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How to remove the smell of burning in the apartment after a burned out pan?

Even experienced hostesses burn food from time to time. And then the question arises: how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment after a burned out pan? With simple ventilation, burning notes can soar in the air for a long time. And air fresheners only exacerbate the situation - the chemical smell mixes with the burnout and becomes cloying.

To clean the apartment, you need a set of measures. If everything is done correctly, the air in the apartment will again become completely fresh after 1.5-2 hours.

Mistress cleaning the kitchen

Fast burning odor burning - 4 steps

Few people know that when cooking, especially on gas, toxic substances are released: ammonia, acrolein, formaldehyde, etc. Some of them settle on the stove, get into the hood or go into the open window. Therefore, we do not notice a negative effect in conventional cooking. But if the pan and foods in it burned out? From burning enamel, fat, spices, food itself, the air is filled with a pungent odor, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Burns consist of smoke, soot, soot and toxins, and sometimes carcinogens that cause cancer. She has the property of eating firmly in the surface. Fire victims who survived the fire know how hard it is to remove the smell - you have to throw everything away, take down the wallpaper and floor, and then deal with the smell of concrete. Against this background, a burnt pan is a little nuisance. It is possible to get rid of a smell quickly and simply if to consistently carry out 4 actions.

Girl opens a window for airing

Step 1 - good ventilation

To the cinder left the apartment, open the window in the kitchen is not enough. It is necessary to organize high-quality ventilation, that is, to make a draft. To do this, open all the doors and windows in the apartment. This stage is the longest and lasts approximately 1 hour. If at home there is an air conditioner with a plasma filter for air purification, you can restrict it to use.

Conventional split systems do not ventilate the room, but only heat or cool the air in the room, so removing the smell of burning will not work with them. It’s better not to turn on the air conditioner at all, otherwise the truck will immediately settle on its filter.

Cleaning pot

Step 2 - Cleansing a Burned Item

Sauce and burnt food leftovers are the main source of smell. Therefore, it will be right to immediately wash it. And if it cannot be restored, then send straight to the trash.

By the way, many housewives claim that ordinary baking soda works wonders with burnt dishes. It is enough to dissolve 100 g of the substance in 1 liter of water and heat in a saucepan, and all the carbon deposits will easily leave behind and be washed off.

But you shouldn’t rub the pan with a metal washcloth, as it will scratch it and become unsuitable for cooking.

Wet cleaning in the kitchen

Step 3 - Wet Cleaning

Use a damp cloth to wipe tables, floor, cabinets, stove. The liquid will remove settled particles of burning. A flavored detergent can be used to enhance the effect. Then the apartment quickly filled with the smells of cleanliness and freshness. And if the smoke was very strong, you should also wash the tulle and curtains, which constantly absorb everything.

Air freshener spraying

Step 4 - flavoring the room

At the last stage, you need to enrich the air with a new smell, this time pleasant. You should start from your own preferences and taste.

To flavor the room, you can use:

  • air fresheners;
  • aromatic oils;
  • aroma sticks;
  • folk remedies (citrus peels, coffee, etc.).

It is important to take action as soon as possible until the smell of burning is absorbed into the wallpaper and furniture. Otherwise, burning notes will be felt for a long time in the air (sometimes up to 5-6 months).

How to remove the smell?

There are many means by which to go through these 4 stages will be much easier. This is a purchased "chemistry" (neutralizers, flavorings), and long-known folk recipes.

Preparation of coniferous broth

Folk remedies

There are several proven tools to help neutralize bad odors.

  • Coniferous broth. To remove the ashes, the needles are poured with water and left to boil for 20 minutes. You can use a pan that has burned out - then baking soda is added to the needles (see recipe above). Suitable trees, pines, any part of them: cones, branches, needles.
  • Peel of citrus. Oranges or tangerines should be peeled, peel the peel into small pieces. Place it in small plates around the apartment, and the smell of burning will soon cease to be felt. Some advise to scorch a small piece of the peel and leave smoldering in the ashtray.
  • Natural coffe. The process of roasting and brewing coffee beans is always accompanied by a rich, intense aroma that can kill other odors. Therefore, if you like an invigorating drink, this option is for you.
  • Salt (rock). She is endowed with the ability to absorb a variety of flavors. Salt is poured into wide flat plates and placed around the apartment. When the burning smell disappears, the contents of the plates must be thrown away - you can no longer use this salt! The second option is a water-salt solution. 10 l of water is poured into a large basin, 1 kg of salt is dissolved and left to stand in the room for 1-2 days.

Water based air freshener

Aerosols and chemicals

To combat burning, there is a special line of tools - neutralizers (for example, OdorGone). They are applied to the surface of the walls, ceiling, etc. for a day, and then washed off. But in the case of a burnt pan, drastic measures are not needed. In such a situation, it is better to ventilate the apartment, and then use ordinary sprays to flavor the air.

Most popular brands:

  • Chirton;
  • Glade
  • Discover
  • Ambi Pur.

An air freshener will be effective after airing the apartment and removing a cloud of smoke. Aerosols marked “anti-tobacco” are best suited for burning odors.

So, to remove the smell of burning in the apartment after a burned out pan is a simple task. Open all windows and doors, rub the dishes with soda and soak. Most likely, these measures will be enough and after 1 hour the air will become fresh. If not, follow the remaining 2 steps or use folk recipes.

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  1. Sergey
    06/07/2024 at 13:11 Reply

    I had a similar problem a couple of times, because of my distraction, I left the food on the stove and it burned down. The burning smell was very persistent, I used smelloff to remove this unpleasant odor. It helped perfectly and the very next day there was no trace of the smell.


