4 ways to freeze basil for the winter: keep the taste and good

Fresh greens all year round - it's real! Try freezing basil for the winter: this aromatic food supplement will brighten up your winter menu. We offer 4 recipes for all occasions.

Method 1 - whole leaves

Basil from the market or its own garden can be stored frozen for up to a year, just before a new crop.

Fresh basil

How to freeze whole leaves:

  1. Freshly picked leaves should be washed thoroughly. Many housewives recommend briefly soaking the basil so that the water draws out maximum pollution from it. One hour of bathing is enough. purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine recommends changing the wash water 2-3 times.
  2. Now the branches need to be dried. Lay them out on a tray in an even layer, periodically turn them over. Drying at elevated temperatures is not worth it, otherwise the basil will become brittle and will be suitable only for further drying for seasoning.
  3. Dried basil sometimes looks a bit lethargic, but it's fearless. Just fold the bags and tie them tightly.
  4. Fragile basil leaves are best frozen in containers, placing freely. So they will not break, they will look beautiful in a salad.
  5. If you prefer packages - take two layers so that the bright aroma of greenery does not affect neighboring products in the chamber. Also, this measure will protect the basil itself from the penetration of odors.
  6. Be prepared that during storage the greens will darken slightly. But if you did everything right, then it will remain as fragrant and healthy.

Basil leaves in a package

Basil cuttings should not be lignified! Use only soft grassy ones, or do without these parts at all. Cut the leaves from the main branch with scissors. By the way, chopping the leaves is also more convenient with scissors.

Method 2 - chopped basil

If you don’t want to cook for a long time, take care of the green seasoning in advance: just cut the basil leaves before sending it for storage in the freezer.

  1. Prepare the greens as in the first method. Make sure the basil is completely dry.
  2. Cut the leaves in any convenient way, but do not grind much.
  3. Distribute into small bags, tie them as tight as possible so that there is less air.

Frozen basil in pieces of ice

A day after placing the basil in the freezer, remove the bag and lightly shake it and return it to its place. Then the greens will not crumple.

Method 3 - with olive oil

Some housewives complain that whole-frozen basil becomes ugly and loses its shape. There is a simple way out - to make mashed potatoes from it with the addition of oil. Of the plant groups, the most popular are olive, sunflower and corn. Try not to use oils that are sensitive to low temperature.

Basil puree with butter is ideal for dressing salads, as a flavoring dressing in soup, for frying, mashed potatoes, meat and fish dishes, and even for marinade.

Basil Rinse

How to cook, recipe:

  1. Rinse the leaves, dry them on a waffle towel or using a manual centrifuge.
  2. Grind to a slurry blender.
  3. On a glass of greens, add about 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil.
  4. Puree the mixture again for several seconds, or simply mix with a spoon.
  5. Distribute in baking tins for ice or baking.
  6. Send for storage, wrapped in two bags.

Use silicone molds - it is most convenient to squeeze out portions of greens from them. From metal and plastic you have to pick up a freeze with a knife.

Basil with butter

A little trick: in order not to remove the mold with the workpiece every day, take the basil one day after placing it in the chamber, empty the portions and pack them in separate bags.

Method 4 - with butter

Butter is also used as a dressing. Take the product with animal fats, as spreads and mixtures with vegetable oils do not melt well and affect the taste of the products. By the way, basil dressing can be salted.


  1. Melt the butter over low heat so that it does not boil.
  2. Rinse, dry and chop the basil leaves in any convenient way.
  3. Mix with oil and spread over ice containers or use small plastic containers.

Butter basil

You can prepare additives from both purple and green basil. Both are very fragrant and vitamin.

In the end

These were the four easiest ways to prepare delicious basil greens, but the ideas of the housewives are not limited to this. Some freeze crushed leaves in water to make ice cubes. In another recipe, meat broth is used instead of water. A method with preliminary blanching is popular. To do this, the basil is peeled and slightly poured with boiling water.

Thawing basil is as easy as freezing recipes. If you cook on the stove, then just send a cube of greens to the dish. For a salad dressing with whole leaves, prolonged defrosting is also not required.

Remember that the longer the basil is stored, the less vitamins remain in it. Try to use the blanks before spring, and soon a new crop of early greens will appear.

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