9 ways to use ammonia in everyday life. 7 way surprised me even

The first thing that ammonia is associated with is its ability to remove a person from a pre-faint state, and some of us met this bubble in the treatment room during blood donation. But not many people know that ammonia is no less useful in everyday life than in medicine. There are many ways to use a 10% solution of ammonia for economic purposes, and we selected the most effective ones.


Stain removal

To remove contaminants, an ammonia solution for domestic purposes is used, perhaps, most often. And, of course, mainly where the usual detergents are either inconvenient or ineffective.

  • Ammonia can be used to clean carpets or furniture upholstery, and it will work better than purchased household chemicals, in addition, you will not have to wash foam from the fabric.
  • Also, with this solution you can clean suede shoes, bags and gloves, because you cannot wash it, and processing with a usual stain remover will require contact with water. In this case, the ammonia solution is applied to the suede with a cotton pad: the dirt will be absorbed in alcohol, and the discs will need to be changed until they become clean.
  • And ammonia is indispensable for removing greasy stains from any fabrics, including ordinary clothes. Treat the stain with a solution, and then run the usual machine wash: there will be no trace of greasy stains on the cuffs and collars.

What concentration to prepare a solution for these manipulations? The more ammonia you add to 100 ml of water, the stronger and faster its properties will appear, but also the aggressive effect on the structure of the tissue will increase. The most common cleaning solution that we recommend is 1 part ammonia and 5 parts water, although the saturation of the mixture can be increased or decreased if necessary.

Drying after bleaching


In addition to removing stains, ammonia in everyday life is used to return things to their original boiling white color, and he also copes with this task with a bang. True, it does not work alone as well as with an assistant in the form of hydrogen peroxide, so stock up on both means. We’ll soak your children's tights, your work blouse and even the tulle, which has turned yellow from the sun, in the same solution: in 4-5 liters of hot water (about 70 ° C) add 50 ml of peroxide and 25 ml of ammonia, soak things in it Rinse for several hours. It is worth noting that this procedure is not a substitute for washing and should be carried out on things that have already been cleaned of heavy impurities.


White items that fall victim to a bright sock accidentally falling into the washing machine can also be saved by soaking, provided, of course, the colored fabric does not shed too much.

Mirror surface cleaning

Surface cleaning

A solution of ammonia removes strong contaminants from tiles, sinks or ovens no worse than from fabrics, so that the whole apartment can be washed with the same solution.

  • Ammonia is excellent for cleaning glasses, mirrors and other glass products, such as chandeliers and even glasses. It is good because even in the solution it does not leave streaks and gives shine.
  • With a solution of ammonia, applied to a cotton pad, you can even clean the sole of the iron so that it does not leave ugly stains on clothes.
  • A tile of a solution of ammonia will be wiped away from greasy stains if it is a kitchen apron, traces of hard water if it is a bathroom, and dirt if it is a floor.
  • Ammonium chloride copes well with greasy stains, so its solution can be used to wash the stove and oven, of course, without including gas: it is still alcohol.

The use of ammonia


For the same tile, treatment with ammonia is not just cleaning, but also the prevention of fungus and mold, because of which the grout between the tiles looks just awful. Of course, it is better to use ordinary alcohol for hand disinfection, but it is quite possible to process objects with ammonia. For example, in a solution of ammonia, hairbrushes and hairbrushes are soaked, which are difficult to wash and disinfect in a good way in another way.

Silver ring cleaning

Metal cleaning

Soaking silver, gold and other metals in a solution of ammonia is another useful tip that even jewelry shop owners will confirm. It will work equally well for both the old grandmother's gold pendant and the oxidized silver spoons.



The use of ammonia in everyday life is not limited to the area of ​​cleaning: he can also serve in the fight against insects who decide to settle in your apartment. Brown ants, which are often simply unrealistic to remove using traditional methods, will forget the way to your kitchen if they smell the ammonia. You can also take it with you on trips: it works no worse than factory repellents, but costs much less.


If you put a tiny amount of ammonia on an insect bite, then it will stop itching.

Beauty product
The ammonia has interesting properties for dry and problem skin of the feet. If you add literally a couple of drops of this product to the bathtubs, the skin softens, the cracks heal faster, the unpleasant odor recedes, and the skin coarsens more slowly.


Ammonia is used in small amounts inside to induce vomiting in case of poisoning, but outside medical institutions it is better not to use it for such purposes: a small overdose - and you will get a mucous membrane burn and serious poisoning.

Ammonia bottle

Odor elimination

Another useful advice on the use of ammonia in everyday life is the elimination of stubborn unpleasant odors in the room. If you place small containers with ammonia around the room, then after a while the smell will go away, and although it will be necessary to ventilate the apartment from ammonia for a long time and carefully, soon there will be no smells in it, except for the smell of cleanliness.

Watering seedlings


It is difficult to believe that a substance with such a pungent odor, and even alcohol, can be useful for plants, but with some species it really is. True, it is added in small quantities so as not to harm the seedlings. Gardeners claim that in this way it grows stronger and stronger.

If we have missed some way of using ammonia in everyday life, it is only because there are really many of them: hurry to use the versatility of this tool in the name of cleanliness in your home and not only.

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  1. Sergey
    03/29/2024 at 17:26 Reply

    Great article. But I’ll make an amendment: ammonia is not alcohol at all (in the general sense) - it’s just a popular name. This is a solution of ammonia (gas) in water. Weak alkali. From a chemical point of view, it is close to a solution of baking soda, but not to alcohol in any way. Those. not flammable.
    By the way, in addition to cleaning jewelry, it is ideal for soaking and cleaning products from copper and its alloys from the so-called "greens".

  2. milana
    07/15/2024 at 20:30 Reply

    Thanks for the info !


