How to remove acrylic, oil and other types of paint from clothes?

At first glance it may seem that you can never get rid of paint stains that have stained a jacket or pants. However, do not rush to panic and throw away the spoiled thing; try to figure out how to get the paint off the clothes. The main thing is to get down to business while it's hot, that is, try to remove the stain while it is still fresh and the paint has not had time to thoroughly fix.

The child was smeared in paint

Determine the types of paints

First of all, we will conduct a small study and determine what kind of paint has left such impressive marks on the fabric. The question is how to wipe the paint off the clothes - which solvent should be used at home. All dyes can be divided into two groups: water-soluble and all the rest, based on various solvents.

How to remove water-based paints from clothes?

Water-soluble - this is watercolor, gouache, tempera, water emulsion.

  • Fresh watercolor and gouache stains You can try washing in cold water with a simple laundry soap. If the spots are old, you should repeat the procedure, after soaking the fabric for 15-30 minutes.
  • Gouache, in which there is a glue and oil base, may require more attention and time. It is not difficult to clean a simple and dense fabric (jacket or pants, for example) using improvised home remedies. It is enough to prepare a solution of ammonia and oxalic acid, taken in equal proportions. The second option: glycerin, ammonia and denatured (ordinary technical) alcohol. Soak the cloth in the solution for half an hour and wipe off the paint.
  • Tempera in its composition, it occupies an intermediate position between water and oil paints, therefore it is better to remove the stain from it in the same way as they get rid of oil.
  • Water-based construction paint, representing an aqueous emulsion of pigment and small particles of polymers, it is easy to wash in soapy water. Washing work pants stained with water emulsion will not be difficult.

Delicate fabrics - silk, cambric, velvet - are best cleaned with the help of reliable household chemicals: Vanish, BOS.


Take precautions when you begin to remove the stain: put several layers of paper towel or loose cotton fabric from the wrong side. Treat the stained area with movements directed from the edges to the center, and not vice versa - to avoid smearing the stain. Do not hope that the stain disappears immediately, it must first dissolve.

Refined gasoline

Technique for removing latex and acrylic paints

Latex and acrylic paints are also considered water-soluble, but if more than three hours have passed since the appearance of the paint stain on the clothes, then washing alone will not be enough. A fresh, just “sunken” stain should be carefully blotted with absorbent material to get rid of the paint as quickly as possible before it has time to soak into the fabric. Removing dried paint will become more difficult.

To wipe off acrylic and latex paints, you should rub the stained fabric under a stream of cold water, and then load it into the machine with an active detergent and choose the longest mode with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. If this does not help, rub the unfortunate stain with a brush with detergent applied to it and scroll again in the machine.

Try to scrape off the dried paint or even remove it with a cutting tool if it is lying in a thick layer. Then you can start washing in the above way. In case of failure, it remains only to resort to the help of "White Spirit" or gasoline. These products tend to “tag” clothes with a persistent smell. To get rid of it, do not forget to thoroughly rinse and ventilate the product.

Art oil paints

Oil and enamel paints are the most malicious

Let's see how you can wipe the paint from clothes, clean trousers or a raincoat. Strong agents are not applicable to any kind of fabric. Therefore, no matter what you choose, first make sure that the fabric does not suffer. Make a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, on the inside pocket or some kind of lapel pants. Special care will require artificial fabrics.

Stain Algorithm

  1. Oil paint, if it is covered with a crust, should first be scraped off or removed in another way.
  2. Then moisten the stain with gasoline or turpentine. Solvents 646 and 647 are also suitable. In difficult cases, acetone may be recalled. Gasoline should be bought in a specialty store at a household goods store, and not poured from a car canister.
  3. When the paint has softened, remove it with gentle movements using cotton-gauze swabs.
  4. The color pigment is gone, a dirty greasy stain remains. Wipe it with ammonia solution or warm, heated glycerin. Option - dishwashing detergent that breaks down fats.
  5. Now you can start washing (hand or machine, if you are not afraid to stain the camera and drain the machine). Use ordinary powder, and if the fabric allows, add stain remover.
  6. The dried paint, which has managed to absorb into the fibers of matter, must be thoroughly softened - soaked with turpentine or kerosene for several hours or even left overnight. To do this, the stain is covered with a swab soaked in liquid and a plastic film. Of course, the fabric is laid on a clean absorbent surface. To clean the stain completely, we use the above methods or strengthen them by using brushes with vegetable oil. After the complete disappearance of the coloring pigment, it will be necessary to remove the remaining traces of fat in a known manner.
  7. Enamel paints are considered the most resistant. They can be affected in the same ways, using the most aggressive means: acetone, a variety of solvents, turpentine. But do not get too carried away so as not to dissolve the fabric at the same time and not to erase its pattern.

Removing paint stains from jeans

Oil paint is more difficult to remove than acrylic, this is not always possible. The catch is that even if it turns out to remove the substance itself, a greasy stain may remain. But do not give up: you can both clean clothes from stains of paint and eliminate oily traces.

