How to screw a screw with a laundry soap - and 9 more situations when it works wonders

Today in stores you will find dozens of types of powders, gels, liquid concentrates - so why are the plain brown bars still lying on the lower shelves? Smart housewives willingly buy an old good remedy, as they understand its value. We have collected 10 ways to use laundry soap - weapons number 1 in the secret case of a fighter for cleanliness.

Laundry for children

No. 1. Laundry of children's things

Young mothers at women's forums have been arguing with each other for a long time about how to wash children's clothes. It turns out that the composition of most types of washing powders contains the following components:

  • Surfactants (surfactants)that are derived from refined products. They cause allergic dermatitis in infants, reduce immunity, negatively affect the internal organs and psyche.
  • Oxygen-containing bleaches - strong oxidizing agents. Leads to irritation on the baby’s skin.
  • Phosphates Do not completely wash out from the fibers of the tissue, disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin. Having penetrated the blood, change its density and composition, which leads to diseases of the metabolism, liver and kidneys.

Even products labeled "children's", "hypoallergenic" often contain chemical additives, albeit in low concentrations. Fortunately, there is a good alternative to laundry detergents - laundry soap. It has a completely natural composition:

  • animal fats;
  • NaOH - sodium alkali;
  • vegetable oils (palm, sunflower or olive);
  • fatty acid.

Brown bar does not contain dyes, surfactants, flavorings. Therefore, it looks inconspicuous and smells strange. But laundry soap, due to its high alkali content, cleans clothes no worse than expensive powder.

The inscription on the bar (65, 70 or 72%) means the percentage of fatty acids in the composition. The higher the number, the better the laundry soap dissolves dirt and grease.

You easily remove stains from baby clothes and diapers, get rid of extraneous odor. For handwashing, use rubber gloves to protect your hands from alkalis. If you have a washing machine, first grate 1/3 of the bar of laundry soap on a grater and dissolve in hot water until a consistency develops like that of a fabric softener. Pour the detergent into the container for washing powder and turn on the machine.

Laundry soap for bleaching things

No. 2. Bleach

Laundry soap does not rid the laundry of old stains, but it helps to remove the gray coating, which is formed due to frequent washing.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Soap things thoroughly with laundry soap.
  2. Wrap in plastic bags or plastic wrap so that no air gets inside.
  3. Leave for a day.
  4. Wash things manually or send them to the washing machine.

The grayed bed linen can be boiled in a deep stainless steel container with the addition of soap chips and salt (1 bar and 1 glass, respectively, for 8-10 liters of water).

Dishwashing liquid based on household soap

No. 3. Dishwashing liquid

All chemical dishwashing detergents on sale are contained in surfactants. Especially aggressive components are cationic and anionic. They degrease the skin, penetrate the body and irritate the mucous membranes of the internal organs, disrupt the metabolism. Therefore, it is better to wash the dishes with a safe soap bar.

Other advantages of laundry soap compared to liquids for washing dishes from the store:

  • it is easily washed off;
  • disinfects the surface;
  • leaves no smell.

You can just lather the kitchen sponge with a bar, and then rub the plates and bowls. But it’s better to prepare a special cleaning paste. Mix soap shavings from one bar with 0.5 packs of baking soda and add 8-10 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix well. Store the dishwashing paste in a plastic or glass container.

The girl washes her head

No. 4. Means for washing hair

On female forms, heated debates unfold about the use of household soap for washing hair in everyday life. Some argue that after the procedure, the hair becomes thick and shiny, and dandruff disappears without a trace. Others accuse laundry soap of dryness and brittle curls. The truth lies in the middle.

Laundry soap has antifungal properties, which really makes it an excellent anti-dandruff remedy. The composition does not contain chemical additives that are harmful to the scalp (SLS, parabens), which are found in many shampoos.

