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How to wash white socks manually or in a washing machine?

You can wash socks both manually and in the washing machine. But how to remove white socks so that they have the previous neat appearance? If you want to achieve the desired effect, you need to follow a number of special rules and even resort to some tricks.
White cotton socks
To bleach them was easier, you need to remember the following:

  • you need to wear white socks no longer than one day - it will be much easier to remove light dirt than stronger ones;
  • they must be washed separately from dark and colored linen;
  • wash dirty white socks immediately, since it is much easier to cope with fresh dirt;
  • before washing, white socks should be rubbed with soap or soaked for an hour or two;
  • never wash white socks in very hot water, as the dirt literally “bakes” in the fabric and it will be even more difficult to bleach it;
  • Before washing socks, they need to be turned inside out.

Machine washable

Machine washable white socks

To get rid of snow-white socks is best in the washing machine. However, just washing them will be clearly not enough. To whiten them qualitatively, you will have to resort to some tricks, and their essence most often lies in soaking. Before you send laundry to the drum, you need to thoroughly soak it, and there are a lot of options for soaking it. Consider a few of them.

  • Soaking in a solution of boric acid. To do this, buy boric acid in a pharmacy in powder or liquid form, dissolve it in water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the substance per 1 liter of water and soak white socks in this solution for two hours. After that, they will need to be washed in the washing machine as usual.
  • Soaking in a solution of table vinegar. To do this, heat the water to a temperature of about 40 degrees and dissolve a teaspoon of 9% table vinegar in it. Soak socks in this solution should be about half an hour, after which you can wash.
  • Soaking in solution with lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into a basin of water and soak the socks in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours. If spots remain on the toes after soaking, they will need to be treated with lemon juice and sprinkled with washing powder. Slightly rubbing particularly contaminated places, you will need to wash in a washing machine.
  • Soda. If you pour a glass of baking soda solution (about 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water) before washing in a machine in the rinse aid compartment, then it will help to effectively whiten grayed socks.
  • Laundry soap or stain remover. Soiled white socks should be wetted in warm water and rubbed strongly with household soap (or stain remover) on both sides. Wrap them tightly in a plastic bag and leave it overnight, and wash in the washing machine in the quick wash mode in the morning.


To make washing in the car even more efficient, you can put a pair of tennis balls or special ribbed balls for washing down jackets together with socks in the drum. They create a greater mechanical effect on the product and thereby improve their washing.

Hand Wash Preparation

Hand wash white socks

If you are used to dealing with the dirt on your toes yourself and are wondering how to manually remove white products, then there are a few tricks to help you do this quickly and efficiently.

A great way to whiten socks at home is through digestion. This good old method is really capable of working wonders and is popular even among modern hostesses. For greater effect, you can use lemon and laundry soap.Pour cold water into a pan, squeeze the juice of a quarter of lemon into it and add a few chips of laundry soap. Throw socks into this miraculous brew and put the pan on the fire. When the water begins to boil, cook the socks for another 20 minutes, and then take it out and manually stretch as the final step.


If you are going to wash your white socks with your hands, remember that the water should not be hot. Best if it is just a little warm.

To simplify the manual washing process or to improve the result, it is best to presoak the socks using any of the above methods. Then it will be much easier to remove them with your hands, and you will spend much less time and effort.

You do not need to rub the fabric too much on the fabric, as this quickly wears out, and “washed” and worn-out items look as unsightly as dirty ones. Twisting the socks is also not necessary. To squeeze them out, squeeze them tightly into a lump.

Travel by car

An unusual way to wash white socks in a car

Especially for men who own a car and have a great love for washing, they came up with a very unusual, but very effective way. How to wash white socks in a car? Very simple!

  1. Take a large plastic bottle with a cap.
  2. Fill it with a slightly warm soapy solution.
  3. Insert white socks through the neck of the bottle.
  4. Close the lid tightly and place the container in the trunk of the car.
  5. Go about your business.

During the day of driving in a car, the socks shake well in a solution of laundry soap, and there will be no trace of dirt on them. At the end of the day they will only need to be rescued from confinement and rinsed thoroughly in a basin with clean water.

In order not to be tormented later in attempts to whiten socks and remove dirty spots from snow-white fabric, it is best not to bring it to such a state initially. Do not wear white socks for too long and wash immediately.

If any of the proposed methods did not help to achieve the desired result, do not despair, but try another, because there are so many of them. If, nevertheless, nothing helps to restore their original whiteness to socks, then think - maybe they have already served their own?

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