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How to wash toys?

The question of how to wash soft toys is relevant for most mothers. Indeed, in the rooms of most children, regardless of gender, there is usually at least a couple of teddy bears or bunnies. Kids play with them, take with them to the street, and at night sleep in an embrace. Of course, the things with which the little ones so often come in contact must be handled with particular care. But you need to know the features of washing such products. After all, if in the process of cleaning spoil a child’s favorite thing, then no offense and bitter tears will not do.

Girl sleeping with a toy

Why do you need to wash toys

Wash your soft or plastic toys regularly is very important. With plastic products, everything is quite simple: they can be lowered into a basin with soapy water, and then rinsed under running water. Musical can simply be wiped with a cloth. Soft toys require more thorough cleaning, because they attract and accumulate dust. No wonder they are called dust collectors.

Things a child often deals with are important to keep clean. Dust can provoke an allergic reaction. The baby will have a runny nose or even a cough, often there are rashes on the body. If you do not take any measures, then an allergy can lead to bronchial asthma or other serious diseases.

If the toys are too rarely cleaned, dust mites can get into them. The risk of allergies in both children and adults increases. Ticks also often appear in carpets and pillows, which should be remembered when decorating a children's room.

In addition, toys often need to be washed for simpler reasons. Kids can spill their compote on them, try to feed with semolina porridge, take with them to the sandbox. Mom has to correct the consequences. Soft products should be washed at least every 3 months, and also as they become dirty.

Toys take a bath

How to determine the cleaning method

Choosing a way to clean soft toys is not so simple. Of course, they can be placed in the drum of the washing machine and run it. But not for all products, a similar method is acceptable. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of toys, then it is likely that after completing the washing process you will not get a pretty bear, but a deformed and shed something. In some cases, you can even spoil the machine. To avoid this, you need to choose the best cleaning method, paying attention to the following nuances.

  • The size. You won’t be able to put a huge bear in the washing machine, and it’s not easy to dry it. So you have to apply dry cleaning.
  • Additional items. Some toys have eyes, noses, or jewelry that are not securely attached. They may need to be cut or torn off during washing, and then sewn back. If such parts are glued, then water can harm them.
  • Filler. For soft toys use a variety of fillers - cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, sawdust. There are also anti-stress toys with granules or balls. All these materials react differently to moisture, some products can be washed in a typewriter or manually in a basin, while others will fall off from the water and form lumps.
  • The electronic mechanism. Musical and various interactive toys have special mechanisms and power supplies, thanks to which they can move and make sounds. Before washing, the toy must be strung and remove electronics from it.
  • Material. The toy can be made of fabric, fur, wool. Due to the action of moisture, some materials stretch, lose their shape, and molt.

Washing toys in a washing machine

Washing toys in the washing machine and by hand

Knowing the features of toys, it will be possible to determine whether they can be washed in a typewriter. Most products are made from fabrics that tolerate moisture well. Fillers such as sintepon and foam rubber also withstand washing without deformation. Typically, recommendations for washing are indicated by the manufacturer on the label, so it must be studied.

Before washing toys, it is recommended to check the integrity of the seams. If there are holes, then they should be sewn up. In the process of washing, the seams can finally disperse, and the filler can fall out. recommends placing plush items in a special laundry bag.

Next, you need to decide on the washing mode. The best option is the mode for delicate things, it is the most sparing, so that the toys will return to their little master safe and sound. The temperature must be set to 30 degrees. It is better to refuse machine spinning. But an additional rinse will not be superfluous. The powder must be used the same as for washing baby clothes. Means designed specifically for children are well suited for any things with which the baby is constantly in contact.

After that, you can turn on the machine. When the cycle is completed, the toys should be slightly wrung out by hand. It is also allowed to use a terry towel that absorbs moisture well. Then they should be dried by hanging on a clothesline or laid out on a dryer. It is important to remember that knitted woolen toys must be dried exclusively in a horizontal position, laying them on a flat surface. Wool easily changes shape, stretches under the weight of water, so the thing will be hopelessly spoiled. If possible, then to dry such products is in the fresh air.


For washing soft toys, it is better to use liquid or gel detergents, as they are better washed away.

In cases where machine wash is not very convenient, you can wash the toys manually. Of course, you need to make sure that they are not afraid of moisture. A similar method of cleaning is suitable for products in which decorative elements are not properly secured. Hand wash is more gentle, so they will not come off.

For washing by hand, you just need to add baby powder, soap or shampoo to the bowl of water, then immerse the toy in it. If necessary, rub with a brush. After that, rinse and dry thoroughly.

