Tools for septic tanks and cesspools: choose the best

Waste water disposal is a headache for the owner of any housing that is not connected to the main sewage system. A good tool for cesspools and septic tanks can significantly accelerate the process of decomposition of fecal matter, clean the walls of plaque and deposits, eliminate unpleasant odors. Today, dozens of compositions lie on the shelves: Doctor Robik, BioSept, Gorynych. We will figure out why they are needed and which composition is better.

Crowded septic tank

Cesspool cleaning products

Overflow of the sewage tank is a condition that is best avoided. To remove excess sewage water, they either call up sewage disposal equipment, or use special additives that dissolve solid masses and decompose organic components of sewage. If the complex of such additives is selected correctly, the effluents are quickly cleaned of organic matter, and practically purified water is discharged into the filtration fields or into the gutter.

In order not to get confused in the variety of drugs on sale, they should be divided into groups according to the form of release and type of active agent. We will analyze the classification in more detail.

Cesspool Pills

Classification by type of action

Any means for a septic tank contains active components and additives that do not have a cleansing effect, but facilitate their use.

According to the type of active ingredient, cleaning products are divided into two groups:

  • Chemical preparations contain substances that convert fecal matter to a soluble state. The main advantage of chemistry is its versatility. Such drugs act quickly, cope with any type of effluent, and their effectiveness does not depend on air temperature. However, such compositions are unsafe in environmental terms. Water after such cleaning cannot be used for technical needs.
  • In biological preparations, the active ingredient is enzymes produced by living bacteria. Biological degradation products are much safer than water treated with chemicals. But enzyme preparations are more demanding of conditions: air temperature, composition of effluents, composition of the atmosphere in tanks. The active component of bacterial preparations, or biological activators, is live bacteria that feed on the components of the drains.

In the long run, the best solution to the wastewater problem is bacterial destruction. This process is able to provide high-quality treatment of water leaving the septic tank. Such water can be used for watering plants in summer cottages or for other technical needs. But after chemical cleaning, the contents of an autonomous sewer system will eventually have to be pumped out and disposed of.

Instructions for use of the drug for septic tanks

Cleaning Release Forms

The release of chemical and enzymatic compositions is in the form of liquids, powders, granules, tablets. Each form has certain advantages and weaknesses:

  • Ready-to-use liquid solutions, - this is the fastest form. As soon as the drug dissolved in water enters the septic tank, the destruction of deposits begins.But there are also disadvantages: canisters take up a lot of space and have a lot of weight. In addition, enzyme solutions have a short shelf life.
  • Concentrated solutions. It is also a quick form, in addition, a canister with a concentrated product is smaller in size than the container for the finished solution. However, chemically active substances in high concentrations can harm the walls of the septic tank (especially if they are metal). Before cleaning, such a preparation must be diluted with water in the correct proportions.
  • Granular and powder preparations take up little space. They are stored for a long time, without requiring special storage conditions. But the powder does not immediately begin to act, once in the septic tank: first, it will take time to dissolve in water. Pre-dissolution will help speed up its action.

When adding drugs to the sewer installation, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the amount of funds for a certain volume of the tank. For ease of dispensing, many manufacturers apply volumetric containers to powder and granular products or produce tablets.

Bacterial drugs are available in two forms:

  • Granules are an inert material, the pores of which are inhabited by microorganisms. Their use differs little from chemicals released in a similar form.
  • Bacterial filters are tissue or rubber brushes with a layer of bacterial cells on their surface.


Chemicals for cesspools and septic tanks

Chemical cleaners for autonomous sewer systems by the mechanism of exposure belong to antiseptics. They kill bacteria that cause rotting of the organic components of fecal waters. This reduces unpleasant odors and ensures effective decomposition of solid residues.

The composition of such funds may be one of four active substances:

  • formic aldehyde;
  • ammonium salts;
  • nitrate oxidizing agents;
  • bleaching powder.

The properties of the drug largely depend on the qualities of the main component. We will analyze them in more detail.


Formaldehyde-based disinfectant solutions

Until recently, ant aldehyde (more precisely, its solution, formalin) was practically the only way to disinfect pits of street toilets. This drug kills almost all types of bacteria, stops putrefactive processes, stops the release of toxic and fetid gaseous products of decay. In combination with a low price, such effectiveness provided formalin popularity.

However, today they refuse to use formulations based on formic aldehyde. Formalin is proven to be a powerful carcinogen. Therefore, preparations based on it are not recommended for wastewater treatment.

Properties of ammonium salts

Ammonium-based preparations

Ammonium compounds are composed of a positive molecular ion based on tetravalent nitrogen. When dissolved, such salts provide alkalinity. Solutions of ammonium salts have a bactericidal effect, effectively decompose sewage, remove unpleasant odors.

However, detergents and other household chemicals contained in wastewater can significantly reduce the effectiveness of ammonia preparations. They work best when cleaning toilets from toilets.

The mechanism of the impact of ammonium salts on the environment is not fully understood. However, experimental data show that these compounds can harm human and animal health, and have a detrimental effect on the soil.

To safely use the drugs of this group, the wastewater storage must be absolutely leakproof and should be located at least 20 meters from the house. Vacuum pumps are used to pump such a septic tank.

