How to quickly wash off henna from the skin so as not to get irritation?

Henna is a natural dye that has found widespread use in everyday life: with it, hair is dyed, unusual patterns are applied on the palm. Therefore, the question of how and how to wash henna off the skin becomes relevant if it accidentally gets in while working with curls or if the patterns made have already faded and are not more attractive. There are some easy ways.


Tools at hand

Henna hair coloring helps to strengthen the roots and make the curls thicker, but unpleasant reddish spots can remain from this natural dye on the skin of the hands, forehead, and ears. There are several easy ways to get rid of them.

  • Vinegar solution - A simple tool for use at home. To prepare it, take a stack of vinegar and water, mix and wipe the painted areas with the resulting solution using a cotton pad. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water.


For delicate skin, it is better to use vinegar 3%, for hands 9% is also suitable. In its pure form, vinegar can not be used: it will enhance the effect of henna.

  • Alcohol or vodka. These are ready-made liquids for quickly cleansing the skin of henna: a small amount of alcohol (or vodka) is applied to the cotton pad, and the painted areas are wiped. Next, rinse them with water.

Any of these tools can be found at home or purchased in a store.

Nail polish remover

Cosmetic methods

There are several more ways to erase reddish spots from the skin.

  • Lotions with alcohol can quickly get rid of traces of henna.
  • Using nail polish remover is another effective way to remove stains. However, it is not recommended for use on the face.
  • A scrub makes it possible to not completely clean the skin, but to make the red paint a little lighter. It can be used in cases where the skin is very sensitive and prone to irritation from interaction with alcohol-containing substances. It is necessary to take a small amount of scrub and process the stained areas.
  • Sea salt. It works according to the scrub principle, removing paint along with skin cells. The method is not suitable for those who have inflammation or acne on their faces.


Any of the listed funds negatively affects the condition of the skin, therefore, after treatment, thoroughly rinse the painted area with water, and then apply a greasy cream to it. For the face, it is best to make a nourishing mask.

Drawing henna on the hand

The most effective means

To get rid of traces of staining with henna at home, you can use the most powerful tools, but it is important to remember that this is an emergency measure, since these substances are very harmful.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is applied to a cotton pad, then with it help wipe the painted skin. It is important to use a 3% solution, because a large concentration can cause burns.
  • Ammonia (10% solution). The procedure is the same.
  • The following solution is even more effective: 1 tbsp. l ammonia is mixed with 5 tbsp. l water and 5 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide, applied to the skin for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed with water.

These methods allow you to urgently remove henna from the skin, but they should be used infrequently.

Lemon juice

Using Lemon Juice

A more gentle option is to treat the skin with a mixture of lemon juice and soda. To prepare it you will need:

  • a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • a spoon of soda;
  • water.

The components are mixed to a mushy state, applied to the desired area using a cotton pad or an old toothbrush, then rubbed into the skin. After this, the mixture must be removed with water. If there is no result, the procedure should be repeated, but not earlier than in a day.


Pure lemon juice in its pure form whitens the skin well, but in the case of natural dye it has the opposite effect, enhancing color. Therefore, in its pure form, it should not be used.

Citruses can cause irritation or an allergic reaction, so before use, a test should be performed on a small area of ​​the skin.

Mehendi in the arms of women

Mehendi removal

Henna tattoos, the so-called mehendi, are now very popular. Apply them on the palms, feet, even on the back and lower back. But what if the picture was not liked, tired or partially washed off and now looks ugly? There are several ways to remove henna.

  • If the image has just been applied and the dye has not yet been absorbed, the area should be washed with warm running water, always using laundry soap.
  • However, if time is lost, and the henna is already dry, this method will not help, more radical solutions will be required. First of all, it is worth wiping the stained area with a cotton pad abundantly moistened with vodka, alcohol solution or medical alcohol.

After this treatment, the painted area is washed with soap and water and greased with a greasy cream.

If the mehendi is on the body for several days and suddenly there is a need to remove the pattern, you can use the following methods.

  • Warm bath. After sitting a little in the bathtub so that the skin is steamed, the area with the tattoo should be carefully treated with a washcloth or scarlet, rubbed intensively. The procedure will make the drawing less noticeable, the henna will completely disappear after several times. You can clean the stained area with pumice, but this method can not be called gentle - the upper layer of the epidermis will suffer. However, the dye will also wash off well.
  • Salt bath. If the drawing is applied to the brush, it can be washed with salt baths. To do this, dissolve 2 tbsp in a small bowl of water. l sea ​​salt, place the brushes and wait until the water has cooled. The pattern will become less noticeable.
  • Salt mask. You can remove henna from the skin with salt masks. This is done if the bathtubs are uncomfortable - for example, when the pattern is located on the back. Making them simple: moisten an old towel with saline (2 tbsp. L per liter), put on a patterned area, wrap with cling film and wait at least half an hour, then rinse with water.
  • A small drawing or trace of henna can be washed off with antibacterial soapapplied to a toothbrush. It is necessary to rub the painted place intensively, then rinse with water.

Some of the ways to remove traces of henna will be effective after several procedures.

Abrasive toothpaste

Additional ways

Henna is not easily washed off, so you need to be prepared for what you have to use in various ways.

  • You can use vegetable oil heated in a steam bath. Using a swab, oil is applied to the painted area, then wrapped with cling film (if traces of henna are in the palms, you can wear rubber gloves) and leave for 30 minutes. After that, the skin is washed with water and soap.
  • Olive oil is mixed with cognac (for a small area you can take 2 tbsp. L. Each), the mixture is applied to the skin, left to act for an hour, washed.


In the last two cases, experts recommend using laundry soap, it allows you to quickly remove paint residues.

  • Dentifrice helps to remove even the most stubborn dye without injuring the skin of the hands. It is applied with an old toothbrush, rubbed intensively, then removed. The palms must be wet before processing.

These methods will help remove henna from the skin, but you should not wait for a quick effect, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Cosmetic Vaseline

Stain protection

It is very difficult to wipe the reddish spots, and the most effective methods are harmful to delicate skin. That is why precautions should be taken when working with natural dye.

  • Hair dyeing should only be done with gloves, they will protect your hands.
  • Before the procedure, apply a thick layer of oily cream, wax and petroleum jelly on the contour of hair growth, thoroughly smear the ears and neck. These products are easier to wash off than henna stains.
  • When applying henna to the body of the picture, you should have a wet rag or cotton pad on hand - if the line turned out not as intended, you should remove it until the dye is absorbed.

These simple tips will help avoid problems and prevent staining of unwanted areas of the body.

Chemical burn on hand

What can not be done

Wanting to get rid of reddish spots as quickly as possible, some begin to use all available means. However, it is important to know that to remove henna from the skin you can not take such substances:

  • petrol;
  • washing powder;
  • acetone;
  • solvent;
  • wiper.

They are toxic, very negatively affect the state of the epidermis, therefore, should not be used.

Removing henna from the skin is quite problematic, however, home methods can do this, albeit with some effort. The main thing is not to use all means at once.

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