How to remove chewing gum from clothes so that there are no spots?

Careless movement, inattention to environmental conditions or innocent pranks can lead to the formation of the most persistent and unpleasant pollution. Quite often, housewives have a question how to remove chewing gum from clothes when it has already dried up and turned into a dense crust on the fabric.

chewing gum on jeans

Slightly fewer problems arise if a fresh and juicy chewing gum has to be torn off the surface of your favorite trousers or other expensive thing. In this case, greasy spots remain, which even an industrial stain remover is not always able to get rid of. No need to panic ahead of time, even at home, you can take many actions to restore the affected product.

Options for cleaning fabrics with high and low temperatures

To remove chewing gum from clothes sewn from delicate fabric, the first thing to do is try options that involve freezing contamination. A hardened product that has lost its adhesive properties can be easily cleaned from the surface of the material without damaging it and stretching brittle fibers.

sticky chewing gum on a sweater

  • We take the spoiled product, wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for at least an hour. Then we take out an object and try to tear off the pollution mechanically. This approach is very convenient when cleaning skirts, trousers, blouses and other small items of clothing.
  • If the sticky substance sticks to a larger thing or at a particular moment there is simply no way to remove the product, then ice will help. We wrap several cubes in polyethylene (but not in fabric, otherwise it will soak the gum and cause a stain) and apply it to the problem place for several minutes. Then again, just trying to wipe off a piece of dirt.
  • No less effective option with a freezing spray. You only need to remember that using the product on the product while it is on the body is prohibited. First you need to take off your trousers or blouse, straighten the contaminated area and only after that proceed with processing.

Before you unfasten the chewing gum from the clothes using a cooling technique, you need to make sure that it is already dry, otherwise there will be stains on the material, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

ice chewing gum removal

Using high temperatures is another effective and quick way to solve a problem. It is not recommended to be used only if matter categorically does not tolerate such an effect.

  • We immerse the stained thing in hot water, wait for a while until the heat is affected by the chewing gum and it becomes softer and more pliable. Then we try to remove the chewing gum from the clothes manually or with a soft bristled toothbrush. If the thing is quite large and dries for a long time, for example, trousers made of thick fabric, then we simply direct a stream of hot water to the problem area and proceed according to the same scenario.
  • To remove chewing gum from jeans or other trousers, it is recommended to try the iron method. To do this, turn the trouser legs on the wrong side, put cardboard under the contaminated area and press a hot iron on it. The device is only applied to the stain, but we do not make any movements along the fabric itself.

Tip: Do not use the iron on the front side of the product through auxiliary material or directly on chewing gum. This can lead to an increase in the area of ​​damage or damage to the surface of the household appliance.

  • To clean the pants directly on the body, we take a hair dryer with a slit nozzle. We direct the jet of warm air directly to the pollution and wait until the product dries, having lost its stickiness and elasticity.

Heat treatment allows you to peel the chewing gum from almost any material, but it is worth considering that with heavily soiled surfaces, approaches may not work. Older formations are also better treated with chemical components, this reduces the risk of residual stains and stains.

Chewing gum removal

To quickly and accurately remove chewing gum from clothes, it is recommended to try one of the following approaches:

  • Vinegar. One of the most effective approaches if you need to wipe the chewing gum from jeans trousers. We heat a little vinegar to a very warm state, dip a soft-brushed toothbrush into it and try to clean the contaminated area. After such exposure, the trousers must be washed with the traditional method.

Tip: Some craftsmen claim that chewing gum can be torn off without problems if exposed to it with fresh chewing gum. In fact, this will only increase the risk of persistent stains, which are very difficult to get rid of at home.

bubble gum spray

Chewing gum spray

  • For adherents of modern techniques and innovative products, special stain removers and sprays for removing chewing gum have been developed. According to the principle of action, they do not differ from folk analogues, but they are much more expensive.
  • Before you remove the chewing gum from your pants or other heavy products, you can apply a little toluene directly to the dirty stain. Then subsequent washing will cope with education without any problems.
  • If the above methods do not help to clean clothes from gum, which is firmly eaten into the fabric, then the last hope for washing. First, soak the product in hot water, applying a large amount of washing powder or any other detergent to the stain. This should help remove chewing gum from clothing. Then one or two times we drive the thing through the washing machine.

jeans chewing gum and toothbrush

In addition, there are several other non-standard methods designed to wipe the gum. For example, the peanut butter option. We apply the composition exactly on the chewing gum, trying not to touch a clean cloth, and scrap it off with a blunt tool. So do not act if you need to clean worn pants. Oil will necessarily go beyond the boundaries of the desired zone and create additional problems. If oil gets on an undamaged surface, an additional oil stain remover will have to be used.

Techniques to help remove a chewing gum stain from a tissue surface

Often, after it has been possible to remove the chewing gum from the clothes, a grease or color stain is found on the matter. Do not try to wipe it with water or detergents. You can remove the stain from chewing gum with the help of solvents. Here are just some of the good approaches:

  1. Acetone. A fairly aggressive tool, but sometimes only with its help it is possible to remove sebaceous traces from the surface of trousers and other dense fabrics. We apply it directly to the stain, after a few minutes we collect the composition from the periphery to the center and erase it in the traditional way.
  2. Nail polish remover. More sparing option. If color clothing is being processed, it is recommended to take the composition without acetone, it will not leave streaks and will not affect the color of the product.
  3. Stain removers. Chemicals of this group must be selected exclusively for the type of matter and its color, otherwise you can only spoil the thing completely.

Regardless of the approach chosen, you need to act quickly. The longer the chewing gum remains on the surface of the garment, the less likely it is to get rid of persistent contamination and not damage the fabric structure.

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  1. Sergey
    06/23/2024 at 09:09 Reply

    If the adhering chewing gum is not old, then it is quite easily removed using colorless adhesive tape. Take a piece of scotch tape the size of a baby’s palm and blot the chewing gum with it. Adhesive tape changes as it gets dirty. 10 minutes and 1.5 meters of adhesive tape and from the chewing gum there will remain a small dark spot almost imperceptibly, as if dripped with fat (but paler). And then you can then slowly remove it with normal washing.

  2. Antonina
    08/14/2024 at 05:07 Reply

    Thank you Sergey for the advice, very well cleaned.


