5 best fragrances for a fragrant home do-it-yourself

Perhaps you remember how in childhood we made crafts from orange and cloves, calling the resulting fragrant ball “hedgehog” and sometimes even hanging such fragrances for the house with our own hands on the Christmas tree for the new year. So, time has passed, and now you can replenish your skills in making fragrances at home in five more simple ways, most of which, perhaps, will be mastered even by a person far from hand-made. Moreover, we are sure that it will not be difficult to get the ingredients for these fresheners: half are already in your kitchen! Well, are you ready to experiment? Then we begin!

Herb sachets

Dry fees

If summer is in the yard, then it's time to stock up with fragrant herbs and plants, the aroma of which will be so pleasant to breathe in the winter. Without exaggeration, you can collect and prepare everything in advance, the smell of which you like. And although in our latitudes you are unlikely to stumble upon the insanely popular lavender, it is not so difficult to collect local oregano, mint, leaves of raspberry or black currant, pine branches, rose or jasmine, as well as juniper berries or quince.

In addition, you can use available spices like star anise or cinnamon and dry the citrus zest! All this must be dried without direct sunlight for 2-3 weeks and collected in a sachet bag or put in a transparent vase.

By the way, the process of creating such a sachet at home is a great way to spend time with children!


Such a potpourri is an excellent decorative element, and you probably saw similar collections in departments with souvenirs. But your collection is 100% natural, so you can even use it when taking baths!

Flavored Wooden Cubes

Base Essential Oils

The favorite way to give the aroma to the linen among the British is wooden figures soaked in essential oil. And let them keep the smell for a short time, but they require efforts to a minimum. To create such a flavor, you need to acquire small unvarnished wooden products from an array of non-coniferous trees. Although coniferous cubes by themselves can serve as an air freshener without the use of any essential oils.

Lubricate the wood over the entire area with a small amount of essential oil, cover in a dense jar for a while so that they can absorb the oil, but the aroma does not evaporate, and use as you wish. You can arrange the figures around the apartment so that all the air takes over the wonderful aroma, or put in a closet with linen. And don’t worry, there will be no oil droplets on your clothes!


Instead of voluminous wooden figures, you can use flat saw cuts, which are very easy to prepare yourself. In addition, cuts as an element of decor are becoming more popular.

As a base for a freshener at home, you can use not only wood, but also ordinary soda. To create a soda-based air fragrance, you will need a small glass jar, a suitable lid with holes that you can make with a nail, and your favorite essential oil. For 6-7 tablespoons of soda, you will need only a couple of drops of oil, after adding ether, you need to shake the mixture in a jar a little. Everything! You can enjoy the air filled with divine aroma.


Do-it-yourself gel flavors for the home are much easier to make than it sounds. The technology is similar to the preparation of ordinary jelly from gelatin, only you need to make it quite thick and dense, and add not sugar and juice to the composition, but essential oil and a spoonful of glycerin.

Such a gel air freshener can be poured into a mold, cut into cubes and put in a transparent vase or even placed in a toilet bowl! However, in the latter case, it is better to add a little dye to the mixture, so that you know when the action of the piece has ended, and you could put another one there to replace it.

Spices for Flavors


The real space for the experiment will bring you the water way to create a freshener at home, because absolutely any product with a pleasant smell can serve as a material! Of course, the strength of aroma and resistance vary from ingredient to ingredient, so there are the most popular basic components that will last the longest, while intensively filling the air with the right smell:

  • rosemary;
  • lemon;
  • ginger;
  • orange;
  • cinnamon;
  • cloves;
  • needles.

All you need to do is fill the ingredients with water in a refractory container and heat them up every time you want to make the composition give off its aroma more. Sometimes, especially in conifer-based flavorings, you can even boil the mixture a little, getting a kind of fragrant decoction, but in most cases a minute on the burner is enough.


At the moment, inexpensive USB heaters are available, which are convenient to use not only for tea and coffee, but also for this type of freshener.

Coffee beans and chocolate

Express way

When you want to fill the air in the room with a fabulous smell right now and there is absolutely not enough patience to make even a simple fragrance with your own hands, you can use this express method. Just heat the pan and fry coffee grains, cinnamon, star anise, zest or pine needles on it for several minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it and not fill the house with a burnt smell, so heat the spices over low heat and not for too long.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to make a fragrance yourself at home, and we hope it turned out to be so simple and understandable that you will be inspired by your own experiment right now!

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  1. Antonina
    10/16/2024 at 20:33 Reply

    Thank you so much for this article! For a long time I was looking for such information. Finally found! And what I found is absolutely enough. I will try pieces of wood and water, and maybe even get confused with gel.


