How to remove gouache stains without harming clothing

Creative natures and parents of future artists know how to wash gouache from their clothes. Being engaged in drawing, it is impossible not to leave on memory the memory of such a pleasant pastime. Fortunately, traces of gouache can be erased at home without resorting to dry cleaning. The result depends on the intensity and oldness of the spots, as well as on the chosen means.

Gouache stained girl

General principles for getting rid of stains

If the clothes are completely covered with traces of gouache, then washing them is unlikely to succeed. And to remove the stain from the shirt - white or color - is quite realistic. This does not mean that the paint will easily come off by ordinary washing. But with the help of detergents, solvents and the correct sequence of actions on the stain, you can win.

Tip: fresh traces of paint lend themselves better to washing, so do not put off soiled clothes “for later”.

Gouache paints

To effectively remove stains from gouache, do the following:

  • Evaluate the appearance of the stain. If it is dried and has a thick layer, you can brush it off. But this should be done carefully, without rubbing gouache particles into the tissue. The main goal: to remove from the fabric a thick layer of dried paint.
  • Rinse the contaminated area of ​​the fabric under a stream of cold water to wash off all the paint that goes off by itself. That part of the spot that has eaten, we leave stain removers.
  • Wash the gouache trail or soak it (about half an hour), depending on the intensity of the stain. To wash the paint at this stage, you can use ordinary household soap, soap such as "Antipyatin" or stain remover. The tool is selected relative to the type of fabric.

Gouache multicolored

Tip: all manipulations with contaminated clothing, whether it is soaking, washing, washing or rinsing, spend in cold water. Partly composed of natural ingredients, gouache in hot water is eaten into the fabric.

  • Rinse pre-soaked item.
  • Wash clothes as you normally do. When using a washing machine, select a temperature mode of no higher than 30 ° C. To make laundry more likely to wash, add a powder booster or stain remover according to the instructions.

This is a template guide to action that describes how to remove gouache from clothing. Details will help to deposit the selected funds.

Choose a tool

If we talk about tools that help clean up traces of gouache paints, it is worth noting that not all of them are equally effective in relation to any clothing. Some are suitable for synthetics, some - for things made of natural materials. There are also differences in washing white and colored clothes. In addition, the thickness and delicacy of the fabric is important. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is the label on the clothes. It indicates the composition of the fabric.

Clothing label

Gouache paints ideally consist of pigment, glue and white. But nowadays, color, brightness, color fastness and even fluorescent substances are added to them. Therefore, the task: “wash everything!” Is much more complicated. Practice shows that stains from gouache paints are easier to wash with synthetics than with cotton, linen and other natural materials. Knowing this, take double safety measures if you work with gouache in clothes made from natural fibers, and use synthetic things as workers.

Tip: Wear gouache and gowns to protect your clothing. Sew or purchase the same for your child.

Stain Remedies

In the arsenal of "tools" to combat stains from gouache should be the following tools:

  • laundry soap - suitable for all types of fabrics, used for pre-curing or soaking;
  • stain remover - suitable for all types of fabrics, used for soaking and adding during washing.However, before using a specific stain remover, you should carefully read the instructions;
  • acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit, refined gasoline - suitable for natural fabrics, used as a solvent. One of the listed funds should be saturated with a stain and left for up to 15 minutes - half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly and wash with double rinse;
  • bleach - suitable for finishing white things;
  • eucalyptus oil - used for contamination with fluorescent gouache. It is applied to the stain, rubbed intensively and washed off. This product is not suitable for clothes made of delicate fabric;
  • dishwashing detergent - it is used for any fabrics, except for delicate ones, it thoroughly cleans stains from paint and traces from “improvised stain removers”, for example, from eucalyptus oil;
  • ammonia, alcohol and glycerin (1: 1: 1) - the solution is used for delicate fabrics. They should soak the stain and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and wash. Also, with pure alcohol, you can clean the stains that gasoline can leave behind.

The above methods allow you to wash traces of gouache paints. However, this type of stain is considered difficult to remove and troublesome to wash. Therefore, take precautionary measures, and if they did not help, choose a method from those proposed in the article.

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  1. Daria
    11/23/2024 at 18:37 Reply

    the class


