? The answer is from half an hour to two hours.

Red rice

Soak red rice for 3-5 hours. At the same time, do not forget that after "water procedures" the cooking time of cereals is reduced almost twice.

Brown (brown) rice

Brown rice requires a special approach: if it is not soaked, it simply will not boil. Grain shells are very rough and contain many inhibitors. To prepare a brown variety, pour it at least 8-12 hours.

Brown rice (brown)

How to dunk

How to soak the grits:

  1. Use only clean water.
  2. Soak in a glass bowl.
  3. Before the procedure, thoroughly rinse all the grains so that dust and dirt go away with water.
  4. Keep the container at room temperature.
  5. Rinse the rice one last time before cooking.

These are the simple rules for working with the most popular cereals. Let them help to make porridges and crumbly dishes the most delicious in your performance.

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