How and how to quickly remove pomegranate juice from clothes

The question of how to remove grenades is not so difficult to solve, as it seems to many housewives. In this situation, the main thing is to act as quickly as possible, not to delay with washing. Removing dried stains will bring much more trouble than fresh. At the same time, it is strongly discouraged to use traditional options for processing clothes; with the help of washing powder, bright red juice cannot be removed. The type of exposure depends not so much on the density of the fibers as on the color of the material.

pomegranate juice

Features of the processing of non-ferrous products

To remove pomegranate juice that has fallen on colored fabric, you can use one of the following exposure options:

  • Option for high temperature resistant material. A cloth with fresh contamination should be pulled over the surface of the bowl and pour boiling water directly on the spots. Pigments will begin to break down right before our eyes. After that, the product must be washed in the traditional way at the maximum permissible temperature.
  • Universal exposure option. If the juice has not yet had time to dry, then the spoiled garment is soaked in cold water with the addition of a small amount of baking soda. After half an hour, rinse the product under running water and wash it in the traditional way.

pomegranate stain on shirt

Tip: To enhance the action of soda, you can pre-activate it with a weak solution of vinegar. Pour the resulting reagent into water, wait until all chemical reactions are over and only then soak things.

  • If the stain surface has already managed to dry, then you will have to use bleach. The drug is selected according to the type of tissue and the nature of the contamination. It is strictly forbidden to use unjustifiably aggressive agents. We apply the liquid to the contaminated area, the fabric should be soaked. We leave the product for a quarter of an hour, then we send the garment to the laundry. It is recommended that you add bleach to the appropriate tray.

citric acid and vinegar

  • A good result is given by the national analogue of ready-made bleaches - vinegar solution. It should be concentrated. A mixture of two tablespoons of 70% vinegar diluted in five tablespoons of cool water will cope with spots of pomegranate juice. Soaking laundry in this mixture is not recommended. You just need to treat it with pollution, wait half an hour and wash the product in the machine.

Subject to the above rules, you can not worry about the preservation of the color of things and the integrity of the fibers. But there is no need to abuse approaches. If the stain does not come off, it is better to contact professionals.

pomegranate stains on the shirt

Remedies to help save white clothes

In working with dirt on white clothing, completely different means are effective:

  • First, we just try to wipe the fruit stains with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of ammonia (part of ammonia and part of water).
  • You can remove pomegranate juice from silk with a weak vinegar solution. To prepare it, part 10% of vinegar is diluted in 10 parts of cool water. We treat the pollution with the finished compound and send it to the wash.
  • Radical cleaning methods include the use of gasoline, white spirit and acetone. The selected product is applied to the stain for 20 minutes, after which the product must be washed. For processing wool, silk, velvet and chiffon, this cleaning option is not suitable.
  • An old spot will have to be boiled in hydrogen peroxide. It is better not to place the product in the solution completely.
  • A dried-up stain should be soaked with ethanol before sending things to the wash, then the pigments will not linger in the fibers of the fabric.

pomegranate juice

Neglect of dosages and exposure time can lead to a violation of the integrity of the tissue or increase the resistance of the stain.Manipulations must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions.

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