Is ammonia ammonia? Domestic use

Ammonia and ammonia are synonyms for the same chemical compound. This is the name of a 10% aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide, a substance with a specific pungent odor. In addition to its widespread use in many branches of medicine, the drug greatly facilitates the lives of housewives, helping to save money and time. Using a penny preparation, you can clean mirror surfaces, accelerate plant growth and restore lost whiteness to things.


Characteristic features of the drug

The ammonia solution (in Latin Liquor Ammonii caustici) is a colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor that disappears outdoors a few minutes after using the solution. Liquid ammonia quickly brings a person to life with dizziness or fainting. In a hospital with the help of a solution of ammonia, people who have gone through alcoholic drinks are sobered up.


Manufacturers produce ammonia in bottles of 40 and 100 ml. If you purchase a larger capacity, then you can significantly save, since the drug has a long shelf life.

Despite the simplicity of the chemical formula, there is often confusion with the names. A solution of ammonia and ammonia is one and the same thing. And ammonia is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that, when certain conditions are created, takes the form of a liquid.

In everyday life, you can successfully use the therapeutic properties of ammonia, which:

  • excites the respiratory center;
  • has antiseptic and disinfectant effects;
  • warms and anesthetizes muscles and joints;
  • provokes vomiting in case of poisoning;
  • promotes sputum discharge in colds of bronchopulmonary pathologies.

Relatives often bring chronic alcoholics to life with a fleece soaked in ammonia. But this should be done with caution - the instructions for use warns that you can burn the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. When taken orally to induce vomiting during intoxication, the drug should be diluted as much as possible so as not to aggravate the patient's well-being.

You can not use a solution of ammonia as the main treatment. The maximum healing effect can be achieved by using ammonia as a complex therapy drug. For example, aches in joints are treated with special anti-inflammatory ointments, and an ammonia solution is used as a distraction.

Ammonia and ammonia are completely different chemical compounds. When purchasing a drug in a pharmacy, you should correctly pronounce the name of the necessary medication. Ammonium chloride is ammonium chloride, a white crystalline powder, odorless. It is also sold in pharmacy prescription and production departments. Ammonia (in Latin Ammonii chloridi) has diuretic properties, which allows its use in the treatment of cardiac edema. Men often buy powder to remove oxide from metal surfaces when soldering.

Lipstick stains on the shirt

How to remove stains with a pharmacy drug

An effective stain remover is ammonia. Where modern detergent chemicals have failed, an ammonia solution shows excellent results. Ammonia is used in cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture, outerwear. After applying to the surface, the unpleasant odor of the solution quickly disappears, and there is no trace of fat and oil.To remove stains from suede shoes or bags, apply the solution to a cotton pad and moisten the area of ​​contamination. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times until the surface is completely cleaned.


You can not use a 10% pharmacy drug to cleanse, since it acts excessively aggressively on tissues. The optimal concentration of the solution for removing stains is 2%. To prepare it, you should add five parts of water to one part of 10% ammonia and shake thoroughly.

Ammonia must be diluted correctly, and ammonia will clean the surfaces in a few minutes. Unlike household chemicals, it does not form foam, which is difficult for housewives to get rid of. In order for the stain to disappear after the first treatment, it is necessary to apply a freshly prepared solution to it and easily rub it into the fabric surface. You can fix the result by washing clothes in the washing machine in normal mode.

White Tile Cleansing

Surface cleaning

Ammonia (ammonia) has the ability to remove contaminants from any hard surfaces. With the help of a pharmaceutical drug, you can clean from fresh and old spots:

  • window panes;
  • mirrors;
  • kitchen furniture and fridge;
  • chandeliers, lamps, sconces;
  • glass and porcelain dishes;
  • sink, toilet, bath.

To clean all of the above surfaces, ammonia is used in the form of a 10% solution. Apply it to the sponge and thoroughly treat the contaminated areas. If the stain does not disappear the first time, you can apply the product for 1-2 hours.


Many housewives know how difficult it is to remove old fat from the side walls of a gas or electric stove. And in this case, ammonia will come to the rescue. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions your favorite detergent and ammonia solution, and then apply the mixture to a contaminated surface. After half an hour, just wash the stove with clean water.

After using ammonia, it is easy to understand what the difference is between it and household chemicals. A pharmaceutical preparation practically does not leave stubborn stains on enameled and tiled surfaces. Mistresses do not have to remove them for a long time with a wiper and a soft rag. The main thing to remember is that when cleaning the kitchen furniture you need to turn off the gas stove.

Massage brush cleaning

A few more ways to use the drug in everyday life

If a fungus appears in the kitchen or in the bathroom, then ammonia can perfectly cope with the problem, the instructions for use of which indicate its disinfecting effect. The chemical compound has the ability to destroy mold and prevent its occurrence. To remove dark deposits, moisten the sponge with 10% ammonia solution and thoroughly clean the joints between the tiles.

What other uses does the medicine find in everyday life?

  • Removing grease and dirt from combs.
  • Stripping silver and gold jewelry.
  • The destruction of domestic ants.
  • Treatment of corns and dry corns.
  • Cleaning irons.


Despite the pungent odor, the best way to eliminate stale air in a room is ammonia. To do this, moisten a few cotton pads with a 10% ammonia solution and place them in different corners of the room. After a few minutes, the smell of the drug will disappear, and with it other unpleasant odors.

The use of ammonia solution in gardening is based on the properties of the drug to accelerate the growth of seedlings and adult plants. In addition, ammonia negatively affects the larvae of garden pests. If a chemical compound enters the hard shells of caterpillars and beetles, the disinfectant provokes their destruction. Ammonia is an excellent fertilizer and root stimulant.

The scope of ammonia is not limited to cleansing stains and giving shine to mirror surfaces.There are many ways to facilitate housekeeping with this pharmacological drug. But you should be careful when working with it. After contact with the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them under a stream of cool water.

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  1. Kristina
    09/05/2024 at 00:19 Reply

    They say you can use the ammonia to wean animals to spoil. Is it so?


