6 great ways to store horseradish

Since ancient times, this vegetable was popular and was widely used in the kitchen. Even then, the hostesses were wondering how to store horseradish all winter, because he could easily diversify the taste of soups and other dishes. And today, root vegetables and leaves are one of the most popular ingredients for cooking meat or fish dishes. This is not surprising - they not only give them a twist, but also increase appetite. In addition, horseradish is a source of vitamin C, which is even greater in it than in lemon. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Root crops contain a lot of ascorbic acid, phytoncides, essential mustard oils, sugar, starch, tarry substances, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins and PP vitamins, and fresh leaves contain carotene.

Due to this and other useful properties, horseradish has been widely used in medicine. It is recommended to use it in diseases such as gastritis with low acidity, kidney stones, inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, as well as gout and rheumatism.

Like many other vegetables, horseradish can retain most of its beneficial properties throughout the winter. But in order to use this vegetable for a long time, you need to understand that keeping horseradish at home is a very important task, and you need to approach it with all responsibility.

Horseradish root

How to choose?

As a rule, they dig up horseradish in mid-autumn or a little earlier. But even if you do not have your own summer cottage, at this time, suitable vegetables can be chosen in the market. For harvesting for the winter, it is better to use large roots without unnecessary cuts. Thin roots or chopped pieces should not be thrown away - they will also come in handy. For example, to create seasoning. True, she retains her taste qualities for only a few weeks, so making sense in large quantities for the future does not make sense.

How to prepare for storage?

Thoroughly peel the fruit off the ground. Then wash them with running water and dry at room temperature. This will bring the vegetables for storage in optimal condition and not overdry them.

Horseradish roots in a plastic box

Basement storage

Option 1.

Thoroughly clean the roots of the earth and let them dry in the fresh air. Then stack them in wooden crates or boxes, pouring each layer with sand.

Option 2

Form small bundles of root vegetables and hang them on the ceiling.

You can save horseradish for the winter both in the basement and in any other unheated room. For example, in an apartment it may be a balcony. However, it is better to cover vegetables in severe frosts to protect them from low temperatures.


Make sure that the root crops in the boxes do not touch. This will avoid rot.

Freezer storage

After cleaning the root crops from the earth, wash them with running water and dry at room temperature. This will bring the vegetables for storage in optimal condition and not overdry. Peel them from the skin (you can just scrape them with a knife) and cut them into pieces 3-5 cm in size. Then, like any other vegetables or fruits, put horseradish in plastic bags.


Do not put all the vegetables in one package - it is better to freeze them in small portions.

Dried horseradish

Dried horseradish

The disadvantage of this method is a partial loss of the beneficial properties of the vegetable. Yes, and you can’t cook a hot seasoning from it. But dried horseradish is perfect for use in various sauces, main dishes or soups.In addition, it is convenient to add to pickles.

Lay out the dried and chopped root vegetables in one layer on a tray or baking sheet. It is convenient to dry them in the oven (with an open door) or in a fruit dryer. But if you have extra time, you can dry the vegetables in the open air. Then pack them in bags and store in a place protected from moths.


Before eating dried horseradish, soak it in water for about an hour.

Cold storage

For storage of horseradish for the winter in the refrigerator, select small roots. Their length should not exceed 30 centimeters. Peel the selected root crops from the ground, and then wrap in cling film. After that, make several holes in it for air circulation.

In the refrigerator, horseradish can be stored for no more than a month. For a longer period, it is better to use a freezer.

Grated horseradish

Grated horseradish

Wash the root vegetables and grate them on a fine grater. Then dilute with vinegar and mix until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. This mixture is best stored in glass jars with a tight lid.

Twisted horseradish

Grind washed roots with a meat grinder. Add vinegar, beetroot juice, sugar or salt to taste. Put the mixture in jars and place them in the refrigerator. Save horseradish at home in this way for 3-5 months.

Horseradish root and leaves

How to store horseradish leaves?

After you learn how to store horseradish throughout the year, you should pay attention to another part of this vegetable - leaves. They contain many useful substances, so this product is used for the preparation of marinades or canning.

In order to preserve horseradish leaves for the winter at home, dry them in the oven or dryer, and then chop and place in a closed container.

Dishes prepared with horseradish have a special taste. In addition, sauces or seasonings with it help in overcoming many diseases. You can save the roots and leaves of this vegetable for the winter, as well as most of its useful properties at home, thanks to these simple methods.


It is not recommended to use horseradish for pregnant women or people with inflammatory processes of internal organs during an exacerbation.

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  1. Zhanargul
    05/23/2024 at 10:36 Reply

    Or you can buy trees in the fall


