5 recipes for making laundry detergent at home

Laundry detergent firmly established in the shopping list of every good housewife. But what if it suddenly ended and there is not a gram of this remedy in the house? Is it possible to find him a worthy replacement from improvised means?

Natural washing powder

Pros and Cons of Homemade Powders

What are the advantages of a home washing product?

  1. In its composition there are no doubtful, harmful components.
  2. It has no characteristic chemical smell.
  3. It does not cause allergies, can be used to wash children's clothes.
  4. Various recipes allow you to prepare powder for both hand and machine wash.
  5. Perfectly copes with heavy pollution.
  6. The ingredients are inexpensive and can be easily found in the store.

True, there are also disadvantages.

  1. It takes some time to prepare the detergent.
  2. Homemade powder may leave white stains on clothing due to its high soap content.
  3. If used in a recipe soda ashthen for hand washing you need to wear gloves.

As you can see, the benefits of a home remedy are much greater, and the variety of recipes allows the hostess to choose the most optimal option.

Ingredients for washing powder

Ingredients for washing powder

Before making detergent, you need to prepare the following dishes:

  • a small pan;
  • bucket;
  • a wooden spoon;
  • empty water bottles.


  • baby or ordinary soap without fragrance;
  • soda ash;
  • baking soda;
  • citric acid;
  • essential oil of lavender, lemon (or any other);
  • borax;
  • salt;
  • water.

What properties do these substances possess?

  • Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is a mineral that has excellent detergent properties due to its alkaline composition. Often used to soften fabrics and wash children's clothes. It has an antifungal, antimicrobial antibacterial effect.
  • Baking soda neutralizes pH with an excess of alkali and acid, softens and disinfects the tissue.
  • Soap has long been used for handwashing, but special recipes for home-made powder allow it to be used successfully for a washing machine.


If this is your first time cooking detergent at home, make small servings according to different recipes. This will help to make a choice.

Production of washing powder at home

5 recipes for home washing products

There are many ways to make washing powder at home, we will give the most popular, tested and approved by many housewives.

Recipe number 1 - for linen and cotton fabrics

To wash natural fabrics from plant fibers correctly, the detergent must have an alkaline reaction.


  • Laundry soap (50 g);
  • baking soda (200 g);
  • soda ash (100 g);
  • salt (1 tbsp. l.).

Method of preparation: grate the soap, add the remaining components, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender).

Recipe number 2 - for silk and wool

These fabrics are very delicate, so soda ash must be excluded from the composition, and make it more acidic with lemon. If the fabric is colored, baking soda should also be replaced with salt, this will help to clean the fabric carefully, while maintaining a natural color.


  • soap (100 g);
  • food salt or soda (400 g);
  • citric acid (2 tbsp. l.).

Method of preparation: grate the soap, add salt, citric acid, mix well, and then pour into a container suitable for storage.

Soap and Soda

Recipe number 3 - for washing artificial fabrics

To wash such clothes, the composition of the product must be made more gentle. The effect is achieved by reducing the amount of soda ash or its complete replacement for food. Wash at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees.


  • soap (50 g);
  • baking soda (250 g);
  • soda ash (75 g).

Method of preparation: thoroughly mix the grated soap with the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe No. 4 - for washing children's clothes

Using borax in the composition will help to gently clean and sanitize children's things.


  • soap (100 g);
  • baking soda (400 g);
  • borax (150 g).

Method of preparation: finely rub the soap, add the remaining components, mix thoroughly.

Recipe No. 5 - Liquid Powder

The gel-like consistency reduces the cost of the product. Suitable for all types of fabrics except silk and wool.


  • Laundry soap (100 g);
  • baking soda (400 g);
  • borax (200 g);
  • water (5 l);
  • essential oil (15 ml).

Cooking method

Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add grated soap, put on a slow fire until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Boil the remaining 4 liters of water, add soda, borax and the resulting soap solution. Stir thoroughly by adding essential oil. After the powder has cooled slightly, pour into convenient containers (for example, into empty water bottles).

Using Homemade Machine Wash Powder

Terms of use

After preparing the powder at home, many are interested in how to use it correctly?

Home Remedy Consumption:

  • dry powder 150-200 g per 5 kg of laundry;
  • liquid - 100g per 6 kg.

In addition, there are several important nuances.

  1. If the pieces of soap turned out to be large, then with machine wash, the product is put directly into the drum.
  2. If you want to wash colored and black linen, you should already add 1-2 tbsp to the finished powder. l salt. This will keep the color, and an extra rinse will help get rid of white stains.
  3. Heavily soiled laundry is better to pre-soak. And if there is no time, then before washing the problem areas should be rubbed with laundry soap.
  4. Store washing powder in a dark place, and shake before use.

Woman chooses washing powder

Harm from store chemistry

If you are still considering whether to make the powder yourself or not, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of shortcomings of household chemicals from the store.

  • The main components of the purchased powders are surface-active substances (surfactants) and phosphates. Even a few rinses are not able to completely remove them from clothing.
  • Surfactants very often cause allergies, which are especially severe in young children.
  • Phosphates are toxic, absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, they inhibit the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Various bleaches, sodium silicate and other harmful ingredients weaken the immune system, leading to dermatoses, allergies, dry skin.

Everyone decides for himself whether to use household chemicals from the store or not. However, many women have long forgotten about the problem of “washing clothes” and are successfully using a home remedy.

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  1. Elena
    09/12/2024 at 08:41 Reply

    I made a powder with salt for wool after 2 weeks when it got into the water, terrible greasy spots formed, I had to throw it all away, and the powder for cotton and linen works very well