Toy tag

Wet and dry cleaning

However, not all toys can be immersed in water. In cases where the filler is susceptible to moisture or inside there are mechanisms that cannot be removed, conduct external cleaning. It can be wet or dry.

Before starting to clean the product, it is recommended to vacuum it to remove some of the dust. Then you need to prepare a soap solution, any hypoallergenic agent is suitable for this. Beat it in water to make a dense foam. It is her who must be typed with a sponge and distributed on the surface of the toy. The amount of foam should not be too large so as not to wet the filler. After this, the foam should be washed off with a washcloth or microfiber cloth moistened with clean water.

To make the product especially soft to the touch, a small amount can be fabric softener dilute with water and spray the toy using a spray bottle. Then you can start drying, it is convenient to use a hairdryer. If the toy has a long pile or it is made of fur, then it should be combed with a brush. Next, the thing should be brought to fresh air - and the sun's rays and frost will do her good.

For some toys, even minimal exposure to moisture can be detrimental. In such cases, dry cleaning is used.

  1. Depending on the size, one or more items are placed in a large plastic bag.
  2. Fall asleep starch or baking soda at the rate of half a glass on a medium-sized product.
  3. The package is tied and shaken for some time.
  4. Remove the products and clean them with a soft brush.

Soda or starch perfectly absorbs dirt, so the thing becomes clean.

Drying a toy cat on a rope

How to wash musical toys

Musical toys are often difficult to wash. In fact, cleaning them is easy. In most cases, removing the electronic mechanism is possible. He can hide in a special pocket sewn on the back or stomach of a bear or a bunny. You can get it and then put it back without problems.

If the mechanism is hidden inside, then you should feel the filler with your fingers and determine the place where the electronics are located. Then you need to gently open the seam and remove the mechanism. It is important to sweep the seam so that it does not diverge during the washing process. Now the thing can be placed in the machine or washed by hand, dried, after which the seam should be unstuck again, put the mechanism back in place, and then sew it well. At this point, you can change the batteries.

If it is impossible to get an electronic mechanism, then the product is cleaned with soda or a sponge with foam.

Girl with a big teddy bear

Cleaning large toys

Big toys often do not please moms. They take up a lot of space, and cleaning them is not so easy, because they do not fit into the washing machine. But the children are very fond of such toys. Therefore, you need to know how to bring plush friends in proper condition.

If thorough cleaning is necessary, then you can tear the toy at the seams and remove the filler. Then lay out the product and filler in different bags and wash in the machine. Dry, then stuff the thing again and sew it up. Thus, you can carry out high-quality cleaning, but there is a risk of not returning the product to its original form.

Therefore, much more often toys of large sizes are cleaned by wiping with a soapy sponge, or using soda. It is unlikely that they can be placed in a bag, so they simply rub the soda into the surface of the product, and then remove it. It is convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner. Power must be set to a minimum so as not to tear your eyes and other additional elements. The brush should be selected designed for upholstered furniture.

Ball filler for toys

How to wash anti-stress toys with balls

In anti-stress toys, polystyrene balls are most often used as a filler. They can be large or small, but in any case they tolerate moisture well. Therefore, you can wash soft toys with a similar filler in the washing machine. The main condition: the thing must be put in a special bag for washing. Sometimes the seam does not withstand washing - and the balls get enough sleep. They can get behind the drum or clog the drain hole. In order not to have to call a repairman for washing machines, it is worth taking care of precautions.

If necessary, you can replace the filler with a new one. It is sold in stores that offer various products for creativity.

As with other products, pay attention to the label. Sometimes in such toys other materials are used that deteriorate from water. Then you need to use dry cleaning.

Soft toys in a basket

How to get rid of dust mites

You need to know that ordinary washing removes dust and dirt, but not dust mites. They die only at very low or, conversely, high temperatures. There are two ways to get rid of them.

  • Wash at temperatures above 60 degrees. If there is a suspicion that the toy is infected with ticks, you need to set the temperature above average. True, we must remember that not all products are able to withstand such treatment.
  • Weathering in the cold. At temperatures below zero, ticks also die. Products can be wrapped in a bag and left overnight in the freezer. In winter, you can hang them out the window. Thus, it will turn out to clear even a big thing.

This treatment is especially important for older products. After her toys will be safe for kids.

Children's toys should be washed regularly.Proper care is needed not only to maintain a neat appearance. This is important for the baby’s health.

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  1. Alexandra
    10/03/2024 at 19:25 Reply

    Hello everyone!) I have been using WAVE washing sheets for a long time, including washing all baby clothes!) I advise you)


