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What should every housewife know about washing towels?

What could be nicer than a soft, fluffy bath towel or a crisp, crisp white kitchen towel? However, not all housewives know how to wash towels correctly. The little tricks of experienced housewives will tell you how to remove stains, restore whiteness and softness.

Terry towels and detergents

How to wash terry products?

To keep the mahr soft for as long as possible, you should adhere to some rules.

  1. Select a wash mode. All terry products must be washed at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, and shorn (velor) up to 40. It is best to use the delicate mode. It is impossible to wash in the water saving mode, because of the high hygroscopicity a lot of water is spent on rinsing. Spin must be set to 800 revolutions, otherwise the fibers may be deformed.
  2. The choice of washing powder. Choosing between liquid and dry powder, preference should be given to the first. If you still choose dry, then you need to pour it less than indicated on the package, and also use the extra rinse function.
  3. Use of additional funds. To keep the towels soft, when washing, add conditioner, which contains silicone. If such a tool was not at hand, you can soak them in ordinary salt water for 30 minutes.
  4. Drying, ironing terry towels. Although terry products dry for quite a while, it is better to refrain from drying on electrical appliances. This fabric loves fresh air and does not tolerate ironing. To keep the towels neat, you need to carefully hang them, and then fold them. As a last resort, it is possible to iron products with steam.

An important role is played by the quality of the towels, branded ones withstand a larger number of washings and keep their original appearance longer.

Clean kitchen towels

We wash kitchen towels

Most housewives use waffle towels for the kitchen. They are easier to wash and dry faster. But how to keep them clean and tidy, and most importantly, how to remove them?

  • First of all, you should use kitchen towels for their intended purpose, that is, for hands. To wipe the table should be separate sponges or rags, for hot dishes - oven mitts.
  • It will be easier to wash them if you do it daily. Stubborn stains are removed much worse, and using a clean towel is much more pleasant.
  • Colored products should be washed at a temperature of 40-60 degrees, white - up to 95.
  • Pre-soaking in a dishwashing detergent solution will help get rid of greasy traces, and rubbing with household soap will return the whiteness.
  • If white towels cannot be removed, then you can restore the previous appearance by boiling or using bleaches. It is important that the products are clean, otherwise the dirt will only brew.
  • It must be remembered that chemical bleaches destroy the fabric, thereby reducing its service life.


Keep a few hand towels in the kitchen to help keep them clean longer.

Liquid stain remover

Print spots

If stains cannot be removed in the usual way, then you should use a stain remover or make it yourself from improvised means.

  1. Remove fruit stains and vegetables. At the place of contamination, you need to pour a little vinegar or pour citric acid, gently rub and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the towel needs to be washed.
  2. Stains from tea, coffee, ketchup. Ammonia, glycerin and ordinary table salt will help to remove such traces. To do this, soak the towels for 1 hour in hot saline (1 tbsp.per liter of water) or apply ammonia and glycerin to stains in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  3. Greasy spots. Traces of greasy hands are most easily removed with dishwashing detergent. If the spots are extensive, it is better to soak the products in a soap solution, and apply the product pointwise on small dirt. You can also use laundry soap. To do this, moist cloth is rubbed abundantly and packaged in an airtight bag for 6–8 hours. Then the usual machine wash starts.
  4. Universal remedies. The easiest method to remove the stain is to apply hydrogen peroxide on it and leave for half an hour. You can also get rid of any pollution by using vegetable oil, bleach and a simple washing powder. To do this, boil 5 liters of water in a large bucket, add 2 tbsp there. l each means, stir, dip the towels. After 1 hour, the product should be removed and washed as usual.


Do not resort to special methods of removing stains more than 1 time per month, otherwise the towels will quickly wear out.

Snow-white towels

Return the snow-white color

What should I do if the fabric turns yellow and becomes unpresentable? There are several ways to restore the whiteness of hand towels.

  • Mustard method. On wet tissue, apply gruel from dry mustard and leave for 4-6 hours. Then wash the towels or rinse thoroughly in warm water.
  • Bleaching with potassium permanganate. In a bucket with boiling water, it is necessary to add potassium permanganate to obtain a pale pink solution, pour washing powder (150 g per 5 kg of laundry). Then immerse the towels for 2-3 hours, rinse.
  • With boric acid. The products are soaked for 2 hours in boiling water with the addition of boric acid (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). Next they need to be washed.
  • Grandma’s recipe. This is the most gentle method of boiling, which allows you to wash even old, yellow towels. To do this, grate 200 g of laundry soap 72%, add 50 g of soda ash and boil the product for 1 hour.

Most housewives with heavy contaminants simply throw out towels, not knowing how to wash them. However, the above tips and rules will help reanimate even the most hopeless product, significantly increasing its life.

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  1. Maria
    10/11/2024 at 12:31 Reply

    Thanks for the article!) I have been using WAVE washing sheets for a long time. Towels after washing are soft and pleasant, I don’t even use air conditioning)))


