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For which fabrics does the delicate wash mode apply?

Modern washing machines have many programs, among which there is a delicate wash. Let's see what it is, is such a function really necessary or is it just a trick of manufacturers?

Eco Bubble Wash Mode

What things require gentle care?

Delicate washing is a gentle cleansing of things from dirt at low drum speeds and at low temperatures. The mode is intended for thin and stretchable material, which is easily damaged during the operation of the machine, and especially during the spin cycle. If you run the standard program, capricious things can lose their shape and volume. The bright colors will fade, spools and puffs will appear on the clothes.

Delicate fabrics are materials made from “brittle” fiber that require special care. It must be handled with care, otherwise the formation of skew, tearing of threads or shrinkage of the product is possible.

Delicate fabrics include natural silk and satin, fine wool, cambric, chiffon, lace. Some manufacturers indicate that artificial fibers should be washed in a special mode - organza, polyester, viscose, elastane. It requires careful handling of cashmere, knitwear, microfiber clothes, as well as products from some new generation fabrics.


To determine in which mode you want to wash your favorite thing, pay attention to the shortcut. It indicates the maximum temperature of the water at which the fibers of the canvas will not lose their original appearance. If a hand wash is indicated, most likely the item is made of a capricious material that can easily be ruined.

Gentle wash designation

How does gentle washing go?

The delicate washing mode implies the following nuances.

  • Stain washing occurs at low speeds - the drum of the washing machine spins slower than usual.
  • When using the program, more water is consumed: this is necessary in order to protect the fabric from mechanical damage and friction.
  • Cleaning of things is carried out at a low temperature, usually it is in the range of 30-40 degrees.
  • Spin is carried out at low speeds - 400-600, maximum - 800 revolutions, and in some models this function is disabled. You will have to manually squeeze the clothes.
  • The program has a shorter duration, the time for washing things is reduced to 1-1.5 hours.

In some washing machines, instead of the delicate washing mode, other programs are indicated - “wool”, “silk”, “hand wash”. Variations may be different, so read the instructions for the device. In it, the manufacturer must indicate which of the available functions is suitable for certain materials.

Silk fabric with washing machine

What products are recommended?

Delicate washing in the washing machine is used to remove stains from capricious things that can deteriorate during spinning in the drum and when exposed to hot water.


If your item has lace inserts, is decorated with ruffles, rhinestones, lots of buttons, wash it only with a delicate wash program. You should not take risks with expensive things, a careful regimen will help to extend their service life.

If clothes are made of fabrics of different textures and contrasting colors, have bumps and reliefs, or can fade from hot water, she also needs gentle care.

Setting the washing mode

How to configure delicate mode yourself?

If your washing machine does not have a designated function, it can be set manually.The resource recommends doing this as follows:

  • set the temperature mode to 30 degrees;
  • select the shortest program or express mode;
  • program the machine for an additional rinse;
  • set the spin to the minimum number of revolutions or completely disable this function.

How long does it take to wash clothes? Usually a special program ends in 1.2-1.5 hours.

Different manufacturers in their own way designate a delicate washing regime. In some cases, it is painted on the panel in the form of a basin with water, in others it is indicated as a temperature of 30 °.

What mode can I use if the functionality of your washing machine is not designed for delicate things? Suitable programs for washing wool, silk, thin cloths. On the panel, they can be drawn in the form of a skein of wool, a silkworm butterfly, an image of a hand or a flower.

Delicate items

How to prepare things?

To avoid unpleasant surprises during the laundering process, please note the following recommendations.

  1. First, sort the laundry into white and color.
  2. If the item is very dirty, pre-soak it with a stain remover in a separate container.
  3. Use liquid detergents and special conditioners for delicate washing.
  4. If clothes need bleaching, buy chlorine-free household chemicals.
  5. Load items into the drum in mesh bags or cases.
  6. Take out laundry immediately after the program ends.
  7. If the fabric can stretch during the drying process, lay it on a flat, horizontal surface.

Some washing machines have an ECO program that produces a lot of small bubbles. They thoroughly dissolve the detergent and help it get to the deep layers of the fabric. Use this mode for products made of thin material. The great advantage of the ECO program is the significant savings in the consumption of water, detergent and electricity.

Machine wash silk lace

Rules for demanding materials

What fabric needs special care, you already have an idea. Here are ways to remove stains from delicate things.

  • Wool & Knitwear it is better not to wash, but to use dry cleaning. Wool is able to absorb moisture well, which leads to a change in the shape of the product. If it is not possible to visit dry cleaning, choose a special program for washing with plentiful rinsing and a temperature of no more than 40 °. Dry wool fabrics on a terry towel in a horizontal position.
  • Natural silk. For all its aesthetic and hygienic qualities, the material is rather moody. It is better to wash such a product manually, you can also use the delicate wash mode without spin. It is necessary to rinse things in cool water, not unscrewing, but gently squeezing from moisture. Stains from natural silk cloth are difficult to remove, so it is not recommended to postpone the process of their removal for a long time.
  • Viscose. Products made of artificial material are washed in the same conditions as natural silk fiber. Delicate cleansing from stains is carried out in a machine at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, viscose is allowed to dry in the open air.
  • Cupra - expensive fabric, which includes copper fiber. What washing will ensure the long existence of a thing? This requires minimal contact with water and washing at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Dry things, having turned inside out.
  • Microfiber. Use of this material is not recommended. fabric softener, since the canvas has high absorbent properties. The washing is carried out at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.


After cleansing delicate items, equally gentle ironing is required. Turn the clothing inside out and lay a damp cloth on top. If possible, use the steaming function.

What other recommendations should be considered? Fill the drum to 2/3 of the volume, manufacturers are not advised to drive the machine to the top.

To summarize. Wash capricious things preferably at low temperatures, turning off the spin function. Be sure to use special bags to mechanically protect the capricious material. It is better to rinse clothes in a manual way: this way you will preserve the appearance of clothes for a long time.

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