How to remove traces of ink from a ballpoint pen or gel pen on paper?

Sometimes an accidentally made underline on an important document makes us nervous or it becomes necessary to delete the entry in the margins of the book. How to remove ink from paper? It is only necessary to strictly follow the rules, showing maximum care and caution in working with paper.

Manganese Ink Solution

How to remove ink with chemical solutions?

  1. The most common remedy is a composition of vinegar and potassium permanganate. Only 1 teaspoon of 70% concentrated vinegar is needed, in which a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals is dissolved - at the tip of the knife. With this mixture, carefully remove the marks from the pen with a thin brush for watercolor paints, placing blank paper under the processed sheet.

    Potassium permanganate may lightly dye the paper brownish or faint purple. In this case, you need to wait until the paper dries and remove the brown stains with the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide. By the way, hydrogen peroxide can also cope with an unwanted ink line on its own if it is not very bright. Cotton balls or cotton buds will serve here as a working tool. Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with a solution of hydroperite: two tablets dissolve in 100 ml of water at room temperature. If the traces of the handle did not disappear completely, you will have to repeat all the steps.

  2. Second composition: 10 g of oxalic acid, combined with 10 g of citric acid, dissolved in half a glass of water. You can try lemon juice.
  3. Another version of the “cocktail” that helps to remove ink: combine 10 g of hydrochloric acid with 10 g of sodium chloride and 30 ml of water.

Ink remover
We will also name a few effective chemicals that can remove the marks of a pen.

  • Acetone, which is included in almost all liquid formulations to remove nail polish. But in its pure form, it is a rather aggressive liquid that can damage paper.
  • A mixture of glycerol and ethyl alcohol, taken in equal proportions.
  • A bleach called “Whiteness” (this is a 70-80% solution of active chlorine) is also a fairly powerful tool that requires very careful and careful handling.


Avoid severe friction so as not to spoil the surface of the paper. Some products (acetone, hydrochloric acid) are best used only for thick, thick paper.

In any case, before starting to get rid of the trace of the pen, try the composition you prepared on a paper sheet of similar quality. Do not smear the composition on paper, clean the brush, change cotton buds.

We use simple home remedies

Take baking soda and salt in equal proportions and pour in an even thin layer on a clean paper. From above we put the sheet down with the inscription to be removed. We squeeze with a glass with a drilled hole through which we introduce citric acid with a syringe - very slowly, gradually. The acid will corrode the ink, and salt and soda will serve as an absorbent.

Color ink

How to eliminate color ink?

To remove color (red, green, violet) ink, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate is prepared. In 50 ml of distilled water with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees, 3 to 10 g of potassium permanganate is gradually dissolved. Then combined with 50 ml of acetic acid, cooled to 0 degrees. Only freshly prepared solution is active.


Paper usually warps when dried. The sheet will not look deformed if you put it under the press (for example, under heavy books), previously laying with clean sheets of paper. Or skip through the fax rollers.Option: cover with a thin clean sheet, iron with a warm (not hot) iron.

Delete text in paper with sandpaper

How to remove ink: erase or clean?

The most common eraser and razor blade will help to remove a small fragment of the recording. This requires, of course, a trained hand, as there is a risk of damage to the paper. Still, it’s worth a try, since with this method the sheet structure should not be violated, only the top layer is carefully removed.

First, the ink trace of the pen should be scratched with a razor blade, and then erased - spend several times with the eraser pressed. The surface of the paper will be slightly disheveled, which means that it must be pressed down or sanded with the same blade.

You can try to erase the inscription simply with a finger dipped in water, gradually rolling up the top layer of paper.

Using paper corrector

How to mask an unnecessary record?

Finally, there is such a tool as correction fluid, but it will only work if the inscription made by the pen is not very noticeable. At the same time, the quality of the white putty matters: it must be fresh, not thickened, but not transparent. Put it on paper with a thin layer, dry it. You may need to re-put and dry again. The ideal option is obtained if you apply a fresh record over the correction strip.

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  1. Yuri
    10/02/2024 at 20:20 Reply

    Acetone, which is included in almost all liquid formulations to remove nail polish. But in its pure form, it is a rather aggressive liquid that can damage paper.

  2. Masha
    05/25/2024 at 14:02 Reply

    Acetone does not remove, potassium permanganate spoils the paper and leaves a trace, an eraser also violates the surface of the paper .... the only thing that helped was whiteness + peroxide ... but also not ice ... there are yellowish spots

  3. Natalie
    12/19/2024 at 06:45 Reply

    The daughter signed the passport and immediately closed her passport. Bottom line: instead of painting a blot from black gel ink. Brought out with an ordinary eraser (one side is red, the other is blue) True, there the paper is pink, it is slightly erased. Gently with a pink pencil smeared, re-signed. Perfect.

  4. Zara
    04/28/2024 at 18:25 Reply

    Hope help


