We store dried mushrooms: how, where, how much?

Sometimes a mushroom summer is given out so that only lazy can remain without mushrooms. And not lazy people have reasonable questions: how to store dried mushrooms, where and how much? Why dried? Because drying is the most optimal way to harvest them for the winter. For example, frozen mushrooms take up a lot of space, while during drying they significantly decrease in volume. Compared to pickled, dried mushrooms are better absorbed, longer stored, and can also be used in a wider range of dishes.

dried mushrooms

What to store

To ensure the safety of dried mushrooms at home, you should choose the right container and place. This will extend their shelf life. Best suited:

  • cloth bags made of cotton, linen;
  • glass jars;
  • paper bags;
  • carton boxes;
  • ceramic cans;
  • vacuum containers.

storage of dried mushrooms

These are the most common packaging in which the correct preservation of the product is ensured. But each package has its drawbacks and advantages. Cloth bags, paper bags and cardboard boxes are cheap containers that allow mushrooms to breathe. However, it is highly likely that cereal bugs or moths will start during storage.

In glass jars that are closed with a screw or plastic cover, the product is not threatened by pests, but it will not breathe. Therefore, this storage option is acceptable only if the mushroom mixture is thoroughly dried. Otherwise, it will grow moldy. The same applies to ceramic cans for bulk products. Their significant advantage is covers with clips equipped with a rubber gasket. This ensures tightness and protection against extraneous odors. But they can only store completely dry mushrooms, as in glass jars.

dried mushrooms in jars

Mushrooms will be perfectly preserved, they will be completely protected from bugs, foreign odors and the formation of mold in vacuum containers. But their price is rather high compared to bags, bags and glass jars. Ceramics, by the way, can also have a price higher than average (depending on the design, appearance and decor).

When choosing this or that package from time to time, check the mushrooms for the presence of moth larvae and bugs (bags, paper bags) or mold (glass or ceramic jars).

dried mushrooms in a vacuum bag

Where to store

Due to the fact that dry mushrooms tend to quickly absorb moisture and odors, storage conditions should be selected as follows. Place must be:

  • dry - otherwise the product will mold;
  • well ventilated;
  • without severe temperature changes;
  • away from products with a bright smell (seasonings, flavored tea, garlic, etc.).

As a rule, shelves of kitchen cabinets located far from the stove and sink satisfy these requirements.

Many housewives store dried mushrooms in the refrigerator. For this storage method, glass jars or vacuum containers are suitable.

How much to store

Having wondered how much dried mushrooms can be stored, you can get a variety of answers. The minimum term is 12 months, the maximum is arbitrarily long. Yes exactly. Many inveterate mushroom pickers believe that mushrooms prepared by drying have almost no shelf life. There were also cases when a bag with mushroom chips was littered with other products in the cabinet for several years, and when it was found, the product did not lose its taste and was not spoiled.

dried mushrooms

If you look at the labels from purchased dried mushrooms, you can see that manufacturers limit the useful life to 12 or 18 months.It is believed that during this time the mushrooms will not lose either taste or aroma and their appearance will remain original, such as just after drying. Indeed, under correctly selected storage conditions, not only a store-bought product, but also a self-made product will not deteriorate in a year.

Tip: before storage, make notes on the container with the date of "production".

Dried mushrooms also have an average shelf life of 3 years. If the hostess decides to use dried mushroom mixture in cooking for more than 3 years, it is worth checking for freshness. The product should have an unchanged, “clean” smell, it should not have bugs, moth larvae (worms), or mold. If the appearance or smell of dried mushroom mix is ​​in doubt, it is better to throw it away.

How to cook

Looking at dried mushrooms, you can not immediately figure out how to cook them. In fact, everything is quite simple. They must first be washed under running warm water, because before drying they are not washed, but only cleaned of dirt. Then soaking in cold water for 2-3 hours follows. After such a simple processing, the mushrooms are ready for further cooking. Dried mushroom mix can be used in soups, main dishes, sauces.

Tip: famous chefs advise when adding cream soup from fresh mushrooms to add 1-2 pinches of dry, ground in a coffee grinder, to give flavor.

Dried mushrooms can make homemade seasoning. This is a healthy alternative to store cubes. To do this, dry mushrooms are ground in a coffee grinder into dust and mixed with various aromatic additives. It can be salt, dried parsley, dill, celery, caraway seeds, allspice, etc. The main thing is to choose what you like. This seasoning is suitable for adding to soups, sauces, main dishes - everywhere it will enhance the aroma and give piquancy.

Porcini mushrooms have a unique aroma and taste, but not every summer is a generous crop. Drying, in this case, is the best way to keep them for a year or more. Subject to the rules described in the article, the dried mushroom mixture will be stored for a long time, and most importantly - correctly.

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  1. Sogine
    09/12/2024 at 22:35 Reply

    I’ve already been 70 years old married a man where a lot of mushrooms grow. Especially chanterelles on which my husband and I collected and handed over every summer to the reception center. It was an extra income to our pension. And how much I cooked and dried them in my life. So about dried mushrooms, I can say for sure that they can be stored for a very long time, in glass containers for many, many years, but not in the attic, not on the kitchen shelf. And in a dry, dry place. And I dry them in a Russian stove. They are stored there, and we only drown when a holiday is what or mushroom preparations. And my children and I really like mushroom preparations. And in '93 it was very. Very hard we all summer and autumn ate only mushrooms; they were fried, boiled, salted, cutlets made of different mushrooms and pastes, hodgepodge. mushrooms saved us from the crisis, so mushrooms are always held in high esteem. You only need to collect them carefully if the mushroom is not familiar then don’t take it. And it also helps with diabetes. I am a diabetic with 10 years of experience. Good luck to all mushroom hunters of a quiet hunt.


