What is the easiest way to wash a large soft toy?
The two-meter teddy bear that your husband gave you on your wedding anniversary, a huge soft dog that replaces the baby's chair, a fluffy hare accompanying the child on every walk, become dirty and needs to be washed over time. Not only does the appearance of the toys suffer, they become dangerous to children's health. A tomboy hugs and kisses a furry friend, treats him with candy, and then licks the melted chocolate from a plush face. Dust enters the mouth, and with it bacteria and microscopic mites. Mom has long dreamed of washing and cleaning all soft toys, but she is afraid that they will deteriorate and the baby will lose his beloved animals. The problem is solved, there are techniques that allow you to tidy products from any material at home.
Dry and wet cleaning
Divide the entire zoo into stuffed animals that are dusty and heavily soiled. Try cleaning them dry first. First of all, you need to get rid of the small parasites that inhabit the plush upholstery. The best option is to destroy them with the help of the cold. Fold small animals in plastic bags and send for several days in the freezer. With big bears and hares, such a procedure can be carried out in the winter, putting them on the balcony. Then vacuum up not so dirty animals, sometimes such a procedure is enough.
You can clean it from dust and small impurities with soda. Place a soft pet in a plastic bag, pour from one to 2-3 packs of soda there, depending on the size of the toy. Tie or glue tightly with tape and turn the bag over several times, shake it strongly so that the entire upholstery is covered with white powder. If the bear is gigantic, all adult family members will have to clean it. Wait a few minutes for the soda to attract dust and dirt, and then take out a soft toy and vacuum it well.
If areas of white plush turn yellow over time, moisten them with lemon juice and then dry in the sun before cleaning or washing.
Soft toys that cannot be cleaned with soda, but cannot be washed, try to put in order in a wet way.
- Pour baby shampoo into a bowl of warm water and whip the thick foam.
- Scoop foam with a soft brush and gently rub the contaminated area. Try to get as little moisture as possible on the fabric.
- Immediately after processing, moisten a microfiber sponge or cloth in clean water and wipe the foam from the toy. Repeat this operation until traces of soap disappear.
- Continue to the next section and continue cleaning in the same sequence.
Washing plush pets
We pass to the group of zamarashek animals. Many of them require a special approach, pay attention to the following toys:
- with electronic devices;
- with parts made of materials that do not tolerate moisture (eyes, nose, mouth);
- stuffed with sawdust;
- filled with small balls.
Gently spread the seam and try to remove the electronic device, then sew the hole. If the whole animal is crammed with all kinds of wiring and sensors, you can’t erase it, you can only clean it. The same recommendation applies to toys stuffed with sawdust or other organic materials. Unfasten plastic parts that could be damaged during water treatment; after drying you will glue or sew them. If the toy is filled with balls, you cannot wash it in the car.
Take a close look at the tag that shows how to care for the stuffed toy.There you will see how you can wash or clean the product, what should be the temperature of the water and what preparations can be used.
Small soft toys can be placed in a fabric bag and washed in a typewriter. Use powders designed for children's items. Select a delicate wash mode and a water temperature of up to 30⁰. To completely remove soapy water, use the additional rinse. To prevent the cute little bear from turning into a terrible disproportionate monster, turn off the spin function. In the same way, you can wash a large animal, if you can carefully disassemble it into parts. Sew well the holes formed after cutting the seams or remove the filler and wash it separately.
Toys may warp slightly or change color, but the baby is unlikely to notice these nuances. If a plush pet shed a lot, it means that the fabric was dyed with poor-quality materials. Do not regret the spoiled thing, but rejoice that you recognize the danger in time. Tell the baby that the bunny has left to visit his grandmother and give him another little animal. After a couple of weeks, he will forget about his favorite toy and stop bored about it.
Drying soft animals
The pet has become clean, now it’s important not to spoil it when drying. Hang teddy animals in a warm, well-ventilated place: in the sun, near the battery. Shake them from time to time so that the filler does not stray into lumps. Knitted soft toys cannot be suspended, they must be put on a thick towel, turned over from time to time and changed the wet litter. Comb the fluffy places so that there are no fallen fibers.
It remains to give the plush animals an original appearance. If the toy has been washed in parts, put the filler back in place and sew all the parts. Insert electronic mechanisms, carefully close up seams. Replace the small parts, and you can give the baby his updated friend.
So that a soft bunny does not “infect” your baby with ticks or dangerous bacteria, be careful when buying a gift. If near the house there is a good dry cleaning or laundry with aqua, there will be no problems. If there are no such enterprises, think in the store whether you can clean and wash your teddy pet at home. A good addition to the care of the toy will be irradiation with a quartz lamp, which will kill all parasites and bacteria.