At the same time, the pH level of laundry soap is 11-12. And the scalp normally tolerates pH 5-9, which is considered by manufacturers of shampoos. Therefore, there are 3 important rules in using household soap for washing hair:

  1. Do not lather your head with a whole bar. Better dilute 2 tablespoons of soap shavings in a glass of water.
  2. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with a weak solution of lemon juice to neutralize the alkaline environment.
  3. Do not wash your hair this way more than 1 time per week.

Laundry soap is completely unsuitable for owners of dry hair. It will lead to skin irritation and brittle tips.

Disinfection of the wound with laundry soap

No. 5. Disinfection

Laundry soap has antibacterial properties. Wounds and scratches are washed with soap foam and clean water to prevent the spread of infection, the appearance of pus. However, the remedy does not relieve itching and does not anesthetize.

Laundry soap can replace surgical gloves. Lather thoroughly soap your hands and leave to dry. After 5 minutes, a thin protective film forms on the skin.

We recommend that you wash your toothbrush every night in a solution of laundry soap, and then under running water. So you destroy the bacteria that live in the bristles.

Foot bath with laundry soap

No. 6. Antimycotic drug

The substances in the laundry soap kill not only bacteria, but also fungi. Therefore, a brown bar is used for the prevention and treatment of thrush, nail damage.

After visiting public places (pool, bath, beach), it is recommended to wash your feet with warm water and laundry soap. This procedure will protect against the appearance of fungus. Unfortunately, if you already picked up the disease, you can not do without pharmaceutical preparations. However, warm foot baths (0.5 cups of soap shavings per 3 liters of water) will speed recovery.

During thrush, it is recommended to wash with laundry soap. The substances in the bar prevent the growth of candida fungi.

Thoroughly rinse the laundry soap during hygiene procedures, otherwise the alkali will dry the mucous membrane, lead to irritation, and the disease will only worsen.

Girl washing with soap

No. 7. Cosmetic

Daily washing of the face in the morning and in the evening with the use of laundry soap tones the skin and allows it to stay fresh and supple for a long time. At the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a baby or moisturizer to the face.

For owners of acne and pimples, we recommend making the following mask:

  1. Make a decoction of chamomile or calendula. You can buy herbal tea in the store and just make a bag in boiling water.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of soap shavings, fine salt and soda ash.
  3. Add the ingredients to the herbal decoction, drip 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil, mix thoroughly.
  4. Rub the mask into the skin of the face and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water and apply baby cream.

Do not worry if the skin tingles a little during the procedure. This is normal. Apply the mask to the face 1-2 times a week, and inflammation will appear less frequently.

Laundry soap in the treatment of sinusitis

№ 8. The medicine for sinusitis

With the disease, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed, which complicates the passage of mucus, and bacteria actively multiply. We recommend preparing the following medicine:

  1. Mix in a saucepan 1 tablespoon of soap chips, onion juice, milk, honey and olive oil.
  2. Put the container with the components in a water bath and wait until the soap dissolves to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Cool the medicine.
  4. Dampen cotton swabs in it, twist into tubes and lay inside the nasal passages.

After some time, mucus will begin to accumulate in the mouth, which will need to be spit. Use the described method together with the medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Do not use household soap to treat a common cold. Nasal discharge is a natural process of ridding the body of viruses and bacteria. Lubricating the nose with soap, you only dry the mucous membrane and slow down recovery.

Preparation of solution with laundry soap

No. 9. Pesticide

Another way to use household soap in everyday life is to get rid of pests in the garden. Soap shavings are added to the water and the soil and the plants themselves are sprayed with a spray gun. The pungent odor scares away bugs, aphids and butterflies.

Screw in with soap

No. 10. Grease for metal objects

Can't screw a screw into wooden parts? Rub the rifled portion with a piece of laundry soap. Do not fasten the lock on the boots? And again, a brown bar will help you. Also, soap lubricates the inner surfaces and supports of the drawers so that they do not stick.

Thus, laundry soap is a cheap tool that makes life easier in many situations. It has not only cleaning, but also healing, cosmetic, antiparasitic properties, helps out in a variety of situations. We recommend that you always store at home 2-3 useful bars.

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