Dry dill for the whole winter in the microwave - simple and easy

Now a lot of devices have been created to dry dill and other products quickly and safely. But they are not cheap and they will occupy a place. If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase special equipment, you can dry the dill in the microwave. The main thing is not to overheat the spice.

Dried dill on a wooden spoon

Which dill is suitable for drying

For harvesting, raw materials must be collected before flowering begins. Otherwise, the dried dill will have an unpleasant odor. Umbrellas can also be stocked, for example, for the preparation of marinades and pickles.

The general rule is to pick dill in dry weather. Excessive humidity will lead to excessive accumulation of water in the bunches and will easily provoke decay even at the preparatory stages.

dill for drying

If dill is harvested shortly after rain or watering on a leaf, you can skip the pre-wash step.

Features of microwave drying

The main advantage of this method is the speed incomparable with traditional drying. In just a few minutes, a microwave eliminates moisture from a whole bunch of dill. At the same time, spicy grass practically does not lose color.

The most important thing is not to let the dill overheat too much.

Microwave and dill

For proper drying, you need to take a series of simple steps in turn:

  1. Wash a bunch of fresh dill, shake off excess moisture and pat it with a well-absorbent towel.
  2. Then separate the branches from the stems, they are not suitable for drying, but can be frozen for soups and main dishes for the winter.
  3. Cover the appropriate diameter dish with dry napkins and lay dill branches on top.
  4. Next, send the resulting workpiece to the microwave for 2 minutes, after which, after opening the door, let it cool slightly.
  5. Repeat drying and cooling until the branches of dill begin to crumble easily. With experience, every housewife will be able to choose the optimal scheme on how to properly dry dill greens in accordance with the power of their microwave.

drying dill

Processing and storage conditions of dried dill

After processing the entire batch, the grass is ground in any convenient way. Fragile branches easily rub between the palms. In this case, the rigid parts are easily separated from the total mass. Glass or tin cans with a moderately tight lid are well suited for storage.

Chopped dill

It is not necessary to achieve absolute tightness - this will avoid damage to dried dill.

Some housewives successfully keep ready-made condiments in plastic bags. This is quite acceptable, but it is advisable not to allow the proximity to other strongly smelling spices or products that can intensively absorb extraneous aromas.

Shelf life is about 2 years. In the future, dill does not deteriorate, but more and more loses its flavor and other beneficial properties.

dill in the package

The benefits of dried dill:

  • Greens and tea from seeds relieves spasms and has carminative properties;
  • a decoction of dill helps with cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • stimulates the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • Soothes and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Like many other herbs, vegetables and fruits, dill has a multilateral effect on humans. But, for example, with excessively low blood pressure due to diuretic and soothing properties, the spice should not be consumed in too large quantities. Harvesting dill, which literally has nowhere to go in the season, is easy. A little time, and for the coming year you always have at hand a healing product and spicy seasoning.

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