How effective is tar lice from lice?

If parasites are wound up in your head and you don’t want to use chemicals, use tar soap for lice. When buying, you can not go to another area, hiding from friends, do not look around for a chatty neighbor nearby. This tool can also be used for ordinary hygiene procedures, tell the curious that the hair becomes cleaner from tar, and hide information about your lice. Do not consider that a huge misfortune happened to you, because parasites can crawl onto any person in public transport, in children the infection occurs in the kindergarten or on the playground.

Homemade tar soap

What is tar soap

From an aesthetic point of view tar tar does not cause positive emotions. Brown bars with not the most pleasant smell do not contribute to the desire to wash themselves. For all its shortcomings, this ancient remedy is gaining more and more supporters. They use a therapeutic soap to wash their hair, use acne and nail fungus, treat areas affected by psoriasis and eczema. Traditional healers believe that tar is a healing remedy that will help from many ailments.

The composition includes tar, which is obtained from birch. It looks like a thick, sticky mass that looks like tar. Since ancient times, people have used this substance to treat various diseases, including the elimination of parasites. Nowadays, in its pure form it is not used, this tool is added to medical and cosmetic formulations. On its basis, means were made to combat the following troubles:

  • head lice;
  • dandruff;
  • blackheads;
  • eczema
  • psoriasis.

In addition to tar, soap contains phenols and alkali. The combined effect of these components kills not only parasites, but also fungus, bacteria and viruses.

Lice bites bother a person, not only wounds from blood-feeding insects remain on the scalp, but also scratches from scratching. Soap disinfects microtraumas and they are not inflamed.


If you want to use soap for eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems, it is better to consult a dermatologist first and find out if it is compatible with the therapeutic agents that you use.

Lice in a child

Harmful tar tar

Some people believe that the disinfecting effect of tar soap should be used constantly. They use this tool with every bath and shampoo. This should not be done. Tar is a very strong external agent, after its application the skin loses fat and becomes very dry. Treat this product as a medicine that should not be abused.

If you have oily hair, 1-2 procedures will not hurt, but it is better not to use soap with tar against lice all the time. If you use only this one tool, it will remove adults, the nits will remain on the hair, and after a few days the treatment will have to be repeated. Holders of dry skin after the first time will notice itching and peeling, after expelling the parasites they will have to do long-term hair treatment. Try combining treatments with other medications to less damage your hairline.

Tip recommends mixing a solution of tar soap with vegetable oil when washing your hair; the best option would be coconut, olive or peach. This combination will protect the skin and hair from overdrying.

There is a theory that if you use tar soap constantly, the hair will get used to the new remedy and the negative effects will disappear. You can check the accuracy of this information on your hair.Remember that the skin and hair of each person individually react to any drug. The fact that your dryness does not pass, but only progresses, does not mean at all that the other person will have the same reaction. This happens when using any cosmetic product: to find out if it suits you, you can only experimentally.

Tar soap

How to use healing soap

The easiest way to use it is to rub soap chips, put it in warm water and mix until solid fragments dissolve. Lathering your head with a whole bar is not recommended. If the preparation of the solution seems to you too time-consuming, buy tar tar shampoo. Then the foam should be applied to the hair and massaged into the scalp. Put on your bathing cap and wait 40 minutes for the tar soap against lice to do its job.

Take the comb and carefully comb out all the parasites. It is difficult to do it yourself, it is better to ask for help from one of the family members. Only after that can the soap be washed off. The procedure should be repeated every other day until you are sure that there are no live nits or lice in your hair. Throughout the procedure, the water should be cool. Tar soap in combination with hot liquid destroys the shine of the hair, they become dull.

To achieve the result faster, moisten the hair with vinegar or alcoholic hellebore tincture. These products dissolve the enzyme, with the help of which lice glue nits on curls. Hold the treated head under a dense scarf or bathing cap for about half an hour, then comb out the lice and nits with a comb, apply tar soap to the roots and carry out the treatment as in the previous version. In the first method, after several treatments, the parasites will disappear, but empty shells of nits will remain on the hair for a long time. Hellebore water or vinegar will save you from this problem.


Manufacturers claim that tar soap is absolutely safe and they can even wash babies. If you have every right to risk your own hair, then you can’t decide for a child without enough information. Consult a pediatrician before using any new cosmetic products; advertising representations are not always true. With pediculosis in babies, it is advisable to use special children's preparations or consult a trichologist.

Tar soap

Advantages and disadvantages of tar soap

To decide whether to use tar soap, you need to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes the advantages of this tool include its cheapness, a piece is enough for a long time, but it costs a lot. When choosing cosmetics, a low price should not be considered a criterion. Don't you really love your skin and hair so much that you regret donating an extra hundred rubles to it? If this factor is important to you, you can write it down as a first advantage, this is what applies to other advantages.

  • Environmental friendliness. Soap consists only of natural components; its manufacture does not use flavorings, dyes or similar chemical compounds.
  • Hypoallergenicity. Since artificial additives are not included, allergies to procedures are noted in rare cases.
  • Possibility of use for wounds and scratches. Soap has disinfecting properties and does not cause pain in damaged areas.
  • If the hair is very oily, a little drying will be even beneficial for them.

The main disadvantage of using soap, as already mentioned, is its draining effect. Perhaps for your skin type, this negative point is not relevant. To understand how unpleasant the consequences will be for a particular person, you can only try to use this product several times.

The disadvantages of tar soap include:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • viscous consistency, due to which the composition is difficult to wash off with thick hair;
  • use soap carefully if it gets on the mucous membranes, pain occurs.

The effectiveness of the procedures for pediculosis received both positive and negative assessments. Any means must be used correctly, clearly follow all instructions. If you just wash your hair, the parasites will not die, you need to keep the product on your head for at least 40 minutes, then comb out the insects. Tar does not help as much and quickly as modern insecticides, but it does much less harm. Hair dry masks or other cosmetic procedures can save you from dry skin.


Never use pure tar to fight lice, you can burn the skin. In soap, the content of this component is within safety standards.

Bad reviews can come from those who used a low-quality product. If the composition is less than 10% tar, the effect of processing will be low. Of course, the expulsion of parasites with the help of medical soap is a laborious and lengthy process, with very thick and long hair it can stretch for a month. There is a faster remedy - dust soap, but it contains toxic components and can be hazardous to health. Its use is permissible only in emergency cases, when you need to put your head in order very quickly. Be sure to read the instructions and learn how to use a toxic drug, and then strictly follow its recommendations.

No one is safe from infection with lice. The opinion that parasites like to live on dirty, unkempt hair is a mistake. It is more convenient for insects to settle on a clean head, just tidy people often carry out hygiene procedures, and an individual accidentally caught in the hairdo does not have time to lay eggs before being washed off. To prevent head lice, take a piece of tar soap and from time to time carry out preventive treatment of the head.

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