Septic tank cleaning

Nitrate oxidizing agents - spare nature, destroy metals

Compared with formalin and ammonium compounds, nitrate oxidizers practically do not harm the environment.These substances, obtained from nitric acid, are quite effective in fighting putrefactive bacteria, eliminate unpleasant odors from the sewage system and help dissolve solid deposits. Under the influence of nitrate oxidizing agents, the contents of the pit turn into a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

However, drugs of this group aggressively interact with metals. The surface of metals is covered with a crust of nitrate salts. This is especially dangerous for pipes: deposits can significantly reduce their clearance.

Bleaching powder

Bleaching powder

Another aggressive antiseptic with a carcinogenic effect. Chlorine is dangerous for the human body: the vapors released during its use irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. When working with preparations based on bleach, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Powder bleach can not be stored in the light. Under the influence of sunlight, this compound gradually decomposes, losing active chlorine.

Biological product for cleaning septic tanks

Biological products and the principle of their action

Biological purification preparations contain live bacteria, as well as biologically active substances - enzymes. As a rule, their application provides the following results:

  • Safety of degradation products. The sludge remaining after bacterial work is an excellent fertilizer for garden plants. It contains a lot of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in a form accessible to plants.
  • The safety of the drug for people. Even if the product gets on the skin or eyes, it will not cause irritation, an allergic reaction or other unpleasant consequences.
  • Safety for inorganic materials. Biological products do not destroy glass, plastic, metal alloys.

Bioactivators have another excellent advantage over preparations of a chemical nature: they do not require systematic addition. Under favorable conditions, bacteria are able to maintain their own population through constant reproduction. However, living microorganisms are afraid of the cold, aggressive detergents, acids, alkalis. Therefore, such drugs work effectively only in the warm season.

Microorganisms that are part of bioactivators are divided into two categories:

  • Aerobic microorganisms need access to oxygen.
  • Anaerobic bacteria multiply and process effluents in an oxygen-free environment.

The most effective biological destruction is provided by the integrated use of both groups, but it is possible only with the use of a modern septic tank of a rather complex design.

The best means for cleaning a cesspool and septic tank

Finally, we will consider several drugs that perfectly cope with the decomposition of sewer fecal masses and provide high quality sewage treatment.

Bioactivator Sanfor

Bioactivator "Sanfor"

Sanfor is designed to clean autonomous sewer systems. It is supplied in the form of a powder packaged in bags of 40 g. For use, the powder package is diluted in 10 l of water, after which the solution is poured into a cesspool. In about two days, Sanfor completely neutralizes the odor in the toilet, leaving only a faint smell of bran.

The product is environmentally friendly. The effect is quite resistant: one treatment is enough for 45-60 days. Another advantage is the affordable cost. The price of 1 package is not more than 100 rubles.

Bioactivator Dr. Robik 409

Bioactivator "Dr. Robik 409"

A good choice for a country toilet. The tool quickly breaks down cellulose, urea, proteins, lipids, so it can easily cope with any kind of effluent. The preparation contains no toxic or caustic components hazardous to humans or the environment. It goes on sale in liter bottles, the cost of the bottle is in the region of 500-600 rubles. The bottle is enough for a pit of 2000 liters.

The main disadvantage of the tool is the possibility of use only after pumping the pit. According to the manufacturers, 1 treatment per year is enough to forget about the unpleasant odor or the danger of flooding.

Living bacteria BIOSEPT

Living bacteria "BIOSEPT"

The powdery preparation is packaged in two 25 g packets. The bacteria contained in the powder increase their numbers to two times within two hours from the moment they are loaded into the sewer system. The drug is effective for both cesspools and septic tanks.

To normalize the septic tank, just pour one sachet of the drug into the toilet. The “BIOSEPT” tool is able to destroy deposits in pipes, normalizing the work of sewers. Once in the septic tank, bacteria can work both in anaerobic and aerobic environments. For cesspools this complex is also suitable. But before use, the powder must be dissolved in water.

The disadvantage of the drug is a drop in effectiveness when using water containing chlorine, antibiotics and toxic substances.

Toilet in the country

How to clean a cesspool with folk remedies?

If an unpleasant odor begins to be felt from the sewage pit, you can try to clean it with folk remedies. This method is based on the use of substances of natural origin, which are on any site. This can be sawdust, peat, plant debris (old shoots of tomatoes, basil leaves, mint, etc.).

Absorbent agents (sawdust, peat) are discharged into the pit in an amount sufficient to dewater the sludge. After they collect all the liquid, the solid mass must be manually cleaned from the pit (this is a laborious and dirty process). Finished mass is a good raw material for fertilizer. After decaying in a compost pit, it is used to feed plants.

Vegetable tops (mint, basil, tomato) do not absorb liquid. But the natural phytoncides contained in these plants reduce the number of bacteria. Because of this, the unpleasant odor disappears. This method does not replace a full-fledged cleaning, but allows you to delay it for several weeks.

If you are faced with the malfunctioning of an autonomous sewer, do not waste time trying to clean it with folk remedies. Use an effective bioactivator, follow the instructions and do not neglect the recommendations of the septic tank manufacturer for proper maintenance. Then the sewage system in your house or in the country will work without causing complaints.

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