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We wash and dry the umbrella at home

If you were lucky when choosing an umbrella - it did not break after the first rain and did not succumb to a violent gust of wind, then sooner or later you will have to think about how to wash the umbrella. This accessory accompanies us on rainy days, which are characterized not only by streams of water from the sky, but also by mud, slush, puddles. Therefore, often the "protector from the rain" has to save his mistress also from the wave, which the car wanted to roll her from head to toe, accidentally touching the dirty sides of the bus at rush hour or being wet in the case, waiting for the opportunity to straighten and dry out.

Girl with umbrella

Such forced situations adversely affect the appearance of the umbrella. It becomes stained with dirt, rust, oil, or simply loses its color. We will figure out how to properly clean and dry your favorite umbrella at home.

We arrange a bath day

If the appearance of the umbrella is not the same as when buying, it is worth cleaning it. Definitely, this accessory is not machine washable. One of the effective ways to return to its original charm is to remove the fabric from the knitting needles and wash it well. Dry it should be straightened, and then gently iron. During the drying of the cover, the needles are rubbed with car wax and polished. Then the fabric is sewn into place.

Color umbrella

They say that after such manipulations the umbrella becomes like a new one. Perhaps this is so. But there is a less troublesome option. "Bath" for an umbrella without removing the fabric from the needles is carried out as follows:

  1. Warm water is poured into a deep basin and the chosen product is dissolved in it. This can be a chip of laundry or baby soap, laundry detergent or gel.
  2. The umbrella, folded, but not packaged, is lowered into the basin. He can be left there for half an hour or an hour.
  3. If there is severe pollution, the umbrella is laid out and the problem area is washed with a brush and additional soaping.
  4. When all stains have been removed, this accessory is thoroughly rinsed from a watering can under strong pressure of water.
  5. Drying the umbrella should be properly in the unfolded form, contrary to the contrary generally accepted opinion. If you dry it open, the fabric will stretch, and the needles will get an extra load. Also, the umbrella should be dried at a constant room temperature, avoiding being placed near heaters and batteries.
  6. Fully dried umbrella is neatly folded, fastened with a belt loop and placed in a cover.

Umbrellas of different colors

Tip: to clean the umbrella, use tools:

  • for washing woolen things. They are better washed out of the fabric fibers and do not leave streaks. This is especially true for plain accessories in black and other dark colors (blue, green, brown, etc.);
  • non-softening fabric, that is, a gel or powder with the effect of an air conditioner will not work;
  • in the form of a gel. Although it is not forbidden to use powder or soap, in this case it will be more correct to use the gel, since it is better rinsed from the fabric due to the smaller particle size.

Two umbrellas

5 secrets for perfect results

Today there are many varieties of umbrellas. They differ in shape, material, color. This is not just a rain protection device, it is a true designer accessory. The canvas can be covered with art painting, photo print, it can have different colors inside and out, and it can also change the pattern in the rain. For some types of umbrellas, there are secrets to cleaning.


  1. To give brightness to a faded colored umbrella, after washing, before drying, rinse it with an aqueous solution of vinegar (30 g per 1 liter of water).
  2. When washing light monophonic umbrellas (white, pale yellow, blue, etc.), pay special attention to the places of folds of the fabric in the area of ​​the needles.As a rule, they get dirty the most. Along with them, you should additionally walk with a soaped brush.
  3. To return the charcoal blackness to a grayish umbrella, rubbing with a sponge dipped in strong black tea or coffee will help.
  4. Traces of rust are washed off by lemon juice or an aqueous solution of citric acid (at a concentration reminiscent of lemon juice to taste). To do this, the stain is treated with a sponge dipped in juice, and then steam is exposed to it. To do this, you can use a steam generator or put the iron into steaming mode and “hit” the spot several times with a steam jet (without touching the canvas with the hot sole of the iron!). Finally, the softened rust is brushed off and the umbrella is rinsed. To prevent rust from appearing, it is necessary to dry properly after each rain.
  5. After washing the dome umbrellas and each time they are dried, wipe them dry with a soft cloth so that the drops do not leave streaks. Divorces that have already formed can be removed with a cotton pad moistened with an aqueous solution of ammonia (1:10). Then you need to rinse the umbrella with clean water and wipe it dry.

Favorite umbrella - an indispensable helper and protector in spring and autumn. That he served for a long time, pleased with the brightness of colors and crystal clearness, do not forget to wash and dry it correctly. Moreover, doing this is as easy as shelling pears.

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  1. Galina
    04/29/2024 at 10:01 Reply

    Your recommendations helped a lot. And simple and effective!


