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How to force yourself to be clean, or motivation to clean the apartment

How to force yourself to clean the apartment? Every woman sooner or later comes a moment when even the very thought of cleaning her mood begins to deteriorate. Sometimes the reason is accumulated fatigue, spleen, or simply a desire to watch your favorite movie. But the mess and the dirt themselves do not disappear. What can be done in this situation?

Cleaning motivation

The main thing is motivation

Even the simplest occupation seems overwhelming if you do not want to do it. There will always be plenty of excuses and reasons. That is why the right motivation for cleaning is important, especially if you have to "regenerate" the entire apartment.

Simple psychological techniques help to change the negative attitude.

  • If you have children in your family, think about what imprint they will have on your attitude to order and cleanliness. The parent example is very important. It is useless to explain to the child the importance of regular cleaning if you yourself often go outside the daily routine.
  • A house is a reflection of the people who live in it. Think about whether things around you create a special mood, comfort? Do they lie in their places? Or do you want to leave your house faster so as not to see all this horror?
  • You will be surprised, but problems at work, in personal life and even overweight are interconnected with cleanliness in the house. It is impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle and think positively if there is a mess around and dirt. Agree, in a clean house and thoughts become cleaner and clearer, and the soul and body gain peace of mind.

Cleaning and dancing

Unusual tricks

If you are still not inclined to clean and think how to force yourself to do the cleaning, then you should try other tricks. You can use any option you like or even several at once.

  • Call the guests. It is not necessary to have a grand party, it can be a regular tea party with friends or work colleagues. Here, willy-nilly, so as not to fall into the dirt face, you have to clean the apartment.
  • Make a rearrangement of furniture. Psychologists say that you need to change the situation around you at least once a year. This has a beneficial effect on the mood, makes you look at your home in a new way. And, of course, you can’t do without cleaning during the rearrangement. Thus, you will do two useful things at once.
  • Sports training. We put on a tracksuit, sneakers and proceed to the exercises. Stand on your toes and wipe off the dust from the top shelves. Now we train the muscles of the hands - three sinks, a plate, wipe from the table. Exercises for the press: starting position - kneeling, wiping the floor with a rag (to yourself, away from yourself, to the sides). We finish the training only when the house shines with cleanliness.
  • A way for the lazy. If your hands have completely dropped, try to persuade yourself to work only 10 minutes. Agree, not so much. To not accidentally "recycle", set an alarm clock or timer. You will be surprised, but even in such a short time you can do quite a lot. Liked? Try spending another 10 minutes cleaning the apartment.
  • Extreme measures. If there is a lot of junk and dirt accumulated, then the right decision is to take the help of cleaning service specialists. They will put things in order in your apartment, and you only need to maintain it in the future. Another plus of this method is that you can spy on the secrets of quick, efficient cleaning.


Instead of forcing yourself to clean up every time, introduce all household members, including children, to the domestic work. Responsibilities divided by at least three will not seem so overwhelming and complicated.

Man in gloves for cleaning.

Where to begin?

So, you have already figured out how to force yourself to clean the room, have a positive attitude and are ready to start work. What do you need to do first? We offer a course of action, which, as practice shows, is the most effective.

  • Write a list of rooms that you plan to clean. Let the first one on the list be the lightest, for example, a bedroom or a bathroom.
  • Close your eyes and imagine how the rooms in the apartment will look after cleaning.
  • Next, prepare the equipment that you will use - a vacuum cleaner, a mop, detergents, cleaning products, rags and sponges.
  • Turn on some fun, fiery music (but not a television series!).
  • At once, collect all the trash, papers, lying around in a large basket.
  • Vacuum, wipe off the dust, wash the floor clean. Behind the sofa and under the bed, too.
  • Go through all the trash in the basket. Fold the necessary things in a systematic manner, send the rest to the bin.
  • Allow yourself a little rest, drink a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Now clean up the rest of the rooms.


When cleaning, try to maintain a positive attitude. Remember that it is comfortable only in the dwelling where they regularly clean.

Junk in the apartment

Getting rid of trash is important

If you carefully examine your apartment, you will notice special places where trash multiplies at an appalling speed. Do not have time to look around, instead of one leaflet a pile of papers has already accumulated. Or, where one thing neatly lay, a whole mountain of "rags" had already formed.

To end this once and for all, you need to get rid of unnecessary things. Usually this:

  • old newspapers, catalogs, magazines, flyers;
  • expired or unused creams, shampoos, balms;
  • worn out of fashion shoes;
  • socks without a pair, stretched underwear;
  • empty boxes, bags, plastic glasses and buckets;
  • plastic bottles, empty cans, tubes of cosmetics;
  • dried plants, flowers;
  • outdated kitchen utensils (pans, pots);
  • expired products, cereals, as well as meat that was lying in the freezer for a long time;
  • old batteries
  • candle cinders;
  • all that is broken.

The girl did the cleaning

Useful Tips

Be that as it may, restoring order and cleanliness is far from easy work. To facilitate the cleaning process in the apartment, use the following tips.

  • Do not let dirt accumulate; clean every day. Many women put off cleaning until later to clean everything in one fell swoop. But the more garbage accumulates, the less you want to "pick up" it.
  • Make a list of responsibilities for the week. If possible, distribute them among all family members. For example, on Monday and Thursday you clean the bathroom and toilet, on Saturday you sort out the closets, Sunday clean the carpets, etc. Children or husband can be instructed to water the flowers, wipe off the dust, and wash the dishes.
  • Pick up special clothes for cleaning. It should be comfortable, easy to wash.
  • Make it a rule to turn off the phone, TV and the Internet while cleaning. Better to turn on some fun music. So you finish the job faster, there will be less temptation to be distracted.
  • Do not try to do many things at a time. Objectively evaluate the amount of work and your capabilities.
  • Learn new, effective ways to clean things all the time. This will save your time and energy.

Remember that a woman is a keeper of a hearth. Who, if not her, can create an atmosphere of comfort in the apartment? Perhaps this is the most correct answer to the question "how can you get yourself to clean up at home." You only need to realize your feminine essence and role in the arrangement of your home.

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  1. TANYA.M
    01/02/2024 at 16:19 Reply


  2. Natalia
    01/26/2024 at 15:46 Reply

    Many thanks

  3. Anna
    01/27/2024 at 12:56 Reply

    Thanks! Everything helped! Now my apartment is clean and tidy!

  4. Irina
    04/09/2024 at 18:14 Reply

    No, well, REALLY. 😉 Thanks for the new ideas 🙂

  5. Tatyana
    07/10/2024 at 18:04 Reply

    Nothing helps! I turn on fun music and dance instead of cleaning! I start to clean up needlework - I sew, or weave. I repaired the mirror for half a day, painted it on the reverse side! No determination - a very difficult case))))

    • Alla
      09/21/2024 at 09:28

      I’m the same))) I’ll start cleaning up, I’ll find something, then I’ll consider it for half a day)

  6. Alexey
    10/04/2024 at 07:15 Reply

    All wrong. The arrival of Mom helps me) in a couple of hours I start to rush around the mess and the homeless Nick. Last quotation mark !! And everything is clean. And then again the scribe

  7. Love
    11.24.2019 at 16:08 Reply

    Good afternoon, girls! Khrushchev without repair, a lot of boxes with things for cleaning do not cause a desire for cleaning. Here you have to drive your husband!
    But the bright apartment after repair is a great desire to invite guests and maintain order!