  • Effectively fights the pollution of this type of refined gasoline. White Spirit will do. The trace of the paint must be processed, then moistened with pre-heated glycerin. An ammonia solution may also be used. Then wash the affected thing with laundry soap.
  • A mixture of gasoline and acetone also acts well on oil paint. They are taken in equal amounts and treated with a stain towards its center. If it does not disappear, then you should try ammonia. After you manage to wash it off, the thing needs to be washed with laundry soap.
  • Another answer to the question of how to wash the paint - kerosene. It should be applied to the desired area, left for a minute, then try to clean it with a cloth on which ammonia is applied. Repeat until there is a result.
  • Turpentine can also help. It is applied to the spots and wait until the paint softens. After treating these places with a solution of soda.
  • A mixture of refined gasoline, turpentine and alcohol is also effective. Using a cotton swab, the contamination is moistened, and then cleaned with a knife. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to deal with it.If it is old, then the solution on it must be left for a couple of hours.
  • A time-tested remedy is ordinary vegetable oil. It softens the paint well, but this is not a quick process. The right place will have to be rubbed with a brush. In the end, there will only be a greasy speck, it can be removed with laundry soap.


It is important to use refined gasoline for cleaning. Otherwise, you can put an even bigger spot.

Preparation of a solution for removing paint from clothing

Individual items of clothing

Oil and enamel paints are quite corrosive, and it is worth considering how to remove paint from clothes made of various materials.

  • A leather jacket or trousers must be "saved" with vegetable oil: olive, castor or sunflower. Do not spare the oil, often change the cotton swabs with which you wash the paint, and you will succeed. Greasy marks on the jacket can be removed with ordinary household soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Similarly, stains on woolen products should be removed. The remaining traces of fat should be covered with starch or talcum powder, press this layer with a press, and when it dries, clean it with a brush and wash.
  • Thin silk is treated with warm alcohol, then washed with soap in salted water.
  • To remove the white cotton fabric, first a slurry of white clay and gasoline is prepared and left for two or three hours. As soon as the gasoline evaporates, the slurry is removed and the washing proceeds. You can add stain remover or the already mentioned bleach to the water. Another original way: to prepare a mixture of a planed piece of laundry soap, one tablespoon of soda and a liter of water. In the liquid brought to a boil, lower the soiled fabric for 10 seconds, then wash it with a stain remover.
  • It is good to wipe a denim jacket or trousers with gasoline or kerosene, and then send it to the wash.

To wash paint of one type or another is most often possible without negative consequences for your favorite things. The main thing is not to try everything in a row, but to choose a remedy depending on which substance the coloring composition is based on.


Children got dirty in paint

Basic Rules

To prevent the costume from being thrown away, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • If possible, proceed with the removal of paint immediately after the incident. The sooner the better. It will be easier to wash off the stain until the paint has completely saturated the fabric. After drying, the risk is not to save the clothes.
  • It is advisable to know what kind of paint the outfit suffered from. Depending on the type, different methods are used. In one case, plain water is enough to erase the trace. In another (for example, to wash off water-based paint), it is hardly possible to do without a solvent. It also matters what the outfit is made of.
  • In order not to spoil the fabric, manipulations must be carried out from the inside. On the front side, wipes should be placed that absorb the solvent and the remnants of the dissolved paint.

Staining paint stains

How to clean watercolor, gouache or acrylic paint?

If the incident occurred with watercolors or gouache, then the answer to the question of how to draw paint is very simple. These species are water soluble, so you can remove them with water. In the case when the stain has not yet dried, it is good enough to rinse it under a stream of cold water. After that, briefly soak and wash as usual. Most often, this is enough. If the trace is old, then you may need to repeat it several times.

It is more difficult to remove water-based paint. It is acrylic compounds that usually have to be removed if it is unsuccessful to sit on a freshly painted bench. They also use it for repairs, so it is useful to know how to erase this type of paint.

If the stain is completely fresh, you must first rinse it with cold water. Then it is good to squeeze the thing and load it wet into the washing machine. Add washing powder and choose the longest washing mode. Repeat if necessary.

Acrylic paint is not always easy to remove.If after two cycles in the washing machine the pollution is in place, then you need to pour a small amount of powder on it and rub it with gentle movements. A toothbrush is good for this purpose. After that, you need to run the machine again, but at the highest temperature.

If in this way it was not possible to remove the acrylic paint, then a stain remover or bleach should be taken. The solution can be prepared independently. To do this, add a tablespoon of salt to 3 cups of water and two each - vinegar and ammonia. In one of these products, soak clothes for several hours, then wash. A similar method will certainly help clear the trace of water-based paint.

In the case when the paint is latex, it is worth using alcohol to remove it. It must be applied to a small piece of tissue and rub the affected area. As it becomes dirty, the fabric needs to be changed. After the procedure, the suit should be washed.

Oil paint


How to save clothes made of cotton, silk and wool?

If the trouble happened with cotton clothes, then it is worth trying the following method. For one liter of water you will need a small spoon of soda and a piece of laundry soap, previously planed. The mixture needs to be brought to a boil, cool slightly and lower the affected areas into it for a few seconds. Repeat as many times as needed to completely eliminate contamination. If there are stains, then the thing should be soaked before washing with bleach in warm water.

The question may arise: how to wipe the paint from silk? This fabric should be handled with care. Household soap will help out, they need to rub a stain well. Then heat alcohol in a water bath, moisten a rag and wipe the desired area. When the paint comes off, you need to get it wet with hot water, crush it with a napkin and sprinkle with talcum powder.

If it is interesting how to clean clothes from wool, then this can be done again with soap. Grate the stained area, and then for a few moments lower it into boiling water. Most likely, to remove, it will be necessary to repeat several times.

It is useful to know how to wipe off the paint if necessary. If it is easy to cope with water-soluble, then to remove the acrylic, facade, you have to work hard. But there are ways to save clothes. After using special means, the outfit must be thoroughly rinsed. It is best to dry in the fresh air so that the smell disappears.

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