How to remove glue stains from clothes so as not to spoil a thing?

It's a shame when a favorite thing is spoiled due to a drop of glue. But in most cases, it can be reanimated if you know how to remove glue from clothes at home. Sometimes you have to clean new things: in stores they can stick a sticker or sticker on them, and after removing it, an adhesive stain remains on the fabric. In order to remove glue, you need, firstly, to know its name and composition, and secondly, to find out what substances will help get rid of the stain without damaging the clothes.

Here are tips on how to get rid of different types of glue:

  • PVA;
  • "Moment";
  • super glue ("Second", "Cyanopan");
  • self-adhesive;
  • clerical;
  • epoxy;
  • carpentry;
  • wallpaper.

Fresh glue stain

How to remove fresh glue?

If glue is dripped onto the clothes, it is advisable not to put it off and remove it immediately, because over time it impregnates the fabric, crystallizes, and it becomes much more difficult to remove. There are several ways to get rid of glue:

  • wipe off
  • wipe off
  • clean with chemicals or special equipment.

Most often, to remove contamination, you have to combine two or three methods. In what sequence and by what means - depends on the type of glue. Silicate (clerical), PVA, carpentry and wallpaper glue are water-soluble, and until dry, they can simply be washed from the fabric with running water. After drying, even if only a little time has passed, they already dissolve much more difficult.

  • Silicate: soak in warm water with soda (2 tbsp. per liter of water) and detergent for several hours. After that, wipe the stain with a sponge and wash the thing in the usual way.
  • PVA: Wipe with a lint-free sponge soaked in alcohol, and then soak in soapy water for several hours and wash. Instead of alcohol, you can use vinegar. Another way is to rub the stain from the wrong side with household soap, then remove the glue with a brush and wash the item.
  • Joiner and wallpaper: the stain is soaped with laundry soap and soaked in water for 5-6 hours, and then washed.

It is harder to bring out super glue and “Moment”, as well as traces of stickers and rhinestones. Here it is necessary to clarify that these are general names. Super glue means cyanoacrylate-based products - ethyl cyanoacrylate or methoxyethyl cyanoacrylate. “Moment” is a trademark under which various products are produced. Several types of products of this brand are also super glue, but in addition there is also a composition based on epoxide or PVA. How to remove the latter is already described above - soak and wash, and the rest are listed.

  • Cyanoacrylates they are purified by two preparations: dimethyl sulfoxide (contained in the Dimexidum medicine) or nitromethane (used as an additive in automobile fuel). Dimexide dissolves the paint a little, so for dyed things, especially for jeans, it must be used with caution. For acetate silk, this drug can not be used.
  • Epoxy adhesive, including “Moment”, can be cleaned with the following mixture - turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions, as well as removed with acetone or solvent 646. Highly combustible mixtures, this must be taken into account.
  • Traces of rhinestones and stickers easy to wash with ethyl alcohol.

When cleaning epoxy or super glue, you need to apply a suitable solution to the stain with a swab and wait for the frozen mass to soften, then carefully remove it with a hard brush. After cleaning, immediately wash the item so that the chemicals do not spoil it.

Cleaning clothes from glue

How to clean artificial, dyed and delicate fabrics?

It is not recommended to remove glue from jeans and other things that can shed using strong agents like acetone or dimethyl sulfoxide. Dissolving glue, they leave behind themselves stains that are no longer washed. In addition to jeans, synthetics and delicate fabrics - organza, lace, fine silk, chiffon - remain in question. Water-soluble types of glue can be removed in the usual way, but “Moment” and glue based on cyanoacrylate are a big problem for such fabrics, but there is an opportunity to cope with it.

Almost all adhesives do not tolerate cold. If you need to clean the stain, for example, from tulle or jeans, you can put them in a bag and place in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After this, it remains to wipe off the resulting powder. This is easy to do with the blunt side of a knife or nail file. If instead of a powder a frozen mass has formed, it must be broken with a wooden hammer (rolling pin), and then the resulting fragments should be removed. The remaining trace is easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and detergent.


Sometimes it is recommended to remove glue from jeans by heating them with an iron. This can bring the expected effect, but there is a very high risk of damaging the clothes.

Adhesive Remover

Factory glue remover

Means “Super Moment ANTI-adhesive” is positioned as universal, allowing you to remove any glue. However, it should be noted that acetone is part of the composition, therefore, this drug should be used with caution, since it can corrode not only pollution, but also the paint that stained the fabric.

HG Sticker Remover will help to cope with the marks left in place of the rhinestones or stickers. Like the previous drug, it can remove paint, so use with caution. 3M “Glue Cleaner” is sold as a spray and can be used for dyed fabrics. Its action is not as aggressive as in the two previous versions.


All glue removers should be tested in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. If the test went well, the fabric did not lose color and did not deteriorate, then you can remove the glue.

Hand wash clothes

Can dried stains be removed?

If glue gets on clothing, try to clean it immediately, wiping off the dried glue is quite problematic, and sometimes it is simply impossible. If the item was washed and ironed after contamination, even a trace from PVA will be problematic to clean. In such cases, you can try to get rid of the stain with the help of factory tools such as "Anticley". And even potent chemistry will not cope in one session, and you will have to process the thing several times.

Noticing that the glue got on the clothes, you need to immediately try to remove it from the fabric. This is much easier to do than to remove the frozen mass that has polymerized. In addition, when working with sticky substances, you need to remember about precautions. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it later.

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