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Is it possible to wash socks and underpants together: why and how

Underwear and socks are very small when compared with other details of the wardrobe. Even changing clothes daily, it is difficult to type a complete bookmark for the automatic machine. However, experts do not recommend washing pants and socks together, there are a number of reasons.

Why you can not run together

Always and invariably, underwear was washed separately from socks and other clothes. Why? For reasons of hygiene. In the old days, clothes and socks were changed less often, and they had time to get dirty very much, while linen should have remained clean. At the same time, everything was erased in the basin, and there was no possibility to change the water, as soon as it got dark.

Colored socks on the dryer

What are the reasons today not to wash socks and underpants together:

  • if the socks are very dirty (especially men's socks, socks for summer work or active children’s outdoor activities), they need intensive washing, and modern underwear is usually a fairly quick or “daily” program - either one is not reached, or the other is deformed, covered spools or change color;
  • socks are usually made of bamboo or cotton knitwear, these are rather delicate materials, but still withstand a long and intensive washing, but lace or silk underwear needs short cycles;
  • if the socks and underpants are of different colors, they cannot be a priori launched together - they even need different detergents;
  • because of the rougher texture of socks on the underwear, spools may appear - the look will be spoiled, and people with sensitive skin will feel discomfort.

Hand wash socks

Any kinds of socks and underwear (except for panties for the smallest ones) are washed in warm water, not more than 40 degrees, otherwise the fabric will lose color or quickly thin out.

These are the main reasons why you should not run pants and socks together in a machine. If you wash with your hands, then mixing different types of underwear is undesirable because of the difference in the degree of contamination.

How to wash separately

Men's socks are usually dark, and for many novice housewives it seems that it is enough to simply wash them in hot water in an aggressive mode or soak them in a basin with bleach. All this will ruin your socks, they will lose their presentation, and good-looking socks under trousers or jeans are one of the little things that are important for the image.

Men's socks

How to care for socks:

  1. The most obvious thing is that they need to be changed every two days, and if your feet sweat, then every day. With hyperhidrosis of the feet, it is recommended to change 2-3 pairs per day.
  2. Strong contaminants do not need to be wiped off - they should be thoroughly soaped and allowed to lie down or soak in a warm solution (undiluted powder or stain remover should not touch the fabric).
  3. It is absolutely not worth using chlorine-containing bleaches - socks will quickly go holes. Socks tolerate only soap and oxygen stain remover. This is due to three factors: firstly, cotton yarn (hardy to chlorine) in socks is thin, and chlorine thins it even more, and secondly, for elasticity and wear resistance, a synthetic thread is included in the fabric, and it does not withstand contact with bleach
  4. After soaking / soaping you need to prepare a fresh solution: dilute in warm water and thoroughly mix soap chips, gel or powder.
  5. Immerse socks and rub lightly.
  6. Stir the solution in a circle from bottom to top, alternating clockwise and counterclockwise.
  7. Squeeze socks without twisting.
  8. Pour fresh water and rinse socks thoroughly.
  9. Change the water until it is clean.
  10. Squeeze through a towel (without twisting) and hang to dry away from high temperatures.

Men's socks in a drum machine

With the machine, the process is simplified: you need to put your wet socks in the drum and turn on the ECO Cotton program: 40 degrees, 600-800 spin turns, a long wash, an additional rinse (optional). A long wash is important to disinfect socks, wash all drops of sweat and skin particles.

Life hack
Men do not like to wash, but this does not mean that socks can not be changed for weeks. Bachelors have come up with an interesting method: throw your socks in the bath while you are taking a shower and do not be shy about stomping on them. After them it remains to rinse, squeeze in a fist and hang on the cord shower curtains.

How to care for underwear:

  1. Cowards need to be changed every day. If the man does not sweat much, it is permissible to put on a new pair every other day. Women are advised to use daily sanitary pads. This is especially important for delicate lace and semi-synthetic panties that do not tolerate hot water.
  2. Most modern models, manufacturers recommend washing at 30-40 degrees. Children's, 100% cotton panties should be washed at 50-90 degrees (children's skin and mucous membranes are more sensitive in girls than in adults).
  3. Soaking is not the best method for underwear, especially silk - it is better to soap and rinse thoroughly. For natural silk, hand wash with shampoo or in a machine with other silk items on the program of the same name and with a gel labeled “For Silk” is shown.
  4. In the drum of the machine, especially lace, you need to lay in a mesh bag or a non-shed pillowcase. When hand washing, it is not advisable to rub intensively.
  5. Blood stains should be washed immediately and strictly in cool (about 30 degrees) water.
  6. It is advisable to squeeze out the underpants by pushing through a towel, and dry it by throwing it over a rope or hanging it on an elastic band on two clothespins with a soft spring (it is easy to check it easily by closing the little finger).

Machine Washable Panties

Tip magazine does not recommend drying panties, grabbing 1 grip on a codpiece or gusset (part between the legs) - the linen is deformed, and it will have to be ironed, and tears will appear on the seams faster.

How to wash together in a car

If the family is large, socks and underwear can be easily typed into 2 full bookmarks in the car. If the family is small, the work is not connected with the land, and the children have already grown up, the hostess has time to wash it by hand. But in most homes, it is much more convenient to wash socks and underwear together.

Machine wash

Although today’s black socks usually do not fade, it’s best to run them with dark clothes. White should be washed with light.

To make this possible, do not let the socks become very dirty. If the dirt is hard, shut up or lather the steam well before throwing it into the drum. Separate cotton (this will include t-shirts, socks and cotton underwear) and synthetics (lace underwear, the same blouses and dresses with tulle and mesh lining, men's shirts, etc.). Wash the first batch on the Cotton ECO program, the second on Synthetics (time is reduced by one and a half times, the drum rotates less intensively, spin - 500-600 revolutions, or you can do without it).

Historically and intuitively, panties and socks are not put together, but modern equipment, materials and detergents allow you to run laundry in one tab without harm to health. The only thing - you need to divide things into cotton and synthetics, as well as by color, and too dirty socks to pre-soak or soap.

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